U WOT M8 Origin Video

This is the video where the 'U WOT M8' meme had originated from, it's pretty funny to hear what he actually sounds like! :D

コメント (21)
  • Red hair, and a hand me down robe...you must be a Weasley.
  • Ginger lad is a legend for helping his mate out who clearly wasn’t comfortable from the off. Brian truly is an intriguing character.
  • Martin is one hell of a mate. He was given every chance to claim credit or at least say they both did it, but every time he gave Brian his props and made sure people knew Brian was the one who truly saved people while Martin acts like he just did his part What a great pair of lads in their own ways
  • 2 good men. Hope they are successful in this life. A decade after I hope the whole meme thing hasn’t bothered them because they are real heroes.
  • I'm a Northerner, and people like these two are the 'salt of the earth' types. They'll help you as a matter of course, and not expect a reward. Good lads.
  • 2 young children saw a dude die right in front of them and still helped people. Well done to these lads
  • Perfect example of why you can never judge anyone you don't know. One of these guys clearly has a lot of anxiety but they both stepped up into leaders when the situation called for it. Fair play lads 👏👏👏
  • I hope life has been good for these two good people. Well done legends.
  • @brodftw
    Jokes aside it's sad that they all witnessed a man die right in front of them, then had to go on the news the next day where the hosts are all breezy and laughing. Just a weird vibe to start with, even without the cruel memes that followed
  • This is the ultimate Rick Roll because you actually watch the entire video and never find the 'U WOT M8'
  • It takes a level of courage and strength to do what these young lads did. Most grown men would have trouble doing what they did. Glad they were there to help out .
  • Stand out young lads, fair play to them. Don't deserve to be made into memes. Took a lot of courage to do what they did and at such a young age too
  • This gives unnerving Hunger Games vibes. The hosts are like cheery Capitol people, entertained and intrigued by the story and the two kids are the tributes who saw death
  • >Came here expecting to find a douchey yob saying "you wot m8" >Turns out he's a hero Oh interwebs.. 
  • @vmott7405
    The way that they decided to present this as though it was simply a light-hearted, feel good story and had to keep on doing the jovial delivery even when presented with some children who'd obviously done thier best in a horrific situation and *watched a man die*, is er... an interesting thing to watch
  • Really couldn't more proud of these lads. Martin and Brian demonstrated cool heads under very difficult circustances. And the way in which they organised the passengers, helped those in greatest need first, and even had the foresight and aptitude to press the door release at precisely the right time really goes to show they truly are salt pf the earth lads. Not to mention the clarity of thought they possessed in such a "hot mess" situation. The fact the bus started rolling backwards just as everyone thought the danger had ended, must have put severe strain on the nerves and cool thinking that these great lads demonstrated - yet they once again sprung into action. Even attempting to slow the rolling bus using brute strength alone. Cracking job lads. Your parents must be so proud. Definitely need an award.
  • Misleading title but these are basically 2 decent genuine young lads who did a good thing. Fair play to them.
  • 1:31 Brian ordered all the passengers to perform a striptease for some reason.
  • Watch Brian closely. His mind works a bit differently. He’s eyes are always wandering around the room. This is why he knew what to do to get the doors open. He’s constantly distracted by his environment, but on this day, that became his strength.
  • Two decent young lads. Well done. Actions speak MUCH louder than words.