Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at Work: Clive Boddy at TEDxHanzeUniversity

Published 2012-12-03
Clive is a Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Middlesex University in England. For the past seven years, he has studied the evidence and effects of toxic leadership, and in particular the influence of the presence of corporate psychopaths on various workplace outcomes, including on levels of conflict and bullying at work.

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All Comments (21)
  • This is so true. Employers: Don’t take this information lightly. Keep in mind people don’t quit their jobs, they quit people.
  • @Enavor
    Ironically, the ones who are targeted are the most talented.
  • @colofsco1
    Being bullied at work is absolutely terrible. I've experienced it, and I had to leave my job to protect myself mentally and physically.
  • @chinookvalley
    How many "natural deaths" are caused by people being harassed and bullied at work? My guy died of a heart attack, and he had been having daily panic and anxiety attacks BECAUSE of people he worked with. He wasn't shot, or poisoned, or beat up. He was killed by words. He was born with disabilities which made it difficult for him to walk, he was short, and he was an amazing soul that loved and forgave. The people responsible will never realize what they have done because they simply don't care who they hurt or how their behavior affects the world around them.
  • @treasurelu
    I'm going through this right now... it's the most horrific thing... but it's all done subtly with a smile.... like gaslight ing. ..
  • @thriftysmurf
    The lecturer made an excellent point, bullies are very political and have excellent social connections,  they use these connections to destroy people they envy or find vulnerable.
  • @Suzy585
    Psychopaths do have feelings. Envy, rage and jealousy!
  • @uk7769
    Psychopaths are rewarded, make the most pay, and are promoted. That's what business wants. It's corrupt, and we live in an utterly corrupt society at the moment. Just the way it is. Until the decent people demand better, we will never be treated better.
  • @callynt
    Sadly enough, this man is right. The bullies and sociopaths rise to the top, and those who promote them are too weak to see it
  • @harrig2818
    Bullies crush your passion and motivation for the work that you do. They’re toxic on so many levels and are often pathetic excuses for human beings.
  • @rjtheripper931
    Ted should talk about the unwillingness to train new employees. This is a serious issue that needs to actually be discussed
  • @destinyblue3780
    That`s a reason why I quit a marketing job. I was bullied, undermined and ignored. I was suffering in silence. Depressed. Crying everyday. Now, working in medical field. Its amazing. Great team and energy. I found a purpose in my life.
  • @Nonyobzns
    I'm mentally and spiritually scarred from working in Corporate America. My personality and personal values have never matched with that culture.
  • This is one of the reasons why people get sick from work: burnt out and PTSD
  • This was an excellent presentation of corporate bullying and explains why so many employees who were working from home in the lockdown did not want to go back to the workplace.
  • @missmonica7005
    So glad people are finally acknowledging this is a thing.
  • I was mobbed by a gang of narcopaths who bullied, harassed, smeared, sabotaged and otherwise made my life miserable. They almost drove me to suicide. They destroyed my career. I tried to report them many times, but the management dismissed it as "personality conflicts". Damn right, they enjoy it. The ones who went after me bragged about what they'd done and laughed about it among themselves. They clearly got off on it. And ignoring them doesn't work at all. They just intensify their attacks. You can't talk to anyone because they will just call you "paranoid" (or they may be in on it). This is far more widespread than many want to admit.
  • I have quit my last 2 jobs as a result of bullying... This is a very real thing in the workplace. Very hard to get away from, and such a huge effect on your mental health. It takes time to heal.