Dark Night of the Soul: how bad does it have to get for you to let go? | Crystal Rapoza

Published 2021-10-29

All Comments (21)
  • @theUmovement
    Still in this. It’s been 3 years of loss after loss after loss. I pray 🙏 to help me learn to surrender.
  • @OZ01209
    I've been going through something like this over the last 2 years. It's hard to surrender and let go. Im stuck in a comfort and familiar, safe but not fulfilling, zone. I have had a strong desire to quit smoking weed for the last year. I realized that it's been a coping mechanism for the last 7 years. I started when I was 12. Its used to be fun, social, and regulated. Then 2017 happened. That was a tough year and I became a daily smoker. Keeping my self in a low vibration and superficially happy, but it really creates more anxiety and hunger that spirals into poor eating habits, low self esteem, low enery, etc. A few weeks ago i was journaling and asked myself, "How long does the spiritual journey/awaking have to take?" My answer was, "until you start facing your truths."
  • Absolutely brutal for me as well.. happily married with nice house, business,reputation, friends/family to absolutely none of that in a year
  • @ThofiB
    I'm so happy I listened to you! I'm in it and the world is beyond upside down at the moment. But I get it. Surrender is the only way.
  • @katharsis5601
    Glad I was able to find this video. Many comforting similarities to my struggles (weed not being in my life anymore, feeling shame for eating meat but craving it, abandoning tarot cards) and this gave me a feeling of "this is happening FOR me, you will be fine". Thank you ♡
  • @mojupets
    Seems like a time to find/become our authentic self.
  • This is by far the closest description of the Dark Night of The Soul that resonate with my experience. Thank you so much 🤍
  • @VodkaSelekta
    Every word you said in this is what has been happening to me. I was guided to do Keto from being vegan which is the polar opposite. Unfortunately my housing situation is a bit iffy and cooking is hard so I had to have a break from it but I really want to get on it again.
  • @lisameneely3800
    Thank you so much my dear for sharing🙏🏼💜 Not my first dark night… so I do have some appreciation, awareness, and understanding. I have called it the Journey to becoming Butterfly for many years. But still I find that nothing helps like sharing the experience… as there is really nothing you can do but stand as still as possible and allow the transformation and metamorphosis 💜🦋 ow. Thank you again, I’m holding your hand as well😘🦋 I am understanding this is all going along with a greater dark night of the planet itself.🦋☀️
  • @ebeth2323
    I'm happy to find you. I can't be the person that changes the number of subscribers from 555 but I will subscribe soon.
  • @Meandmymirror
    Thank you for sharing that. Baking bread with different herbs? LOL glad you found your dog that’s so cool. People talk about letting go all the time. How do you know if you are letting go? Everything I say it all the time I surrender I am letting go of all attachments to this 3-D world. But yet I still have to be in it to Be able to pay my bills and drive a car and go to target! I just want to stay in my bed for days
  • @lynnly7076
    İm 19 and having it again the second time it was at 11 beacuse of horrible life conditions i awakened and a lot of information come to me spiritually then due to survive i went to sleep again but now its so bad ive been suffering for 8 years and it did again 2 weeks ago and i fell one more time bc i got stuck in a truma. I was kinda lucky but lost a lot of oppurtinies in 2 years ive been walking around dead in my best years what should i do
  • @TrackProbe
    I figured out all my weaknesses and I have a lot. I failed in everything in my life. I could have done better. I gave up on myself. Why is suicide considered the wrong way out?
  • @Spacetrance14
    Was it that or were you just afraid of thing you wanted to do?i think that there are two opposite ways.to kill your dreams and accept what is and what comes,or just love your ego and love your dreams and try a bit better for it.isnt or that?and as you go and dont progress with the things you pove you just accept ego death amd let go.but i dont think its rhe inly way.many people have found other ways.its up to you and what you are capable and willing to do with your life.and there are other many many things.everyone says about letting go.i sure accept a lot and loved life and myself.but i think that this is not the only thing
  • @JT-wc7me
    TO LET GO OF WANTING A HOME OR A FAMILY? TO LET GO OF WANTING DECENT HEALTH? ive decided to end my life, so i guess the soul can just start over.. I wont know about it.
  • @DINXX8
    Hello Crystal, i would like to shere my story. I want to know if what im going through its the dark night. I had a spiritual awakening and kundalini and i really felt one with the divine. It wasnt easy, cause i did a lot of changes in a very short amount of time because of feelings that came to the surface. One time the feelings that came to the surface was to hard for me to handle and freaked me out. Since than i feel like i regressed. Im in big depression, full of anxiety and negetive feelings and its like im so disconnect from my self that i dont know who im anymore. Thanks for your answer :)