MJOLNIR Mark-V[B] | Lore and Theory

Published 2022-11-29

All Comments (21)
  • The fact SPI will be in game adds fuel to my theory that Rakshasa doesn't actually have shields outside gameplay. Though, it could be that we're getting a version of SPI that's explicitly been upgraded with shielding.
  • @TheZamaron
    I refer to the Reach armor generally as Mark-V B "Beta" and the Halo 1 armor as A or "Alpha". Mark-V B being the fully fielded set for Spartan 2s and 3s, but Alpha being the final iteration intended for Spartan 2s specifically for the planed Operation Red Flag, as the Beta wasn't AI compatible, while Alpha was.
  • @vans2548
    Wonder what kind of materials they trialed in the search for an energy sword resistant pauldron.
  • @Zenlore6499
    Glad we finally have almost all of the original armor pieces now. Thanks for making this! Hope the move is going smoothly!
  • @Gyrfalcon312
    I've only skimmed the few pieces available to unaccomplished players back in January. I dig how the devs are keeping in the legacy armors from the Bungie games.
  • @RyanTomScott
    Mark V (B) has always been the coolest and most utilitarian armor in Halo. Always rock it.
  • @rjprice4245
    Thanks for the awesome videos man. I would listen to you read the manual for a 1998 Honda Civic, your voice is both relaxing and attention grabbing. Keep it up, and I hope you have a awesome holiday season.
  • @0c34nT1d3
    how come jackal shields have never been an official sandbox item?
  • Oh yeah it’s about time I’ve requested this video a while ago and then it’s here!🎉❤
  • @Unseen_Halo
    I think one day I am going to binge watch your channel haha
  • @haydenross987
    Installation00 what a great breakdown! I always use this armour set because I love the helmet design:D I'm dying for a breakdown of a the Nova bomb! Please consider doing that it's the biggest nuke ever made by humanity!
  • So I have an odd theory I want to run by you, and let me note I only have a secondary level education. I believe we can create wormholes, only if we can create a 'quantum frame'. A quantum frame is where a form of powerful energy or radiation acts as a cylindrical lattice frame that overrides hawking radiation and event horizon via keeping the portal open for longer than at least sixty seconds. So, if a person says they're from the future, we can just use a geiger counter to look for evidence of the quantum frame.
  • if you want to know about the armour cores within the game that is shown, best option is to watch other youtubers who specify in all the halo lore to find this out. theyve already covered at least most of this that has currently been shown in halo infinate and someone somewhere has probally been keeping track of these all as well.
  • One question i have about this core. Is it suppoused to be old hardware with New software used by Spartans, it's old hardware and software, or it's new software and hardware just with the looks of the "old" armors
  • Is it me, or are all of these shoulder plates not centered to the connection points? I know they are in Reach.
  • @PeteNice29
    Can I make a suggestion? When you do these, add something we didn't know. In other words, reading the descriptions from the game seems like space filler. We can do that too. Love the channel.
  • @Human_01
    MJOLNIR-ARMOUR/EGYPTIAN-POWER ARMOUR/POWER-ARMOUR-COOLANT-SYSTEM/VENTILATION-SYSTEM A Egyptian power armour will need small, twin ventilation and coolant system. These will be outfitted near the shoulder [blades] of the wearer/user. They will resemble large, bulky protrusions (like twin backpacks) that system from the shoulder area, as though they were wings. This complex ventilation system is what makes the power armour comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Like the life support system, the ventilation and coolant system will need to be monitored and regulated by an in-built Ai system. Update (08/03/2022): I wonder if slime-mold [technology] can be utilized to optimise the efficiency of the ventilation system, i.e. to integrate a thin suit—made of living slime mold (if successful, this would also help to minimise weight of the power armour, thus aiding and ensure that energy is spent elsewhere). The slime-mold suit will need to make contact with the wearer/user; where it can conduct heat and other biological waste (such as sweat, and potentially dead blood cells from a bleeding wound) away from the user, and expel it near the air-ducts or any other preferred location. NOTE: Egyptian power-armour will combine the functionality of a thin space suit (like that seen in "space X's space suit"), a basic medical, life support system and monitors, and finally a knights suit of armour. The suit will electronic, and obviously computerized (assisted by a combination of AI systems). When it action, it will be somewhat fluent, and capable of making fluid action and movement, despite being a robotic suit (LLMs that are dedicated to mimicking natural body moment in fluid motion will comprise the majority of the suit's AI output). Lastly, the suit will need to be water resistant (water resistant spray, that is difficult to chip and wear out after extended usage will be preferred), and its ventilation system will be integrated with a small filtration system. This will make the suit resistant to poison or environments with airborne, hazardous substance. NOTE: A tough plastic material should be utilised on the exterior of the [Egyptian] power-armour. While being weather resistant and durable, its primary pose will be to give the power armour form (so that it looks futuristic and formidable—further adding to its ability to function as a deterrence), as well as double as additional shock-absorption/shock-dampener. The material will then need to be painted with metallic paint, so as it give it a metallic aesthetic in its composition (deceit/material mimicry). //Close.
  • Just noticed the thumbnail for this one... And all I could think of was the teaser for Destiny 2: Shadowkeep xD [*Apollo style space suit pops up* Moon's Haunted.]