Duels is dead... but I snuck in a DOUBLE SPELL run!

Published 2024-04-17
Duels is officially dead. It has been removed from the Hearthstone client, but I stayed up late on the final night to squeeze in a couple extra final runs. This is the first one, and it includes some fun double spell action with Idols of Elune.


Duels | Hearthstone | Duels is dead... but I snuck in a DOUBLE SPELL run!

All Comments (21)
  • @moreregis
    Would you all watch "Duels Reruns" uploaded to this channel? Maybe with a new little intro setting the context and era of the run? I have like dozens of amazing runs that we've all forgotten about that might still feel surprising. And this being my side channel means it's okay if it doesn't get a ton of views (that hurts the main channel too much because of sponsor rates dropping).
  • @DMwithoutPCs
    Duels is what brought me to Regis, and revitalized my interest in Hearthstone over all. A bittersweet memory
  • @itsantix
    I was rewatching a bunch of Regis Duels content. Over time, you can see his descent into madness and frustration with the stale meta and mechanics while wanting to try something new and unique. There was so much joy and excitement in the first 50 duels videos and that slowly faded as the meta settled. It’s so weird to me that Duels provided so many ways to change the meta (card buckets, hero powers, drafting, rotations, treasures), and yet Blizzard barely attempted to add anything new or significant. The changes were often so small that the meta was decided in one or two days after the update which just led to more Regis frustration.
  • @Oklaoz
    Duels was my favorite mode, by far.
  • @BezzyyBezz
    duels was my favorite Regis content. Sadge
  • @casonlamothe312
    Regis, dude, your Duels content means so much to me. I remember, I'd watch your new INSANE duels run, and I'd go talk about it with my coworkers/friends at work. I've since moved on from this job, and these next 2 videos mark the official end of the best era in my life. I think we're both going through similar feelings, though your next era is looking like a LOT of fun. A lot is changing. I own a business now. What the heck??? Where has time gone. I miss the good ol' days. Wish you the best buddy. The parasocial friendship is real over here haha
  • @kentksclark
    Duels is how I found you. I watched I think every single video you put out for them. I'm still here cause I like all your other content, but it's a sad day.
  • Regis thank you for playing the game! With every upload you uplifted my spirits while going to or at the university. Being completely honest, I don't have interest in snap but having you around for 7+ years have been truly a blessing, thank you for the company man.
  • @petermiller8727
    I am going to miss Duels. Watching your runs was one of my major connections to Hearthstone after falling off the game around the release of Demon Hunter. It seemed to caputure the promise of wacky fun that drew me in back when.
  • @philtaylor2577
    Thanks for all the great Regis duels runs over the years! One of my fave things to watch on YouTube. Sad day
  • @Fngoomba
    It's kinda strange, Regis got me back into hearthstone with duels videos, and now I'm watching him play it for the last time.
  • @LTDextel
    That first game was like, "Welcome back, this is what's been happening!"
  • @devanwc23
    I’ll miss it I uninstalled when they made the announcement. Won’t be going back I’ll happily watch a few reruns! I just can’t be bothered to dig through vods for good ones
  • @ChuckNoise
    I’m so glad you made this “last goodbye”. Regis and duels were just a good time in my life!
  • @zolad2345
    Really sad cause casual duels was one of my fave modes. Wacky unique and crazy shit you could do and felt really laid back. I know there were suuuper busted stuff you could do, but that was sometimes cool getting railed by a crazy set of cards and treasures (at least more fun losing to that than ladder OTKs). Idk why they got rid of duels over mercenaries and I never touch battlegrounds either :(
  • @LowUpsideCJ
    I still remember the series where Regis did like ten(?) days of coming back to duels to really give the mode a fair opportunity after bouncing off it and I'm glad he did because so much amazing content came out of that. Losing it sucks! I feel in some ways like playing and watching it was one of the best ways to learn deckbuilding fundamentals because of how often you got to check in with the needs of your deck and understand how to lean into strengths and cover weaknesses without playing tons of games of the same deck over and over. I'd love to see all the "lost" duels content for that reason alone
  • @electricVGC
    I am sad :( I really miss Duels, I think it was still very fun for such a long time
  • @tylerwalden2657
    RIP You'd think with all of the rogue like deck builders on steam, there'd be more with PVP to fill the duels void