Carnival Scam Science (and how to WIN)

Prepare to drop some knowledge next time you visit the carnival.

I collected data at the carnival for a full day. Then I used that information to figure out which games are the biggest scams using science to analyze them and show you how to beat them. I also figured out how much the carnival actually pays for the prizes so even if you win, you lose. And then I visited the carnival with my professional baseball playing buddy to dominate all the games. It worked well.

I started a company called CrunchLabs where we build a toy together and then I teach you all the juicy physics for how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where you get 2 FREE boxes at

You should also go subscribe to the CrunchLabs YouTube channel cause we’ve got some bangers in the pipeline-

Thanks to these folks for providing some of the music in the video:

Ponder -
Laura Shigihara - @supershigi
Andrew Applepie -
Blue Wednesday -

コメント (20)
  • @clbtu1
    I worked at an amusement park. One day there was a terrible earthquake. The entire park was leveled to the ground. The only thing left standing were those milk bottles.
  • I have a 100% win strategy on the baseball one. Aim for the carnie's head, grab a prize while they're down.
  • Mark getting a professional baseball pitcher to win carnival games (related to throwing) is the definition of overkill.
  • @mr.d6296
    I shot out the star, slowly cutting out a circle. After 3 guys inspected my paper one yelled "we got a Rambo here!" and all the men lined up to try their hand at it. Got a giant stuffed Vulture holding a heart. It was a massive victory!
  • @MrJaza124
    So a scientist and a professional baseball player walk into a carnival....
  • @joedi
    My favourite part was his wife’s/ partner’s reaction. When I got married (at 30)and my husband (29) bought me a stuffed toy, my reaction was the exact same as Mark’s wife 😂
  • I'd be really curious to see these numbers displayed as random people, like we see, and doing it again with a group of players who know of your tips, and see what different they make in win percentage.
  • "i just bought this for you mahlady" awkward silence "why?" such a real life representation
  • @tzx0822
    Carnival manager wants to know your location.
  • @milkis..x
    Ive watched this video ATLEAST 5 times and I never get bored what
  • I liked the kids staring in awe at this guy after he aced one of the games.
  • “if you have no skills, these are the games for you” WOOOOOOOOOOO ITS SHOWTIMEEEEEE
  • I discovered your channel 1 hour ago & I can't stop watching lol absolutely love it mate keep it up lad 👌🏻
  • @HilaryPea
    -That was a nice easter egg bonus that you added about showing the flush animal to your wife. Her aww/why reaction was priceless. So was your fourth wall camera glance! Thank you for that! -The guy that lost of of his money at the carnival should have just bought a xbox kinect for much less than $1K. He most definitely had an addictive personality. Something he should watch out for in other aspects of his life. That money could have gone to something he whole family could have benefited from, like a downpayment on a house (the beginning of one, anyway), a car, a vacation. Or something for later like a college fund for the toddler in that stroller.
  • @nathantw
    Loved the end... “I bought this for you.” “Why?”
  • @niping88
    The only dislikes are people who work at carnivals
  • @Brievel
    Thank you, this was immensely helpful. I am writing a story in which a character beats one of the 'impossible' games (the rope ladder, in fact,) and this was very useful in helping me figure out how he does so. Also I shout-laughed at your wife's reaction - the only reasonable one. XD