Why young men aren't growing up & society is collapsing

Published 2024-04-08
Why young men are lonely and not growing up - huge social issues that spell the doom of the West.

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0:00 - intro
1:24 - Relationship decline
7:18 - Brotherhood
8:28 - Land ownership vs. Fantasy
14:37 - Religious decline & hero worshi

All Comments (21)
  • @katiez688
    We used to have an economy where an average guy could go to high school, get a job or good apprenticeship right after graduation, and be ready to buy a house and become the primary breadwinner by 23 to 25. This made for radically different dating dynamics. People in high school or right out of high school took relationships seriously because they knew they would be ready to start hitting those traditional “ milestones” within a few short years. After the 1990 recession our politicians and the ultra affluent offshored most of the solid middle class jobs and left the American people with crappy service jobs that paid 1/2 as much and had no benefits.
  • @dingus6317
    Men operate on a cost-benefit analysis. It is simply not worth it
  • @jurassicthunder
    Society is pushing the bear to the corner calling it names, telling him he is the enemy, not needed, not liked, not useful, forced to not be better than others, can't have bear spaces and then expect the bear to not lash out and burn the whole village down to feel it's warmth.
  • @boratlion8613
    You’re right about most young men are being ignored by women. Women today collectively decided it’s better to be in a harem or be side chicks or sugar babies than be in a relationship with a normal decent dude.
  • @mac2658
    Good work young man, I'm 70 and I have been coaching à 27 year old teenager virgin guy going nowhere and now he's starting to feel testosterone in his veins for the first time in his life, he was totally feminized and being passive and ”nice” and he's now so excited, girls want to be around him, he has goals, depression left him.
  • @BlueDragon00
    Finally someone who shares my insights. Its really hard to be gen Z and try to live with purpose.
  • @alejandroalba391
    We didn't do shit. We came into this. The question is what will we do about it.
  • @user-yi8ee7ch3h
    Glad young guys are seeing through the scam. Juice hasn't been worth the squeeze for decades
  • Life is hard enough but I was willing to work to achieve. My issue is that opiates killed my whole family and left me with a disabled and depraved father who needs 24/7 care we can't afford. Which means, you guessed it, taking care of him and having no life; being broke and having no space to bring anyone over or have personal time. Something a lot bigger going on here than just "you didn't try hard enough." For reference my dad used to be someone who could easily make six figures in a few months. Prescription drugs flooded my family from all sides and suddenly he's like a 9-year-old who plays foul dirty pranks and is abusive despite depending on us. It is insanity. I stopped going to therapy because there is nothing wrong with me and talking about it doesn't change the circumstances. I shine whenever he's not around. God help me. All the money I saved up got spent buying my family a car. Instead of having my own kids I'm taking care of my dad. Sigh.
  • @geoffn1530
    I was raised as a Jehovah Witness. There was religion. There was community. The young ladies were often gorgeous and dressed to the nines at our conventions. Yet none of it helped me because my father was abusive, controlling, manipulative and failed to teach me any man skills. Not only was I not allowed to chase the young beauties I also didn’t have the confidence and fortitude as a man to even say “hi” to them. So community isn’t everything. Our fathers are everything. And if they’re neglectful most likely we won’t win.
  • @WisomofHal
    Brother. I have a degree in computer science and have been in the industry for 6 years now. You say you don’t have a degree, and that blows my mind. You’re smarter than most the kids I went to school with. Well done! This video is filled with great knowledge.
  • I'm not lonely just not planning on women being able to squeeze a drop of $ out of me. And many others are like me
  • @yearight1205
    The reason you can't own land anymore and the prices are skyrocketing for even basic housing is because people at the top realized that EVERYONE needs a place to live, and that if they just start buying up loads of houses and create a shortage of houses, they can then dictate the price of rent. This will then drive up the price of rent since the supply of houses is WAY lower than the amount of people looking to buy a house. So they are forced to rent, and the cost of rent is beyond insane. I currently pay $2k a month for rent on a one bedroom one bathroom apartment. Couple that with my own expenses and how am I supposed to even begin saving for a house? Not realistic.
  • Nobody ever owns land if they’re paying land tax on it, the state owns it.
  • @storm369shadow
    How about women to come back to reality and stop living in La La Land ?
  • @cordfortina9073
    "Juuuuuuuuust goooooooo outsiiiiiiiiide, braaaaaah". And shower, lift, shower in a lift, lift a shower.
  • I'm very surprised... As an argentinian I can say this hasn't reached us yet for some reason, but it's really saddening if that's the reality in America and probably Europe too
  • @rebeccahale4673
    My next door neighbor is a 30-something who bought 5 acres of raw land in western Oregon a couple of years ago for 50g. He uses solar panels, trucks in water. Lives in an RV with his gf. Lives about 18 miles from work. Forest heaven! Someday he hopes to build, drill a well, get power. For now they're fine. We're rough up here!
  • @bluemoondiadochi
    Honestly, I dont care anymore. I've fought my battles, gave my absolute best as clueless, guideless and confused as i was, and I got royally shafted. now im over it all, all the striving nonsense. From where i'm looking, i just wanna make sure my dear ol mum has a good old age and for the rest work, make that money, settle family debts, buy a nice used car and enjoy my little life. Whatever.
  • @user-xs1yv3kj4b
    I’m 25. Never been in a relationship or had my first kiss. No friends since I left the marines. I seriously can’t comprehend how another sentient being can want to be with me or even see me. I’ve just started realizing that the other seats in my car are for other people. I work 10 hours a day but can’t afford an apartment. Despite everything, I spend time spearfishing and playing music in my free time. I’m alone. I’m decently happy. I just hope the next life is better