Published 2023-09-20

The Tyranids, also known as The Great Devourer are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures, each of which collectively forms the Hive Fleet, directed by a single Hive Mind.

All Comments (21)
  • "They're taking our water. They're taking our air." Wow, those nids are nasty. "What nids? I was talking about the AdMech setting up new manufactoria."
  • @LAV-III
    “There may be more hive fleets than worlds” That bolt pistol looking real tempting RN
  • @thewerdna
    Honestly I think the only chance to stop Leviathan at this point would be an alliance between Bobby G and the Silent King.
  • I can't wait for DK to be surprised that tyranids are in fact not just mindless bugs.. for the 8th time.
  • @YoBen100
    Everyoine: "One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask... what dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?" Tyranid Hive Mind: "...And I'm hungry like the wolf."
  • @Cryo0k
    Some fun tyranid tidbits The Swarmlord got challenged to a 1v1 by the avatar of Khaine (jobbers 1v1, lets go!). The Swarmlord accepted, and then proceeded to throw 12 carnifexes at the avatar, which then died. When the tyranids fought Nurgle forces, Nurgle summoned a rain of pus and filth to drown/immobilize the nids. The nids just kept running and drowning themselves in rivers of pus, and the nurgle forces were celebrating their victory, when suddenly carnifexes charged the nurgle forces, using the drowned nids as a bridge. Tyranid psyker organisms are extremely powerful. Three maleceptors overwhelmed Mephiston (granted that maleceptors are stupid powerful, even by nid standards), who just barely escaped with his life. The trade-off is that the way they handle the warp is not controlled, so they can just randomly explode. This happens with the zoanthropes, but not with the maleceptor or neurotyrant iirc. Spoilers for the new leviathan novel A single neurotyrant was able to co-ordinate a hive fleet across the entire planet they were on, suppress all the psykers on the planet, including a space marine psyker, who had to help other psykers not die, selectively cause an individual to have a dream that would cause him to lead an army into an ambush all at the same time. Dante also was able to look into the hive mind, because of course he was. He felt pity for the nids, as the hunger they felt was far worse than the black rage he felt.
  • @kyrudo
    This is my Tau bias but the biggest tragedy of the Tyranids is that the Galaxy CAN defeat the Tyranids… If everyone worked together. Which is never happening…..
  • 37:23 Correction: Tyranids CAN eat metals and they actually do that a lot with each devoured world, they use said metals to harden their carapaces. That said, the problem with fighting Necrons isn't the fact that they're Metal, it's the fact that they're both ONLY metal and capable of disintegrating biomass. It would be like a human trying to survive only on salt and actively losing weight for every pound of salt eaten. Nids fighting Chaos technically isn't a loss of biomass, it's a Net 0, because they can repurpose their dead bodies, but Nids fighting Necrons is a Net loss in every case.
  • @eduardodiaz9942
    The Tyranid hive mind is like a Lovecraftian deity, perhaps even more so than the Chaos gods themselves
  • @raphsere
    Daemons are what humans have nightmares about. The Tyranid Hive Mind is what Daemons have nightmares about. An entity with no joy or pride to appreciate Khorne's gifts; a being of such pure, absolute hunger that it goes beyond even Slaanesh's excesses; constantly evolving and moving forward, yet never defined by more than this singular, unchanging purpose, making it so neither Tzeentch's changing ways or Nurgle's stagnation can find any purchase within it. It is the Devourer of Worlds, and even the Silent King himself, the Breaker of Gods, vanquisher of the Old Ones, shuddered upon witnessing its infinite multitudes. What hope does the Galaxy have against such horror? None.
  • @Triptides77
    We stopped the Reapers from Mass-Relaying into the Citadel and taking it in ME1. That's why they had to do the slow crawl from dark space jnto the system.
  • @DavisXero
    In the new Leviathan novel, the atmosphere was literally terraformed to digest organic matter. If you went outside without a full coverage bio-suit, you flesh would start to slough off within a few minutes
  • @AlphariusMemegon
    One day, every human in the galaxy gets a psychic message at the same time. "Hello, Tyranid hivemind here. There seems to have been a mistake. We were following a very similar race to yours in order to destroy them for their crimes against us, and thought they had come to this galaxy. After a quick warp chat with your Emperor, we were finally able to recognize this error. Please accept our most sincere apologies for this drastic mistake on our part, we shall be leaving this galaxy immediately. Have a nice day."
  • @SAMcGarvey1
    New Bricky face looks like he's locked in Eternal torment but unable to show it due to some faustian bargain 😅
  • @ethanr3480
    I’m fairly certain that there’s something in the lore that states the silent king saw either the hive mind or the full extent of the tyranids and that’s why he returned. Also in one of the space wolf books one of the wolf lords talks about hunting bio ships like one would talk about hunting whales
  • During the Devastation of Baal novel, there are a couple of chapters told from the POV of a Lictor and they're very awesome.
  • @TheGallantDrake
    Oh man, first Papa Nurgle gives the Necrons a disease, and now he makes a planet so rotten that even the Tyranids can’t eat it! Holy shit, Nurgle! Literally!
  • @LasseROM
    There is a very old piece of art that shows the galaxy and where Necron empires used to be. It also shows where each C'tan was located. And on the far right/east side of the galaxy, there is an icon of a C'tan outside the galaxy. The first Tyranids came from the right/east of the galaxy and the C'tan marked in the same region.
  • Well this was a spooky Adeptus Ridiculous video. Tyranids are really good at making you suffer a existential crisis.
  • My favorite Nid related quote was something along the line of "the Tyraids, the fact that mankind dares to try to give The Great Devourer a name betrays their hubris" and then went on to describe the horrors of the swarm and all that.