Metal Gear Solid vs. The Twin Snakes: How Not to Remake a Classic (Comparison, Critique, & Review)

Published 2021-01-29
A detailed and in-depth comparison, review, and critique of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes that was inspired by recent rumors of an upcoming PS5/Bluepoint remake of MGS1, and one that is made more relevant by the existence of Metal Gear Solid Delta.

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That’s a Spoiler Warning: 0:00
Metal Gear Solid: 1:21
The Twin Snakes Gameplay Comparison: 8:43
The Twin Snakes Presentation Comparison: 18:23
A New Perspective: 43:47


Used in the video:

The Guardian: "Hideo Kojima: video game drop-out"…

Gamespot Denis Dyack Video Interview
   • Retro GAMESPOT - Metal Gear Solid The...  

Nintendo Life - "Feature: The Making of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes" (This was the most eye-opening and interesting piece I found on the game)…

NintendoWorldReport - "Final Twin Snakes Interview"…

Not in the video:

Game Informer - "The Inside Story Of Recording Metal Gear Solid" (This is a great watch)
   • The Inside Story Of Recording Metal G...  

Game Overture - The Last Guardian Analysis | A New Perspective For Gaming (was inspirational for many of the ideas presented in this video)
   • The Last Guardian | A New Perspective...  

Ark Hound - "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake interview from MSX Magazine (August 1990)"…

IGN - "Interview: Denis Dyack on The Twin Snakes"…

Icons - Metal Gear Solid
   • Hideo Kojima Interview on Metal Gear ...  

Pink Floyd - "Welcome to the Machine"

"Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream."

