Why 82% of Saudi Arabians Just Live in These Lines

Published 2023-08-11

All Comments (21)
  • @kairos_fluent
    I think a video about the Balkans geography and how that influenced the history and politics of that region would be very interesting.
  • Only RealLifeLore has the power to turn a very simple question into a 40 minute documentary lol Which is why I love these videos so much. So much detail and research is done to tell us what’s going on.
  • @smallsignals
    Thank-you for being so kind as to do both Fahrenheit and Celsius. A lot of people wouldn't bother. It's much appreciated.
  • @kitxxxxxxx
    Ive driven through part of that desert. It was a very long drive. When we stopped for a break there was no wind. I've never heard actual silence before that. Like literally, nothing. And you could only see sky and sand. Was beautiful and peaceful, but also chilling and humbling to be so completely surrounded by nature and one which is so barren, you couldn't survive.
  • @saadalameri
    I always asked my parents and grandparents how did they manage to live before air-conditioning, they told me that the old mud houses in Arabia were cooler from the inside than the modern concrete homes, also the effect of heat islands didn’t exist back then, but an important factor is that the further from the coast you live the cooler it gets by night
  • I'm from the eastern part of Saudi on the coast, and your description of the climate there is spot on. The scorching heat, the humidity and lack of wind and rain makes life there very difficult. It is impossible to live without air conditioners. I always wondered how our forefathers lived there.
  • @Emc4421
    I was in a Vegas last week playing poker, and the man sitting next to me was working for the Saudi government. Sent to study Las Vegas. He was telling me Saudi is trying to diversify from oil and expand tourism. Friendly guy, enjoyed playing with him.
  • @sakurasai781
    I live in the capital Riyadh and we go to Abha (a city in the southern region) almost every summer, because July and August here in Riyadh can quite literally be deadly if we weren’t so adapted and used to the weather. In contrast, winters here are cold and dry, sometimes rainy and thunderstormy. I guess that’s just how desert climates work. Also, that’s why we collectively hate the summer here lol.
  • Big love from Tunisia 🇹🇳🌹🇸🇦 حبايبنا اهل المملكة ❤
  • @Ten.ofcups
    I am from the south west of Saudi a city called Al Baha and we have clean sources of water, rain is always pouring. we where an agricultural society for all of our history, sadly majority of us have left our villages for job opportunities in bigger cities
  • @greentoby26
    That's quite the long version of "It's a desert."
  • @ArcticLemon
    I love the way this video gives me TONS of information about why they live in the areas, with a general outlook and to top it off, Facts about coffee I had no idea about. Thank you for making education fun and interesting.
  • my dad loved to explore the desert, it's a cultural thing to go out camping for days. i was told as a child that he was lost and ran out of fuel and supplies (food and drinks), he starved for 3 days before finally dying in 2012. it is unfortunately common for people to get lost in the desert, every few months we hear news of government searches for a lost person.
  • @LPArabia
    As a Saudi, I find this report grim but honest analysis of the geographical far future of the Arabian peninsula and it's it's emerging "artificial" civilization. But we are taking this challenge seriously and there is a huge investment in technology and R&D to solve the water problem and defy nature. This will be our test lab if we ever go on Mars. Thanks for the compressive video RLL!
  • @lukas4112
    I love these videos. So much important and interesting information that you don’t really get anywhere else in this easily digestible way. Thank you for helping so many people understand the world more
  • Now both UAE and Saudi Arabia practice Cloud Seeding. Recently Saudi Arabia nearly got flooded with rain. The average temperature is affected in both countries.
  • @drewmur
    I feel like geography is an often overlooked or underestimated factor when people study history. Many of your videos that focus on geography highlight how geography plays an important role in world events. Keep up the good work
  • @anhadsinha1531
    I live in Dubai, and the humidity actually makes the heat of the desert exponentially worse and makes it impossible to do anything outdoors like exercise or walking or even commuting because you just start sweating when you leave a AC filled room.
  • @Mr_Sigy
    I enjoyed this video, thank you for the research and details.