Karen Page's love for the Punisher: There's nothing to explain

A video tribute to Deborah Ann Woll's moving portrayal of Karen page. Her looks of longing, sadness, and unconditional love.

Victor Hugo once wrote: the greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.
Karen Page character is beautifully written in the Punisher series. She loves Frank Castle with all her heart, putting her career and life on the line for him. She loves him in spite of everything he has done, is doing, and will do.

In turn, Frank Castle realizes she's the only one who loves him and sees the true good in him after his family was massacred. He cares for her and protects her often to the point of taking a bullet for her. Tragically, there is no room for Karen Page in Punisher's life. Thus their love that can never be pierces our heart.

For entertainment purpose only. No copyrights or profit claimed whatsoever

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