I'm So Proud of These Guys

Published 2024-05-06

All Comments (21)
  • @blu52791
    I love the whole "NOT moist" name with the disguised nose and mustache over the logo lmao I love it
  • @Creepaminer
    Nothing pissed me off more than seeing his chat just full of “drake dropped” every other message, even when he kept saying he would watch it later. Just let this man support his team.
  • @InquisitionL6
    The headline, "Popular Florida Man sues government, AND WINS!" Is going to be so good.
  • @theskiff
    I was there in-person all 4 days. Those boys poured their hearts and soul into those games and I’m glad I was able to cheer them on.
  • @MlLFS4L
    “I’m so proud of you Charles” - Charlie’s dad probably
  • @UltimaKeyMaster
    The fact that the team is still called Not Moist and the crowd does Moist chants. That's pure loyalty. And more proof that the person who is responsible for all this stress needs to get fired for calling everyone liars.
  • @chiefeeefff408
    As a competitive Apex enthusiast and day 1 player, I really appreciate Charlie giving the love, respect, and starlight these players and this esport deserves. Apex doesn't pay much compared to other esports in tourneys and salaries, some of the best teams go unsigned. People like Charlie are breathing life into the scene and giving real talent a chance to shine. He is a real classy dude for continuing to invest money/time into the boys to get them to LAN even after having to legally part ways. For anyone that does not watch or play apex, give watching pro level play a try, there's truly nothing like it, not only does no other BR game compare, it is a peak competitive experience. Please continue to support Apex Legends Charlie and hopefully re-sign the boys!!!
  • @Aratakenn
    Thank you for having me be apart of this team and help make me and my teams dreams come true. Again, thank you
  • MoistCritikal vs US Immigration (The Series) Episode 1: I don't get this mad often Episode 2: You've never seen me this mad Episode 3: I'm suing US Immigration Episode 4: I'm so proud of these guys
  • @melodious_moon
    I don’t play Apex (I do play BRs) but I’ve become so invested into the lore of this team through all the recent situations… watching this stream last night was MASSIVELY hype! I’ve never felt such a rush from watching eSports like that before. They played amazingly. Hats off to them for coming so far in the middle of such insane circumstances, that’s a win itself.
    That sure sounds like a tough situation. Kudos to you and your team for sticking it out through the challenges. 4th place is no small feat under these circumstances.
  • @kesterlimpo4854
    Staying THIS locked in with all that stress and bs going on is beyond impressive.
  • @NrthrnDabber
    Charlie is about to fight each agency like he’s kratos
  • @devan9197
    Honestly they did amazing. I've never watch apex or played it but watching the esports was fun and I'd say with all the complications they did amazing.
  • @creapeys
    This journey really shows how great Charlie is. He cares for the best for the team, and is proud of them for their efforts. What a great guy. also makes up the best metaphors and references when talking, I swear idk how he does it
  • @RetroAsher
    I can't wait for the "Florida Man Takes On US Government" headline. Proud of the team for pulling through and kicking ass.
  • @Shtoney
    The gamer callouts colliding while the intensity rises is somethn else man
  • i just listened to 18 minutes and 19 seconds of Charlie reaching his climax
  • @EonTheBeast05
    I got a buddy who works at U.S. Immigration and he can agree that if it werent for the job security and perks, he wouldve quit his 1st day. He tells me all the time how much he hates where he works because of how corrupt and how much crazy stuff gets brushed under the rug but still allow insane stuff to go through.