If William Afton Was Charged For His Crimes

Published 2023-11-20

All Comments (21)
  • How will William Afton ever come back from driving under the influence?! Hopefully he straightens up and becomes a better member of society 🙏
  • @ElliYeetYT
    From 6 Months to Life In Prison to Death. Truly a massive jump from Driving under the influence to Murder.
  • One thing that should be pointed out is that according to Michael's monologue, William had asked Michael to go down there, fully aware of how dangerous the Funtimes are, which could be seen as a weird space between murder and attempted murder, rather than manslaughter and gross negligence (Might be a bit difficult to argue, though)
  • @CheckrBoard
    Imagine being a lawyer and William Afton is your client
  • @HakariSan.
    Let's be honest here everyone, William is surviving every sentence he got.
  • In regards to Sister Location, it's very possible that he actually had permits. It wasn't just a private lab but functioning as a rental service for his own Animatronics.
  • @Pengustus.
    I would love to see an animation with William Afton in a court room and after hearing all his sentences for the crimes, and as the judge says "And for the building of a unpermitted bunker, the bunker shall be removed and destroyed." And then William Afton just starts kicking and screaming cause it'd be really funny that over the multiple accounts of killing he only really cares about his bunker.
  • I will say, the killing of Charlie Emily was probably not First Degree: The Midnight Motorist Minigame happens canonically before Charlie's death so it's clear to say that at that time, Willaim was drunk and was mentally unable to formulate a plan to kill Charlie, and it's been stated in the MatPat Lore video that this was more likely a thought of the moment, a way of making Henry pay for what his robotics did to William's child, so he couldnt have planned this before hand. This would most likely fall under consideration of Second Degree Murder where the Person does not planned to kill before the act but felt like taking the life of the victim; William's selfish ways plus his grief towards his dead Son and the ammount of achohol in his body caused this crime which would intent a large emotional reaction that would give him the intent to kill Charlie, securing the 2nd Degree Murder instead of 1st. Now, his sentence for the crime: We dont know where the location is in the US Charlie was murdered in, but we know the first location was opened in Salado, Texas so it wouldnt be unfair to assume the crime happened in Texas, wether in the first location or not; The federal Sentence in Texas for 2nd Degree Murder would be between 2 to 20 years in state prison and a fine of 10.000 Dollars at minimum, due to the victim of the crime being a child, it wouldnt be unlikely to assume this would get him the maximum sentence. Meaning instead of getting charged with 1st Degree Murder and being getting a life sentence, For the death of Charlie Emily, William would be charged with 2nd Degree Murder and he would get 20 years in state jail and a fine of 10.000 Dollars.
  • @Seanderson3
    I know that this doesn't exactly apply to Afton's case, but I always love the verdicts in the video because sometimes you'll get a villain who gets like 24 death, 67 life, and 462 years, but then there's also a $250 fine, their pasta shop gets closed for OSHA violations, and 10 hours of community service in Guatemala or something on top. Something about the little things at the end of a world record sentence is just so cosmically funny to me
  • @TheNickSpot
    There's no way a murderer has a smaller sentence than a middle age man who keeps getting stopped by a hat wearing platypus. I really enjoy the content you do.
  • There are a couple of problems with this 1. The jumpscares don’t count because they’re not canon 2. The jumpscares in the first 2 games don’t count because he wasn’t technically responsible for those same as the mechanics in sister location 3. Micheal’s death in sister location also doesn’t count for the same reason as the last one
  • @comicfan1324
    I have to wonder, in a court of law, what would they consider Afton’s crime when he tore apart the possessed animatronics? I mean, it’s not like it matters too much seeing as he would already have multiple life sentences on top of a death sentence (depending on which state punishes him) but just for the sake of argument, what would it be considered? On one hand, you could argue it’s murder, since the spirits are essentially living in the machines. On the other hand, you could make an argument that the spirits are no longer alive, and instead destroying their vessels is more like desecrating a grave or final resting spot. Either way, could see someone making a good legal argument for either outcome, on top of the fact that he broke into Henry’s private property to destroy the machines.
  • It's kinda lore fitting when you charge Afton with death AND life sentences. Something like Afton saying: "I always come back!" and the jury responding: "Great! You survived your death penalty! Now onto the 36 consecutive life imprisonment!"
  • I like to imagine that all these fictional villains are judged in the same great courthouse, one that is just a completely normal court house with normal court proceedings, except the people being tried are the most outlandish and ridiculous characters ever
  • @noahwats7469
    6:40 I think that William Afton, in this instance, would be charged with identity fraud. Since, due to the somewhat transfer of consciousness, he would be impersonating Vanny.
  • @stapledpopcorn
    My lawyer came back after leaving because how traumatic my case was
  • @anwenlokier2292
    In my school vr game, William did do some minor things, but they effect some major points in the game. For example, the BC 666 ST boss, where your comunit is hacked and is playing a jukebox, if you failed to fix it, Springtrap while jump on you and stab both your eyes with knives damaging your vision (its a story block because if it didn't happen Goalius will still lose his sight but by the infected dark speakerman) second is in Immora while having a conversation with Davoth wife there were supposed to be 5 Imps and a Prowler but there wasn't there are instead 6 Tyrants (a Tyrant is made by a victim who was mutilated on the arm and leg before death) and finally Afton during his boss fight confessed the murder of an entire Orphange while killing Goalius Sister Silver which caused Goalius to overheat so by doing the math he gets 7 mutilation a mass murder and a Regicide charge (no Silver isn't Royalty but sense shes Goalius sister whi is Royalty i believe that it counts)
  • @cloudmonkey6952
    For and Vanny and Jeremy, I guess you could count them as psychological torture, as it drove them both to the brink of insanity and even causing one to commit suicide.