Real Life Psychopaths (Crime Psychology Documentary) | Real Stories

Publicado 2024-02-11
Psychopaths probably make up around 20 per cent of the prison population in both the USA and Britain. They are four times more likely to re-offend than other released prisoners, yet they are just as likely to get parole. Little is known about the minds of psychopaths and what is really behind the horrific things they do – but Equinox tackles the subject in this insightful documentary. Professor Robert Hare – consulted by the FBI and British Home Office – is the undisputed oracle on the psychopathic mind.

In Psychopaths, he reveals stunning new evidence behind their behaviour, and suggests people should look to the brain for clues and not bad upbringing. This programme examines the Psychopathy Checklist, IQ distribution and blending in to social norms; and reports the peculiar phenomenon that treatment programmes make psychopaths re-offend earlier and more aggressively.

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Produced by Union Pictures LTD

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The fun part for the rest of us is that functioning psychopaths and sociopaths can rise to high levels and many become politicians or CEOs of large companies.
  • @MiThreeSunz
    Over the course of my 30 plus corporate career, I worked with industrial psychopaths who were promoted due to high performance but who were also ruthless, manipulative, narcissistic, etc. Many companies turn a blind eye to behaviour in favour of performance. Sad but true. 🇨🇦
  • As an Exec Coach and having worked with senior leaders my entire life, I can attest to this. Some of them are very charismatic, inspiring and charming with an ability to destroy people and cause an immense amount of trauma to people and organizations.
  • @them4309
    Don't forget, just because they aren't engaging in direct person-to-person violence, doesn't mean they aren't actively hurting people through business practices, policy-making, manipulation, and other methods.
  • @Aterhallsam
    If you look in their eyes while they are speaking and you start to look for the emotional being living inside, you’ll soon realize nobody’s home.
  • I have seen people who were excellent parents - provided love, security etc. and their kid grows up to be a not-so-good human being. I have seen bad or absent parents who have a child grow up to be a much better person than their parent. It has to be something in the brain. The Dr. In one scene described it perfectly - they are like someone who is colorblind. They are blind to emotion and empathy.
  • @ahvavee
    Be careful of people who are overly charming and/or charismatic
  • I don’t think psychopaths can be rehabilitated because I think they are intelligent,charming and manipulative and say whatever it takes to get out of prison!
  • @tnteachertim
    Not every murderer is a psychopath, and not all psychopaths are murderers. They ALL destroy lives, though....
  • @cherienafo7676
    I have a female relative who is one. Where ever she goes, she will find a way to psychologically/emotionally damage someone she meets-like its her 'hobby'. She is scary, I,ve hid from her for years. AND -when they know that you know-then you are in more danger.
  • @kitkat9648
    My cousin was both born and made. She was highly abused and took that experience into her adult life and built a mannerism to attract a specific type of man , then destroys them financially and emotionally. It's as if she seeks her revenge on all men. She is extremely skilled at her game. One husband was put in prison. And she got the old family money. Truth is stranger than fiction.
  • @katedavey2045
    Children abusing and destroying animals is a sign of psychopathy.
  • @vintagelover2211
    I used to watch these old documentaries years ago when this channel was still called Barcroft Docs. So many of them got deleted for copyright and are now impossible to find. I wish there was a broader online library of these 1980s-early 2000s documentaries, they are fascinating. Some of my favorites were the one about British single fathers, the I Married a Maasai, the breast implant one, the gynocomastia one, the one about crossdressers in marriages, and the one about young girls with eating disorders.
  • @GhastlyCretin
    Documentary released in 2000 for anyone who cares.
  • @marycanary86
    dude is comparing touching the stove to feeling empathy- brah, no, those are literally the opposite of one another. one is learning to avoid hurting yourself, the other is about not wanting to hurt others
  • Psychopaths don't believe they're damaged. Empathy and kindness are a waste of time.
  • @80ladyjay78
    Severe childhood trauma/neglect shrinks the Amygdala in children
  • @loveislove4879
    Treatment only makes them worse because they can pretend to have empathy and care about people and pretend to be sensitive. Give up, it's a waste of time and money. They cannot and will not change. Ever.
  • @debrabennett3009
    No matter what you do, they just can’t be “rehabilitated.”
  • @lissanne9769
    One of the biggest disservices YouTube does is not put a date on the original content. When did first air and where?