TOP 100 MOVIES OF THE 2000'S | Decade in Review

Published 2020-04-13
The definitive Top 100 films of the 70s, based on hundreds of statistics. This list was compiled by averaging hundreds of critic reviews, user reviews, year-end lists, box office returns, filmmaker favorites, awards show wins/nominations, and other statistics.

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100. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
99. Once
98. Watchmen
97. I'm Not There
96. Zombieland
95. Oceans 11
94. Moulin Rouge!
93. Punch Drunk Love
92. The Aviator
91. Persepolis
90. Minority Report
89. Saw
88. Tropic Thunder
87. V for Vendetta
86. Mean Girls
85. A Beautiful Mind
84. Fantastic Mr. Fox
83. Cast Away
82. Borat
81. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
80. Elf
79. 28 Days Later
78. Chicago
77. Spider Man 2
76. The Hangover
75. Wall-e
74. Napoleon Dynamite
73. Star Trek
72. Traffic
71. Shrek
70. In Bruges
69. Adaptation
68. 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days
67. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
66. Catch me if you can
65. Zodiac
64. Hot Fuzz
63. Ratatouille
62. Precious
61. District 9
60. Enter the Void
59. Y Tu Mama Tambien
58. Up
57. School of Rock
56. Iron Man
55. American Psycho
54. The Wrestler
53. 500 Days of Summer
52. Knocked Up
51. The Prestige
50. Shaun of the Dead
49. Sideways
48. Yi Yi
47. Avatar
46. Anchorman
45. Casino Royale
44. The Pianist
43. Slumdog Millionaire
42. Finding Nemo
41. Bourne Ultimatum
40. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
39. Juno
38. Million Dollar Baby
37. The Incredibles
36. Memento
35. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
34. Atonement
33. Before Sunset
32. 40 Year Old Virgin
31. Donnie Darko
30. Oldboy
29. Superbad
28. Almost Famous
27. Synecdoche New York
26. Amelie
25. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
24. The Royal Tenenbaums
23. City of God
22. Brokeback Mountain
21. The Hurt Locker
20. Children of Men
19. Hero
18. Requiem for a Dream
17. Mulholland Drive
16. Kill Bill: Vol I
15. Gladiator
14. In the Mood for Love
13. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings
12. Spirited Away
11. Little Miss Sunshine
10. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
9. Pans Labyrinth
8. Lost in Translation
7. Inglourious Basterds
6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
5. The Departed
4. There Will Be Blood
3. No Country for old Men
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Lord of The Rings: Return of the King

Honorable Mentions:
Chicken Run
Erin Brokovich
The Devil Wears Prada
Michael Clayton
Sin City
Paranormal Activity

(I DO NOT own the rights to any of these movies.)

All Comments (21)
  • @benson7498
    Do 90s 80s 70s 60s 50s 40s 30s 20s please?
  • I'm just glad that one of the Lord of the Rings movies is at number one.
  • @amanms1999
    My favorites: 1. Children of men 2. Oldboy 3. No country for old men 4. There will be blood 5. LOTR: The Return of the King 6. Zodiac 7. A tale of two sisters 8. The curious case of Benjamin Button 9. The Departed 10. The Dark Knight 11. Tropic thunder 12. Inglorious Basterds 13. LOTR: The two towers 14. Collateral 15. Unbreakable 16. Pan's labyrinth 17. Up 18. The Incredibles 19. Catch me if you can 20. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 21. Cast away 22. Avatar 23. The Royal Tenenbaums 24. The Prestige 25. Finding Nemo
  • @annamunozzz4655
    100% agree that Return of the King is #1. Everything about that movie was perfection. No movie makes me so emotional and happy
  • Them: top 5 is the departed, there will be blood, no country for old men, the dark night, and return of the king Me: Yes, this is correct
  • My favourites from the 2000’s: 20. The Departed 19. Yiyi 18. Pan’s Labyrinth 17. Punch Drunk Love 16. The Fountain 15. Y Tu Mama Tambien 14. Molholland Drive 13. The Lord of the Rings trilogy 12. Brick 11. The Incredibles 10. American Psycho 9. Kill Bill 8. The Dark Knight 7. Fantastic Mr Fox 6. There Will Be Blood 5. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 4. Adaptation 3. Spirited Away 2. No Country For Old Men 1. Children of Men
  • @koivu11huet39
    I was hoping you would include Snatch. Anyways, great list!
  • Return of the king always gonna be no.1 it’s just the most perfect movie ever
  • @sydoesgames
    Dark knight is my #1, but I still haven’t seen lord of the rings so I’m gonna fall back until then lol
  • Awesome! Now I have some films to watch during this quarantine :) Hope to see coverage for the other decades soon!
  • @PopArtsChannel
    A list for your quarantine. What are your top movies from the 2000s? Honorable mentions: Memories of a Murder The Devil Wears Prada Chicken Run Transformers Michael Clayton Paranormal Activity Milk Babel Sin City 300
  • @jamieneale2773
    I think the first Narnia film should be in there, it is for me personally the most epic family friendly film of all time with one of the best battle scenes of all time
  • @ellisjp4906
    Memento (2000) In the Mood for Love (2000) Werckmeister Harmonies (2000) Spirited Away (2001) City of God (2002) Oldboy (2003) Before Sunset (2004) The Aviator (2004) Cache (2005) Munich (2005) The Fall (2006) Children of Men (2006) The Lives of Others (2006) The Departed (2006) There Will Be Blood (2007) No Country for Old Men (2007) Ratatouille (2007) Zodiac (2007) Hunger (2008) Synecdoche, New York (2008) The White Ribbon (2009) Inglourious Basterds (2009) Dogtooth (2009)
  • @maddiej2165
    The only good thing that came out of the 2000’s were the movies. We received some iconic classics
  • @tylerr3740
    Nice list, glad you put Yi Yi, I still need to watch about 20 of these or so. Would like to see a 90s list if you do that.
  • @Glupshitto911
    Great list but I would’ve loved to see snatch and collateral on here
  • @maxxbenavente
    Memorable movies, never gonna go out of fashion. Masterpieces.