The NAR's Secret Deity Cult - NAR CULT SECRETS

Published 2024-05-22
For decades, a secret deity cult has hidden in the shadows. Leaders of the NAR are aware of its existence, and some key figures in the NAR were members. What is this secret deity cult, and why has it never been mentioned?

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All Comments (21)
  • @diane8907
    I feel sick......😮....I wont go into my story, but it has included Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Mike Bickle....and things I always wondered about, but couldnt connect the dots. Some really strange things. I am finally beginning to have understanding and it makes me upset and sickened for every person who has been subjected to these varied lies and false teachings and abuses. I never thought the roots. Of all of this could go so far back, but they do. 😢 It actually is terrifying on several levels. Thank you for exposing all of this in such a clear timeline and explaining everything. It is all the truth.
  • Any church or ministry that has Todd Bentley in their services, I'm leaving and never going back
  • @VictoriaWinn
    I just watched an interesting discussion around Paul Cain, and he was an abuser too. I'm so grateful I was delivered from that mess .
  • @bennty
    This is invaluable research, please keep it coming.
  • @brookecario145
    I need all this NAR information in a book. It is something I need to be able to read to fully process slowly. My brain is exploding. I've started to disentangle from some of these teachings quite by "accident."
  • @SweetE1403
    I went to a church that was deeply affiliated with Bethel so this info is hitting home.
  • @Ruby-wise
    TY for this info! While growing up in all things Pentecostal…we were led to believe TL Osborn was a champion…a “General” in the faith. These photos inform us of the connections of so many “ leaders” that emerged during these years, that were/are less than honorable.
  • The connections to the heretics of the past is astounding. May the Lord make us bold as lions, and discerning to be able to distinguish truth from lies
  • I knew T.L. Osborn not as a personal friend but for a while in the late 1980s I did attend church in their ministry building. I think he was truly one of the great men of God of our time. I heard him and his amazing wife Daisy and their daughter speak in person a number of times. I learned more about the true Jesus from them than from anyone else in my whole life. This would have been three decades after Branham. I never once ever heard any mention of Branham. I think it was something they regretted and moved on from. We all make mistakes at some point in our lives. For believers our goal is not to hold people in their past mistakes, nor to remain in the mistakes of our pasts, but to move on to maturity in Christ, until we all attain to the full stature in Christ. Ephesians 5. I saw this in Tommy Lee and Daisy more than in anyone else I've ever known. Their lives were exemplary. They probably preached the Gospel and made Jesus known in person to more people than anyone else in history, and with legitimate signs and wonders following. When they first went to India as young missionary evangelists, they came back home as miserable failures. They realized they needed signs and wonders to make Jesus known. They sought the Lord in prayer and fasting and were looking for how to be more legitimately alive in Jesus, which is likely why Branham caught their attention. I cannot fault them for seeking and finding the supernatural. That is who Jesus was and is. Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 2:4-5 "And my speech and my preaching were not in persuasive words of human wisdom, BUT IN DEMONSTRATION OF THE SPIRIT AND OF POWER, THAT YOUR FAITH SHOULD NOT REST ON THE WISDOM OF MEN BUT IN THE POWER OF GOD." That's what T.L. and Daisy learned they needed on the mission fields of India and other places to show the difference of Jesus and His Gospel. I think they found what was legitimate and practiced that. Paul also wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 3: 1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2 For people will be lovers of self, ... slanderers, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, ... 5 holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these. ... 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, worthless in regard to the faith. 9 But they will not make further progress; for their foolishness will be obvious to all, just as was that also of Jannes and Jambres. 10 Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance," I know of none in our times who better lived up to this than T.L. and Daisy Osborn. They were the real deal. I learned a lot by watching their love and faith and good works to the glory of God. Beware of slander and bearing false witness, which I never, ever saw them doing. I never heard Daisy or T.L. preaching themselves as prophets nor the idea of one major prophet. I think they had repented of that and make corrections in their own thinking.
  • @trinidad2450
    I was never in a NAR church, or in the Message, nevertheless, it makes my blood boil when I hear these so-called prophets and so-called pastors prophesy and preach whatever seems to come into their minds at the time. For all those who are still listening to these men and women, please, please start reading your Bible and know the Truth.
  • Thanks for another video about this!! This series is helping so many people, some that used to be in the message and a lot that were never in the message.
  • Bethel was one of my former church's many new directions that eventually led to the demise of the ministry
  • @EJN-kd6lm
    Making a mess of things… Yep thanks Bill Johnson. Our church is an NAR casualty. The manipulation is astounding.
  • @Sean-oy8xm
    I know NAR very well. We need to be very concerned about these people.