October 2018

Published 2018-11-01
Autumn has come at last! It's been quite a chill month, consisting mostly of work at the hospital and climbing. Autumn is extremely pretty, so please forgive my endless sky and leaf days!

The Big News is that I've officially applied to medicine; now I'm waiting to hear back from the universities. I went to an affirming church with Beth and then got McDonalds; I had a kpop reunion in the chaplaincy; we started singing Christmas songs at choir (it's way too early!).

For Memma's birthday we went across to Oxford for the day, attending an absolutely gorgeous Mass and then having a fab pub lunch. We then had a party with friends from Reading, Brighton, France and beyond! A London adventure included going to the Arch climbing center, a dream for Memma and I ever since we started watching Bouldering Bobat. The month ended with a visit from the lovely Lauren all the way from Glasgow and three days of stuffing myself with Chinese food. I definitely gained weight, but also friends.

It's been a great month, even if my hands are wrecked!

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