Scuba Diver handling Moray Eel, it enjoys it .....................

Published 2012-01-14
Scuba Diver playing with wild moray eel and it enjoys the encounter.

All Comments (21)
  • @kongfeet81
    gives eel neck rubs ITS WHOLE BODY IS NECK
  • @rubber_face8410
    Moray eel: Is a scary ass marine predator with a painful bite Diver: Scratching time!
  • @SirArturia
    I once read in a book that "most animals, domesticated or not, enjoy being pet by humans because it's a sensation they rarely, if ever, get to experience from any other animal." I wasn't sure about the validity of that statement until I saw this video.
  • @Gotofy105
    I don’t know what’s weirder the fact that someone wanted to touch a fish that essentially is a tube with a mouth full of broken glass, or the fact that said tube enjoyed being touched!
  • @kroakie4
    I just melted when that eel leaned into his hand. 🥰
  • @louisbowels6858
    I like how our paradigm as a species has gone from "I gotta eat that" to "I gotta pet that"
  • @sillyscribbles3
    I came into this video knowing this guy was going pet a moray eel. I also came in knowing that morays have been known to be docile with humans and sometimes like being pet. And even with this eel enjoying the attention, seeing the diver do it with his bare fingies nearly gave me a heart attack. This man has balls of tungsten.
  • @Anonymous-ss1kg
    The human desire of petting everything and anything that breathes is truly impeccable
  • @rithrius5384
    "Frank, you only have 2 minutes of oxygen left!" "Tell my wife i loved her."
  • @a.jjoans5822
    I love how this diver approaches the eel like it's a puppy, offering their hand for it to basically smell first
  • So cute!! I love how the eel leans into it! He's really enjoying this and seems loose and happy the entire time. No signs of aggression at all. He just leans in, lifts his chin and goes "Ah, yes.... ah, a little to the left please. Yes, there's the spot."
  • @shanerooney7288
    "Put your hand forward, let him smell you. It shows trust." "Um... you're thinking of dogs." "Yes. This is dog." * Gives pats *
  • @silverscorpio24
    Eel: State your business, creature Diver: I come with scritches Eel: Alright. Proceed.
  • @CharlieApples
    I’m from South Florida and have been a certified diver since I was a teenager. It’s amazing how many species can be friendly towards humans: sharks, eels, barracuda, cuttlefish, stingrays, all the species people are usually afraid of. Yet “peaceful” species like Goliath grouper and even dolphins can be huge dicks lol. Once when I was having a really bad day I went for a dive to get away from human life and came upon a big barracuda hovering over a reef, watching for prey. I came over and made eye contact with it, and the barracuda sort of looked me up and down but didn’t move aside from turning slightly to face me. I don’t know why, but for a long time I just floated there, staring into the eyes of this big fish with huge teeth, and it stared back. Must have stayed like that for over half an hour, just quietly regarding each other and watching the reef below. It never moved, and seemed to understand that I wasn’t there to disrupt anything. Maybe it sort of enjoyed the company. Or maybe it just wondered what my problem was. Either way, I eventually had to leave, and only after I swam away did the barracuda start swimming away in the opposite direction. I like to imagine that barracuda was also having a hard day, and we kept each other company for a little while. Two species which shouldn’t be friendly towards each other, and yet we were. Hell, I’ve touched hundreds of sharks and I’ve never been attacked. Animals are a lot more intelligent than humans realize. They’re not just mindless killing machines.
  • @DoneDragon1
    "This alien came down from the sky and started petting me and telling me what a good boy i was" -eel
  • @mikehawk4388
    The way the eel not only lets him pet it, but leans in for more.... so precious
  • @shadowregual7085
    “When the jaws open wide and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a moray~”
  • @galaxystarrs5432
    I love it how humans will seemingly pet anything they see. I can relate.