Long Lost Parts of FFXIV

Published 2024-06-26

All Comments (21)
  • @heartlyght7422
    This probably isn’t the most outstanding answer but… please get rid of Freecure, it’s a trap for a lot of content and I really don’t wanna have to deal with it in higher level content when the baby WHM is spamming Cure 1 for the proc instead of using Lily or other options.
  • @Data033
    BRD not having a way to spread dots hurts my soul
  • @LairPlair
    Whats funny is after Break was removed, we see G'raha use it to stop the WOL spirits in the crystal tower.
  • @Nihonguy
    Fun fact squadrons actually have a lot of older game skills, if you take an arcaniat into a dungeon theyll constantly cast shadow flare melting the health of mob pools and bosses alike its pretty neat to mess with lol
  • @iagodiago
    Physic on Summoner. I mean i get it. Throwback to Arcanist and such... But it scales with Mind... Which makes it even more useless than Sleep.
  • @Valkoinen88
    Woah that was a surprise, I was just thinking "huh I don't remember some of these skills" then saw some familiar names in the party list, then saw it was MY footage from binding coil turn 11. Blast from the past.
  • @MegaCoolOreo
    I missed when healers had their own respective esuna animation. AST had Exalted Detriment and the animation was gorgeous…I miss it
  • @cina9218
    Freecure proc needs to be deleted, and cure 1 should directly upgrade to cure 2. Also, what the heck is wrong with flamethrower? Needs a big redo
  • @apathetk
    I was just saying last night that they need to give Bard Bane. It's criminal that Bard has no way to spread its DoTs.
  • @DrForester
    I was in a static where one of the healers had me trained like one of pavlov's dogs to mana shift them whenever they did the bongo sound effect.
  • @drewgregory4079
    There WAS a very good reason for bards to not get a bane-equivalent at least. Pre-Endwalker, bards' song procs were based on dot ticks. If you had 6 dots active across 3 enemies, you had 6 chances to proc your songs every 3 seconds. Adding a one-touch way to dot up a huge number of enemies would cause bards to go absolutely nuts with songs effects and remove the opportunity cost of sinking multiple gcds into manually applying those dots one at a time. Now that songs are on their own 80% proc check, however... Yeah give us bane.
  • @red5robb1
    Shadow Flare does still exist, its just relegated to Arcanists in Command Missions...and its the best attack for the NPCs
  • @Dynme
    6:00 Honestly, that's just completely in keeping with how Coils would have gone in ARR. Back when DRG had much lower magic defense than the other jobs, they would already be taking more damage than the rest of the party from unavoidable damage anyway, and then B4B comes along and is like "Hey, it'd be a shame if you took more damage on top of that more damage, right?" WHMs would be stoneskinning DRGs mid-fight when some big hits were coming up just so they wouldn't die.
  • I sure miss SCH being a dotmage. All those dots, plus Bane, plus Shadow Flare while under the effect of Cleric Stance...that was some yummy DPS for a healer to be cranking out at the time. I also really miss DRK's Blood Price and Abyssal Drain being a spell. DRK was THE tank, as far as I was concerned, being able to do huge pulls, use Dark Arts + Abyssal Drain, and just regenerate the MP with Blood Price, pretty much leading to invincibility. Chef's kiss. At the very least, I wish Abyssal Drain would be a spell again, so we have something else to use MP on, instead of it being an ability with a shared cooldown with Carve and Spit. Oh well, I can dream...
  • @henryhunter9643
    While I don't 'hate' the ability, I feel that Summon Carbuncle is pretty useless right now. When I first started playing in Shadowbringers, you would summon your different carbuncles/egis for different things. IIRC ruby/ifrit for single target, emerald/garuda for AoE and topaz/titan for mitigation. Someone told me that in ages past the topaz carbuncle/titan-egi worked like a tank pet, similar to a Warlock's Voidwalker from World of Warcraft. But as it currently stands, Summon Carbuncle exists only as a button you have to press to unlock your major job mechanics, meaning Summoners have to press Summon Carbuncle every time they get revived. The carbuncle itself doesn't do anything anymore, it just sits there looking cute. At least the Scholar's fairy has several abilities I don't think removing the carbuncle would affect Summoner mechanically or job-fantasy wise that much to remove it. The only true carbuncle only ability is the shield, which you can only cast when the carbuncle is summoned, which is about 70% of the time. You lose it for a couple of seconds during the minor summons, and also can't use it during the major summons. That might be considered part of how to play the job, but I think losing your mitigation for 20 seconds because you activated bahamut/phoenix isn't good design. Rinon mentions Blood for Blood in the video, and the nonsense of being told to click it off or not use it during high damage scenarios in case it killed you. Holding back on your major summon to use your mitigation sounds counter-intuitive to me. Maybe summoner could be reworked a bit so that your summon spells turn your carbuncle into that summon for the full duration. Like Summon Garuda doesn't just summon Garuda for one attack, but instead works more like the major summons and Garuda becomes your pet. It could potentially tie into a pet placement mechanic where when you use a summon it generates an AoE effect on itself rather than your target. But on the flip side, that might make the entry level for Summoner too high, as newbie Summoners might not get the 'move your pet' part, or find having themselves stand closer so their pet's AoE can hit. Unless the summon spell itself summoned the primal onto the target and it did an AoE there before returning to your side. But TLDR I think Summon Carbuncle needs changed or removed.
  • @Hoovinoyse
    Honestly I don’t like the DRK gap closer, they should replace it with a damage dealing gap closer, call it something like “Plunge Into Dark” or just “Plunge” for short.
  • The Shadow Flare/Sacred Soil thing amused me, mostly because it wasn't nearly as bad to use as it sounds for a Scholar. Mostly because while you could only have one up at a time (per unique caster that is), they didn't actually share cooldowns. In ARR and HW dungeon pulls, it would be Sacred Soil to start and then Shadow Flare until you could pop another Sacred Soil, though usually the pull would be done and you're on to the next one. In Stormblood, they reworked Shadow Flare to have a longer cooldown than Sacred Soil, so you'd start with that first and then Sacred Soil. As for the question... Dissipation. Like just flat out. It feels like they wanted a tool for Scholars to use in an emergency and then forgot that the heals it empowers are slow to go into effect, and the extra Aetherflow stacks it gives wouldn't be of much use as its either 3 more Lustrates or 2 Lustrates and a Sacred Soil, short of your other Aetherflow heals coming off of cooldown by then. Its basically just a damage boost in coordinated groups or groups where you really don't have to worry about healing. Most any other time I feel like you'd be better off adjusting when and where you use your healing cooldowns.
  • @HarrkGames
    Funnily enough, Fluid Aura had its place in PvP. It was really darn handy as it would not only knock back the target, but bind them in place so you could run or squeeze in a heal/repose.
  • @Mocita
    Back in 2.x-3.55 I used to play a battle SCH for fun. The dps it could output was really good, Stance Dancing to deal damage and then dance back for any emergency heals. I would actually run Selene from the start to boost attack speed for the party, then switch to Eos for better heals. If played right, you would never have to go back to heal stance.