|| The community after big gachatubers quit || og ||

Published 2024-01-14
Hope ya like it bootiful ๐ŸŒธ

Well the gacha community has been very toxic lately TvT

Personally, I think it's not any gacha heaters, "bad" or "problematic" gachatubers like Otama, Nehema, even Vinn once, there are lots more. I feel like it's our fault for being so judgemental! You all focus on their mistakes tho it was never a big deal to begin with (Otama is kinda an exception - no reason to fake your death). You argue and make videos to explain why they are bad or problematic. It also could be one of the reason they quit yk? I might not know the reason behind why they quit, but then put yourself in their shoes. Would you like it if someone make a whole damn essay of your mistakes and put it in public for others to know? You could've tell them personally, through their server maybe, or even insta, tik tok, etc. There are lots of ways to tell them what they did wrong instead of humiliating them and try to make them apologize. Now about gacha heaters, js don't watch it. Let those ppl watch it if they want, it's not our problem now is it? You're just giving them more views by making a whole damn video about it, for what? You're just promoting their channels instead of preventing kids to watch them! Stop making reaction videos of you holding a Cross or smth religious. It's stupid. Nobody told you to watch it, it was your choice to click on it, the titles were clear enough for you to know what kind of vids are those. Please, this community is full of amazing things, but we are ruining it by doing all these stuff, more actually. I love ya'll, but we can't go on like this! Please share this to ppl in the community, thank you

Goodbye for not bootiful ๐ŸŒธ

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