reflections on turning 40 as an autistic adult

Published 2023-09-04
I made this video shortly after turning 40, so I wanted to reflect on my 20s and 30s. My 30s especially is been a decade of self discovery and where most of my major diagnoses (ASD, ADHD, PTSD) happened as well as when most of my gender transition happened.

I am in a time of big changes so that means high anxiety at the moment but I have lots of exciting (and scary) things happening soon that I will share when I am settled again.

00:00 - intro
00:07 - turning 40 as a neurodivergent person


If you would like to ask me a question to be answered in a future video and more information about this project, here is the link to the anonymous form:


Support me:

Hi, i'm millie!

I am autistic and ADHD, and I'm trying to leave the world in slightly better shape than when I found it. I am working towards this goal by focusing my life energy and experience as disabled and neurodivergent into disability advocacy work.

If you like what I am doing and would like to support me to be able to continue doing it then any contribution, however small will help make that happen, and you will help me get closer to my dream of a society that is more accepting and appreciative of neurodivergent people and people with disabilities.

Thank you.

All Comments (18)
  • @niaharris5441
    thank you for sharing this. as an undiagnosed neurodivergent person, life so far has felt like a confusing and unending fiery hellscape. It makes me feel hopeful to see a neurodivergent person older than me that has found clarity and community/support.
  • @warpup9150
    I definitely relate to the seeing thoughts in a sort of vapor and having to talk fast so you don’t lose connections
  • @Petertwohig1948
    Thanks, Millie. I have very bad memories (every day) of shutdowns in front of colleagues. Glad I found you. Pete.
  • @karen0karen
    Grats on your move, birthday, and amazing hair!! I love the pink sooooo much!! I do like the free-form style. I can follow it just fine and I relate to much of what you talked about. My life isnt the same, of course, but so much is familiar. Like how it took me so much time to get myself anchored and enjoying being alive. I wish you well on your move and your trip. Also, whenever you have some music down I would love to hear it!!!
  • @terry63lee
    thankyou for sharing. you are much smarter than some of us
  • @icqme8586
    Thanks for sharing. I'm about the same age and had some similar experiences of trying to live out the cis-het life in my 20s and struggling with a lot of issues normal doctors brushed me off. At about 30 I kind of had a breakdown and started living as a woman and felt a lot better and also found a lgbt clinic who didn't brush me off. Got through most of the awkward trans stuff and feel like I can blend in now as a woman and hoping I can make the best of my 40s. My parents disowned me but thankfully I managed to keep my IT job which helped provide stability during all this.
  • @superdrwholock
    This just got recommended to me, thanks for sharing. I'm 21 and I often think about age, I still feel way behind my peers and wonder if I'll just always feel like this
  • @cherrymintrose
    Lol, of course I went over the time I was giving myself. I find that the hardest thing, is not saying too many things. That's why I normally have notes. Even going over time I wanted to talk in more detail about these major self discoveries in my 30s, but the plan is eventually to make a video about each of them, so those will be coming in more detail eventually! Let me know if you like this format of more just free flow ideas. I will still make mostly structured videos though, if I'm trying to make a point or explain something. But I want to make a few more that are more about storytelling and reflecting as well. Also, let me know if you like the 4:3 aspect ratio? Or if you didn't notice or don't care? 😉
  • @heedmydemands
    O boy good luck with your move. It was very nice to hear your perspective about your 20s and 30s. I'm 34. I do feel like I've grown a lot, also in a way maybe I'm only at the beginning of coming to know mys lf
  • @badnewsburt9675
    A really beautiful flow of consciousness video Milly. Happy belated birthday!
  • @Dayglodaydreams
    I am having trouble transitioning out of my parents house, into a job. I am 34. Some of it is my own doing, and being pretty anti-social towards my parents, and towards certain authorities (middle and upper level least in the's somewhat consistent), at any job site. It is incredibly hard. Establishing any sort of monetary base is incredibly hard. Not only does it mean doing things I don't want to do, or that involved being in the heat, rain, and snow. It means a) Being nice to people who are outright mean to me, and don't have any common interests relative to me. b) Being extra nice around any manager or supervisor (no exceptions). c) Being nice to customers (I guess this is reasonable). d) (I didn't even think about this for a long time) Save money, and build wealth.
  • @HarpyNeal
    I am 65 was first diagnosed at age 9 (again at age 17,39,and in 2020 every time told autistic) and I still do not understand why so many adults are having troubles with autism as they get older I don't know if it is because my mind thinks like a kid or maybe because I still do stuff I always have since i was a kid. But I do not have any troubles I have sometimes meltdowns and still have troubles with sounds and bright lights but I am fine the way i am.
  • @tbdaemon
    I miss the adult ND support group 😥