MWO - Sneaky Backstabber Piranha (#851)

Published 2024-06-24

All Comments (11)
  • @timknight68
    I freely admit that one of my reasons for returning to Pooh's match vids is for all the "Oh my god!" moments. It's like looking into the mirror, but at Tier 4. Ok, fine. Tier 5.
  • @michaelheld7601
    First match: Being behind 2:4. 4 Kills, 2 Solos. Comment: "At least i was a distraction." Second match: backstabbing like 300 tons of enemy Mech tonnage: "Didn't look like much but i made a difference". Understatements... nice carries dude ;).
  • @stormthrush37
    Great job. If you want to try something really spicy, try 15 Heavy Smalls. You set them up to fire in groups of five with half second delays between firing to avoid ghost heat. 97.5 semi-alpha; one volley brings you to about 80% heat so you shoot once and then go hide for a few seconds to cool down before going back in. Used effectively with backstabbing you can really melt enemy mechs and badly cripple or outright kill them in a single burst.
  • Backstabbing can be tough to pull off, if they stay balled up, you kinda just gotta give up that notion. Dont be in such a fired up hurry to get into the fight. Dont take shortcuts running to their rear like you did in the first game. Take the long safe route, do NOT get spotted. Dont go where they can see you, ever. You know where they are going, every team goes to the same spots every match. What you are looking for is that odd sniper who thinks he's gonna be in the rear with the gear. If you dont get the odd straggler, and they stay pretty well balled up as in game one, it is going to be risky to do anything, but you handled that well. Not how I would have done it, but ya carried. I would have repositioned to wait for them to get preocupied and come from somewhere else. You have the speed, use it to get where you are not expected to be. Having that longbow watching for you most of the match is what you need to avoid. But you scared him, probably hurt his damage output as he kept looking over his shoulder (only 223 total damage).
  • @RS8XB
    1:40 by spotting them they are pinged and know they have been spotted. I have trouble with doing this too.
  • @Kardis
    677 damage. 500 of which was from that first arty strike lmao.