July update - existential crisis?

Published 2022-07-20
A rough update on life since my return from Israel, covers subjects such as spirituality and mental health.

All Comments (9)
  • @jasont455
    Sounds very much like a 'Dark Night of the Soul' situation. Not sure the best way out of it but if it was me, I'd embrace it on an intuitive level. It could be a period of healing and transformation, try not to think your way out of it but feel it out. On a practical level, ritual, prayer, eating well and exercise will help. Get into a daily routine and stick at it even when you don't want to do it, do it! I hope it works out for you.
  • Going through something very similar, similar age and if I was asked what I’d be doing now some ten or fifteen years ago it wouldn’t single and living back with my parents. In march earlier this year I was in an accident which left me with ruptured tendons in my right knee, during the time I was waiting for the results of my MRI scan I was made redundant from a job , like you, was happy in and was fortunate it was something I had a passion for. Being stuck at home for months has left me dwelling on things and time has made me very depressed. That said I’m starting to walk again and once I’m better I’m just gonna throw myself into things, including dating. I do envy your home in the country but I can see how it can be very isolating.
  • @GyronCinque
    Thanks for another interesting video, mate! You touch upon quite a lot of topics that have been on my mind in later years as well. Maybe we should compare notes one day?
  • I think it's normal to feel this way after being away. It's that sense of deflation, when you look forward to something then it happens and then there's that empty feeling. But actually you seem the opposite, like you are eager for something new. That is good.
  • Don't think that it is so wrong to feel down or empty. See it as the feeling will pass.
  • @lukeandmum
    A reflective talk. We know how you feel, we oftentimes get that ground hog day feeling, its at thoughs times you just need a change even a small one. Especially when it starts to feel like were just working for our stuff, if you do that to much its just not worth it. I agree with bonny mabey you should sail away and become a world traveling explorer, or you could always join our biker gang we ll be forming eventually, we ll ride the open road, camp in the dessert and cruise through a new town everyday, wild and freee hehe (just some inspiring or motivational thoughts)👍😊
  • It's very common to have post holiday blues. Not that I am negating what you feel ,but I think you are underestimating how difficult it is to find a soul mate , a wife you are going to cherish. Look at what you have got health , your own beautiful home, a loving supporting family and friends that love you. What would you define as excitement? London forgive me is Satans Arsehole. We are all suffering at the moment with bills at one point I had to use a food bank really humiliating but I was glad of it. You are a good looking wonderful young man I feel you have no Faith in yourself. You should do as you have so much going for you . Really you do. Let go of the past . I am sorry you are having a shit time hopefully things will get better.
  • @bonny8427
    Sounds like you need a real change in your life, follow your dreams and ambitions, go on your adventures and expeditions, your soul is craving something. We need to grow to heal. I could see you making documentaries and visiting mystical places. A Yorkshire Indian jones! I really hope things turn around for you, I will keep my fingers crossed 🤞 have you ever thought about a boat? Sail is cheaper than petrol, and you can sail all the way to Egypt from Dover.