All Comments (21)
  • @jackdonsurfer
    If you enjoyed the video, please consider leaving a like, commenting, and sharing it with other fans. I'd seriously appreciate it! What did you think of The Twin Snakes?
  • @Epsilonsama
    Kojima wanted the Twin Snakes to be different from the original. Originally the director of the Twin Snakes was doing a more 1:1 remake with better graphics but Kojima was like dude we want you to make it crazy.
  • @Heymrk
    The original dialogue for MGS1 wasn't done in a studio. It was done in a hotel room. It was rented for the weekend and all the voice actors and the sound producer were all in there when recording was happening. Along with pizza boxes and soda.
  • @fearingalma1550
    The approach to the cutscenes in TTS is honestly an interesting idea. Silicon Knights was originally planning to do the original cutscenes one for one, but Kojima specifically asked them to change things and hire the new director. I think Kojima's rationale is that, in-universe, Shadow Moses is what made Snake legendary, and the story of what really happened there gets more exaggerated the more its retold over the years. In-universe, Snake himself is always gruff and undersells his experiences in MGS1. "I'm just an old killer," "I only took out the tank with grenades because it was all I had," etc. And, in a meta sense, MGS1 was also the standard to which all subsequent entries would be compared, and the love the fandom has for MGS1 would also distort and exaggerate as the series and time wore on. The series is frequently concerned with the concept of legacy and the passing on of experiences from one generation to the next, and TTS' modified direction is almost a pointed criticism of the fandom in this way- the lionization of the original and inflated regard for the games of our youth is exemplified in the over the top action of TTS' cutscene direction because, that's how awesome the game was in our memories! And, considering how insanely meta the series got in MGS2 and 4, it is entirely possible that this was deliberate intention by Kojima and Silicon Knights under his advice.
  • @MegaPhilX
    The PS1 version of the Sniper Wolf death scene places the camera to show you both her gun and Otacon behind it. This makes it even sadder that she asks for her gun. Because at first you think she might call for Otacon but no. It makes you feel even sadder for him.
  • @CheTinsley
    That scene in the elevator with the stealth suits genuinely freaked me out in my first play through of the OG
  • @limeyfox
    I might be wrong, but I always got the feeling that Otacon’s relationship with Sniper Wolf was always a one-way thing. She was clearly a cruel person but tolerated him (with amusement maybe) because he was kind to her wolf-dogs. To extend the character analogy; not only is Otacon a nerd getting bullied by a jock, but he’s also the nerd that fell in love with the prom queen, who barely even notices him. The fact that Snake doesn’t ONCE joke or ridicule him for that, further vindicate him as a ‘reforming’ character. As we know, character progression equals good storytelling. This of course is one of the purposes of Otacon’s character in a narrative sense; similar to Meryl, he’s introduced as a way to show Snake learning how to be compassionate and sympathetic to someone who has none of the attributes that he feels describe him as a person (strength, endurance, ruthlessness) but they ultimately discover that they do have common ground in their bravery and determination, and of course Otacon finds his bravery through meeting Snake. So they improve each other, which is REALLY good storytelling. The Otacon love concept is then flipped over for MGS2, where his step-sister Emma clearly has strong feelings for him, but he never reciprocated (possibly because he was more into her mother…), as seen by ‘EE… I could never do that” when she asks him to ‘look at her as a woman’ as she dies. Incidentally, Meryl is introduced first, as a first step in Snake’s character progression - his first interaction is with a person who idolises his pre-existing macho persona - the hard man - which feeds his ego. He in turn boosts her confidence in return, and Meryl becomes cocky, which is ultimately punished by getting shot by Sniper Wolf. If this isn’t a statement on character progression by the storyteller, I don’t know what is. And of course the loss of Meryl reverberates within Snake for the rest of the game as he experiences guilt and regret.
  • @octagonman
    Ocelot's meow is still the most iconic line of dialogue in any MGS game.
  • @coatlessali
    I met Rob Paulsen at a con q&a panel two years ago, and when asked about his video game roles, he brought up Twin Snakes and I lost my shit because I never realized he played Gray Fox. I also got to hear him go from Carl Wheezer to Gray Fox in half a second, and it was an incredibly surreal moment. He was so chill and seemed like such a nice guy.
  • @Lachrymogenic
    Remember guys, Metal Gear is a completely serious no nonsense franchise. It's just like my Japanese Animes.
  • @Tman2bard
    It's funny to me since Kojima has said he wanted this to be different and crazy. I've always assumed this was to reinforced an idea from MGS2, the legend of Solid Snake. A story filtered through the eyes of who survived it and spread the legend. Natasha wrote a whole book on what happened, and they made VR training missions based on it. It wouldn't surprise me if Twin Snakes is what the world believed happened. A bastardized retelling to suit their needs.
  • @Blarglesnarfe
    The weirdest thing is that... the cutscene changes were requested BY Kojima, and changed. They were initially accurate to the ps1 version.
  • Sniper Wolfs voice/accent is beautiful, “Okay Hero, set me free.” Gets me tearin up every time.
  • Since I played this game before the original MGS, I justified all the crazy things Snake was doing, like fly kicking Metal Gear Rex to the fact that he was younger. I even used a line from MGS2 to prove my theory. When liquid tells snake, “not so young anymore, ey snake?” My childhood self thought, “no wonder he can’t do those crazy moves anymore! He’s older! That makes sense!” Lmao I guess it helped me stay immersed lol
  • @drzoidberg7819
    Imagine being a voice actor for the original doing many long takes getting everything perfect and being satisfied with your work, only to receive a phone call 5 years later asking you to do it all again.
  • @sirflimflam
    You know, of all the added LOL OTACON FELL moments they added in TTS, the one during Sniper Wolf's death actually was a great addition in my opinion. Dude is already injured, but is hurrying to grab her gun to give it to her in a moment where time isn't on their side, and falls down as his pace exceeds his abilities. You can hear the pain and anguish as he collapses both from the pain, frustration. It's one of the few moments I actually thought was pretty OK.
  • @LawlessGaming13
    My God....they did have my man Otacon falling all over the place. LMFAO I forgot all about that.
  • @nitrocharge2404
    See, I didn't have a problem with the Cobra Unit dying after a nonlethal fight because it didn't feel like I killed them. If you recall Sigint's codec call, he said that they had bombs implanted to prevent capture. Other than the fact that they likely knew they needed to die, it also felt like a logical step for them to end themselves, and it doesn't feel like it opposed the concept of a nonlethal fight. That being said, it is still a massive issue with Twin Snakes and SoL
  • @bobsaget832
    I played the original first as a kid and LOVED it. Then played the twin snakes a few years later, still as a pretty young kid and LOVED it!