Amnesia: The Bunker | 3 Key Aspects

Published 2023-05-31

All Comments (21)
  • @Replatforming
    Frictional is a rare studio that truly understands what horror is about. Looking forward to playing this.
  • @Craft2299
    I want a "Making of" that goes into why you guys went into this direction of making a more gameplay, systems driven horror game. Ofcourse, after the game has released so that you arent too scared of spoiling anything.
  • Loved the game, so so much. Hope you guys continue down this path of gameplay/systems-focused horror moving forward, cause The Bunker was a home run! Felt like a real return to what made TDD great: innovative and immersive horror gameplay! Loved the new emergent element too, the interconnected map design was great, having weapons was amazing but they didn't stifle the terror, gahhh, I could go on forever
  • This game is such a massive step up from rebirth in terms of both horror and puzzles. The horror king is back baby.
  • Finally, something fresh in 2023. This game looks FANTASTIC. Finally a game that has a soul, it's very rare today sadly. I can't wait to play it. Beautiful job Frictional, stay awesome
  • @dechangeman
    Really really looking forward to your newest entry of fantastic games.
  • @gamejoker977
    After playing the demo, I can tell this is the game I finally waited for. Couldn't be happier rn.
  • We have a surivial horror masterpiece on our hands fellas, and in a world where crappy CEOs and hipsters game leads exist we can all appreciate what Frictonal has done for us. Frictonal never change and also where is the preorder YOU MUST TAKE MY MONEY!!!
  • I’ve played Last Descent and A Machine For Pigs, and just played the Bunker Demo. This might be my favorite one honestly. Been a while since I was so excited for a game.
  • @PrimeNPC
    This dev seems very calm but also passionate. He really cares about the player experience, not just primarily creating what he wants
  • @LunaSolarys
    When does the reveal happen where we find out Dr. Munshi was the monster the whole time O:
  • Amnesia: The Bunker feels like a thunder at clear sky, in a dying videogame industry, this one manages to give me the hope back
  • @tecnicstudios
    Can we get custom stories? I know its not as big as it was back in Dark Decent's prime but I think The Bunker and the WW1 setting will be very attractive to tell custom stories.
  • @JSpyx
    I can't wait to play is, I'm SO stoked. When Rebirth came out, I played it nonestop. I Love you, Frictional. You guys really know how to make good narrative mix with horror.
  • @joelhayes2027
    Im so happy that after all this time amnesia is still a quality series
  • This is all very exciting! The demo was amazing and all of this shows that the developers really know what they're doing. The marketing of this game is also great, watching big gameplay channels play the first two hours really builds up the hype for the release.
  • I think it would be great to see the bunker structure randomized a little bit. Even some small change like the corridor turning different direction would make it much scarier
  • @earlypranayama4479
    Doing my first playthrough rn. Hard mode as a rule. Stoked. Many great moments. You did perfect with a revolver and other objects. I am craving for interactions like this, where you actually do the process with your fingers. Imo, complex and realistic interactions with objects are responsible for at least 50% of fun and quality of immersion of a game. Haven't played your other games. But after first Bunker trailer, felt some Alien Isolation vibes and made it clear for myself. Great job and wish you good fortune on upcoming projects!