resting your head on tsukishima kei's shoulder ☾ // a playlist

Published 2021-03-16
"you're such an idiot". it's a tsukki phrase you know all too well. "yes, but i'm YOUR idiot", you retort with a smug smile on your face. "tch", kei scoffs and shakes his head at you. he is the definition of a difficult grumpy boy, but you see a strawberry cream tint on his cheeks. not many people got to experience the soft side of kei, just as the earth has a limited view of the moon. but resting your head on his shoulder, looking out the bus window together, you knew that you were the luckiest human in existence. ☾☾☾

❀𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚎 : 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞!
❀𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛: 𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝚔𝚎𝚒


i yam so soft for this moon boy & i can't even believe it. there's this weird place i exist that just loves the idea of salty boy tsukki calling me names. i genuinely CANNOT help myself! he just wants to be good enough & it makes me want to cry. you want to be mad at him, but you just can't. . . e v e r

♡ beware: this playlist is SO SO SO soft ! ♡

All Comments (10)
  • @taka_mitsuya
    pov: It was a very fun day when you were returning from a class event, you had a lot of fun with your classmates, and you were sitting in the same seat with him. As the journey continued in silence, you heard a voice next to you. Tsukki: Damn it, my phone is out of charge. he was listening to music, and his phone ran out of battery, and you asked him about one of his headphones. y/n: Do you want to share mine? He agreed, and you started listening. You were a little scared, you thought you wouldn't like the taste of music. You turned your head towards him and saw that he was already asleep. You were relieved, you thought you liked the music. Before long, your eyes began to close and your head fell on Tsukki's shoulder. You thought you were comfortable and decided to stay that way. In a way, today has been one of the best days of your life as the beginning of good things that will happen in the future.😉 This was my first story sorry for my mistakes my native language is not English and I got help from the translator🤭
  • @tsukkisimp11
    cries in the corner cos he's just 2D :(( but def 10/10 playlist!
  • @_.d4j4n4._
    A little pov, because why not. :) (I'm not the best in english, so if I made some mistake, I am very sorry.) Pov: You are just driving back to school from a field trip. Tsukki sat next to you and you both listened to music. Suddenly you fell asleep and your head landed on his shoulder. He winced a little and looked at you. He had to smilie a little. He closed his eyes and laid his head on yours and fell asleep too. The end :)
  • @xiibalbae
    such a cute playlist. def underrated. best playlist channel on youtube. 100/10
  • @Star-bj7gd
    Pov: (espero que la creadora del video lo pueda leer ^^) Todos ya tenian su lugar asignado, la chica habia decidido sentarse junto a su compañero de clase (y amigo...aunque se la pasen molestandose) el miraba por la ventana mientras escuchaba musica con los audifonos puestos. A veces miraba de reojo a la chica, quien se encontraba medio dormida. Hasta que cayo por completo en un sueño profundo, se habia cansado realmente mucho por las actividades de aquel campamento. El la miro unos segundos y con cuidado de no despertarla, apoyo su cabeza en su hombro, para que pudiera dormir mas comoda...luego, el sueño le entro tambien y recargo su cabeza junto a la de la chica. Ahi, ambos disfrutaron de un sueño que duro casi todo el viaje. A unos asientos atras, su amigo de pecas y cabello verdoso sonreia ante aquella escena. I love your playlist ⚘
  • @feral-child578
    || t i m e s t a m p s || 00:00 sundarta - sweet moon 02:48 milkkid - double knot 05:50 philip brooks - spend some time alone inside my head 08:23 ralph castelli - lonely 12:44 valentine - pink & blue 14:46 jakob ogawa + clairo - you might be sleeping 17:08 oscar lang - you. 19:46 little joy - unattainable 21:48 tyler burkhart - just how i love you 24:53 honey moon - tripping (on the thought of you) 28:41 beachwood sparks - by your side 33:40 beebadoobee - the moon song 36:01 joolie - three small words
  • @Noel_Noah
    Truth be told, this is the last video I'll choose to watch because it doesn't look interesting, but my god! This is the best video on the list watch later. amazing!! I loveee , this save my life on bad days thank you