Christian Nationalist; "America Is Under God's Judgement"

Published 2024-07-29
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I'm an Anglican Priest in the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (my pronouns are he/him/his) and I get to serve in the Parish of St Margaret of Scotland, in the beautiful city of Halifax, NS, that sits on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq people. Email me at [email protected] and I will do my best to respond.

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God bless you and keep you!

All Comments (21)
  • These complainers are the exact same people that would say "America is the greatest country on the earth; everyone wants to come here!" And in the same breath shout "Keep them out of here!"
  • @edbudzynski729
    The whole world will be judged by God, not just America. Jesus taught us to love one another, NOT judge one another. I’m glad Rev Ed you referred to him as a preacher, not a pastor. There are those who pervert the teachings of our Lord. They typically want to gain power over others and make money. Love of money is the root of all evil.
  • @kenveum6456
    I have dozens of Mexican friends I love them !!! Always happy always kind!!!
  • @brianmarcum8306
    I am glad you tackled this topic today! It is an important topic!
  • @ad-dx9gi
    Thanks Rev Ed this was a great topic of Discussion.. First let's think America is all Foreigners Immigrants ok The True Americans are the Native people.. Jesus says love your neighbor well everyone is your neighbor.. There's so much Ignorance with Christian Nationalist people..If Jesus came back what would be the first things he do for Migrants the border and the Homeless He would Love them and help them..I love Americas Diversity and all Americans have a Immigrant past in there Family History.. God bless 🕊️
  • @donaldwert7137
    100% with you on the pastor/minister vs. preacher idea. Far as that preacher saying "they ain't the Americans he grew up with", it's because he was shielded all his life from people who weren't like him and his parents. The only people "under God's judgement" are him and those like him. He and those like him, however, spin the punishment not to be about their own behavior, it's about "allowing" the country to accept that there are people who "ain't like them". They are using the bible to try to dictate the behavior of others rather than to regulate and judge their own. If they want to say they are being punished for something (and they do love someone being punished), then they need to look at their own behavior. On the subject of wealth disparity, they see it as a punishment on the "lazy", unless they are the ones on the short end of the stick, in which case, it's someone else's fault.
  • @Signalaw1
    All of this ❤ God told us to "go ye" so why would any followers of Christ be upset with interactions with "other" people. Thank you again, Rev Ed.
  • I thank God that I belong to a family of people who don’t all look like me or sound like me but call the same God our Father. Hallelujah! That’s something to brag about!
  • Interesting. I haven’t been recognizing my country when I hear hatred, anger, and racism. I thought when we passed the Civil Rights Act back in 1964 after a painful struggle that we were finally on the road we needed to be. That kind of acknowledgment of the need to enact laws to affirm that we are all children of God was such a big step. That’s the America I recognize. Caring for widows, orphans, aliens, disabled, everyone.
  • What I loved about college was that there were people who weren't like me. I got to see the world through others' eyes. I learned how many wonderful ideas and people there are in the world.
  • I love going to the ethnic grocery stores because of the variety of people and foods. These stores are run by people who care about their local community and make their goods affordable. They don’t give into corporate greed. A true God send.
  • @BigFish0047
    Thank you Ed. Very wise words. I hope your people understand.
  • My husband and I have been volunteering with Syrian refugees for the past 8 years. We have met the most amazing people. They have become dear friends. They have enriched our lives tremendously. In addition, we have learned a lot about Islam. It’s not the Taliban. That’s like saying all Christians are like the Lord’s Resistance Army in Nigeria. Christians are supposed to welcome the stranger. It’s a way for God to bless us!
  • @StringerNews1
    Gosh, if he thinks he's being punished, maybe he should repent.
  • @celticgabbyfan
    oh that convo <3 your intro story brought me to tears, its so lovely to feel like we can connect again.
  • @midge714
    Greetings from Michigan! I’m a recently retired RN. I spent 36 years as a neonatal and pediatric intensive care nurse. I’ve lost count on how many doctors,nurses, babies, children and families I’ve worked with and taken care of that “didn’t look like me”. It was the most awesome experience I ever could have asked for. People love to share and talk about their cultures and religions if given the chance. Even though they may not look, speak or worship “like us” , we are all human beings sharing this planet. Taking the time to open our minds and heart to listen, you find our similarities far outweigh our differences. Thank you Rev. Ed, I recently discovered your channel and look forward to you messages daily. God bless!
  • @eottoe2001
    This has been a theme among the evangelicals for a long time here in the States.
  • @melindabell0324
    “You are created by God. God is within you. So, when I see you, I see God.” When we all know this, there’ll be Heaven on Earth. In the meantime, those of us that have realized, and consciously seek it, will be enjoying heaven in the now. (This is a testimony, not an opinion). May the Spirit of Christ bless you, and us through you.