President Biden, former President Trump back on campaign trail after debate

Published 2024-06-29
There were mixed reviews about Thursday night's debate.

All Comments (21)
  • @xr650rguy
    Bring back the downvotes button —>
  • Context Boxes are supposed to convince us we didn't watch our votes eliminated on election night.
  • Mixed reviews? Lol, what was she watching? He needed a nurse to escort him at the Waffle house for goodness sake!
  • Joke Obiden was in N. C yesterday. I watched part of the rally. With a teleprompter he was screaming and pounding his fist. The rally was the same thi ga he said at the debate except this time he was jacked up. The crowd size wasnt shown. I think after the debate the person leading the ciuntry is Jill with directions from Obama.
  • @darleen6084
    I'd like to see him get back up by himself.😂
  • 😂 mixed reviews ?😂 You clearly didn’t watch the debate
  • BREAKING: Dr.Jill ‘Taco’ Biden took Corpse Biden to the Waffle House for doing so well in the debate.
  • @rcy4513
    Americans STILL have choices. There are independent candidates.
  • Our country is entering and has entered weird/strange times.
  • @jbone6969
    How stupid can one be to support biden? Idc who is president,idc if its a dem or not, all i care about is weather or not the elected president is taking care of the american people and america first... trump is cocky,biden is stupid .... i dont like either one of them but when it comes down to it .Trump cares about america and americans ..FIRST.. I will vote for trump AGAIN It's a no-brainer 🇺🇲🇺🇲 NY long island
  • ‪ ‪If people watch the interview that Dr. Phil had with RFK when he answered all the questions from memory and demarcated a clear PLAN for America you will see how clear of a choice he is. He uses his time wisely not to bash his opponent but to focus on issues! Very Informative!‬
  • @SirosGhazvini
    2024🎉❤پریزیدنت🎉❤دونالد🎉❤ترامپ🎉❤رییس جمهور🎉❤ایالت متحده امریکا🎉❤شما پیروزید🎉❤امین🎉❤شابات شالوم اسراییل🎉❤درودواحترام🎉❤الاحضرت شاهنشاه🎉❤رضا🎉❤پهلوی🎉❤کوروش🎉❤اریایی🎉❤جاویدشاه🎉❤💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💕💞💗💗💗💗💗💯💯🫶🫶👍🫵👊👊✌️✌️💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • @asanti75
    Joe better get out of the race , let the other democrats candidates run if they really care for the country
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