Teaching Interview Tips | | Interview Question's

Published 2019-06-05
Hey guys! Thanks for clicking onto this video, it's a long one. If you're here to get quick tips read down below.
7 Tips for an Interview:

1. Mock Interview
2. Resume for each interview
3. Arrive early
4. Shake every hand
5. Body language
6. Repeat the questions they ask you
7. Have good questions to ask your interviewees at the end of the interview.

And the actual interview questions I was asked in my interview:

-Tell us about yourself, your educational background and your current employment that makes you highly qualified for this position.

-Tell us how you collaborated with peers to impact student

achievement and what's the importance of collaboration in a school?

-Tell us what a day in your classroom might look like

-What do you do when you have a stressful day in the classroom?

-What do you do with the student that says, I’m no good at art.

-What area of art is your strength?

-How do you involve parents in your students education?

-What is your one favorite moment or experience?

-How do you see art impacting school goals in math and language arts?

-What strengths or experiences do you have to make you the best candidate for this position?

-Have you been involved in cross-curricular activities ?

-Finish this statement, “ I will consider my teaching career a success if...”

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