Beyond the Mind’s Clutter: Finding Presence | Eckhart Tolle

Published 2024-03-26
Join Eckhart Tolle as he explores the transformative power of presence and stillness amidst life’s constant mental clutter. Learn how to connect with the spaciousness within, encounter moments of thoughtless awareness, and face life’s challenges with a new perspective. This enlightening talk will guide you to a deeper understanding of being, beyond the noise of past and technology.

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.

All Comments (21)
  • @zaoria123
    Realizing that I am not my thoughts - that I don't need to listen to them, that I can simply observe them - is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. My mind used to keep me miserable, worried, angry - every single day. After practicing Eckhart's teachings I now only feel that way sometimes, and even then I have a way out. I now realize that I create my own suffering, and that I can stop doing this any time I choose. I can accept this very moment as it is and stop producing needless suffering. The past has loads of regret, resentment. The future holds so much fear, worry. But Now everything is OK. And Now IS everything.
  • @angrygooner
    I got rid of all social media accounts and stopped watching the news. Since starting meditation Ive stopped incessantly thinking all the time and have more and more moments of just being. I look at the world so differently now and am completely in love with nature but still have a long way to go. I wish you all the very best regardless of the stage of your journey you are on and know you can do it ❤
  • @Steve197201
    Eckhart is the king of spiritual comedy! 😂
  • @jpavlovits
    I’ve been following Eckart for around five years now :-) I live in the present moment continuously and am in slow motion, never any drama. I have no problem doing without my cell phone!
  • @stephenflood3463
    This hectic world we live in today is evermore designed to frustrate our minds, and when our mind is continuously frustrated it makes us all unhappy and anxious, and the more we live in our minds the more we're distracted from our truest essence of being, which is knowing the kingdom of God within us. Thanks Eckhart.🙏
  • " Learn silence. And at least with your friends, with your lovers, with your family, with your fellow travellors here, sit in silence sometimes. Don´t go on gossiping, don´t go on talking. Stop talking, and not only on the outside - stop the inner talk. Be in an interval. Just sit, doing nothing, just being presences to each other. And soon you will start finding a new way to communicate. And that is the right way. Start communicating through silence sometimes. Holding the hand of your friend, sit silently. Just looking at the moon, feel the moon, and both feel it silently. And see, a communion happens - not only communication, but a communion. Your hearts start beating in the same rhythm. You start feeling the same space. You start feeling the same joy. You start overlapping each other´s being. That is communion. You have said without saying anything, and there will be no misunderstanding."
  • @user-so1qs9db6p
    Love Eckhart Tolle. He is a Wonderful gift to the human race.❤
  • @DiyaGoddess
    The most humourous spiritual teacher ever😂😂 forever inspiration, ahh just love this guy😍❤️
  • @VDP207
    Eckhardt's sense of humor gets me everytime!
  • @lisousalexander
    Because your mind is an instrument you use, not who you are. If you think you are your mind then misidentification occurs resulting in much confusion. Once you have the direct experience of yourself (meeting yourself on the inside), then you never need experience pain or suffering ever again. You are not the body and you are not the mind.
  • Thanks a lot for such a deep insight, that you are transferring! Once I read a book of Artur Grandi on amazon and felt that everything we have is now and this genius author created his formula of valuing our every minute for our global happiness!
  • The kingdom of heaven…. Its IN me alteady. I forget it so often. Easter is there to remember me that there is always the option of a new beginning. Again and again. It makes me happy and gratefull to find support by Eckhart, to go on discovering and awakening. I wish everyone a happy and hopefull easter😊🐣….
  • @sonyamartin1996
    While I listened to this wonderful man talking to people and giving so much loving insight with a bundle of soft twinkling humor, I ate my fresh cooked meal , petting my dog, gave him some of his most appreciated treats, and just smiled and felt blessed and grateful being alive. Happy Easter to everyone ! ❤🐰🌳🌞
  • @sandylunden5782
    I love it when Eckhart says… One damn thing after another! He’s so cool!
  • @ianIccyStewart
    absolutely one of the best videos. Made all the sense in the world for me at this time. Its funny how we search and search for valuable stuff and right here, with a little effort in meditation, the true answer lies! I feel more and more spaciousness each day right now and love it.
  • @littlewarcovers
    This is so true. One doesn't necessarily need to subscribe to spiritual beliefs to appreciate the power of presence, , test the practice and find for yourself.... Since my awakening, I've come to realize that moments of true happiness weren't solely about external factors like relationships or activities; they were about tapping into the spaciousness of presence within. Now, I can still cherish those experiences, but I no longer depend on them for my inner peace. It's a liberating realization, and I hope more people discover this innate source of contentment within themselves.
  • @HarmonyPill
    Silence stills our mind. Still mind can reflect everything as it is😊
  • This mans book 'The Power of NOW' had a profound effect on me about mid way through it. Like i found a peace and appreciation of everything around me that was beyond the ability of description. It should be a mandatory requirement to read the book as a part of every cell/smart phone sale.
  • @mannyc.2039
    Excellent, i have learned so much from Dr Eckhart. I really enjoy everyday as never before. "Thank you "
  • @vchgs2872
    Thank ypu Eckart!! I laughed so hard, especially when I stepped back to observe myself and my thoughts. I have overcomplicated things... I will do better ❤