Portia & Penelope's arc was amazing, actually. (Bridgerton S3 Part 2 Analysis)

Published 2024-06-13

All Comments (21)
  • @AlmightyRawks
    Portia is the only one who found out about Pen and said OUT LOUD that Pen even wrote scathing things about herself.... everyone else just skipped that!
  • @ottliecrue4747
    I do feel like Portia's change felt natural and sincere, not to mention the costume designers putting Penelope in Portia's style of gown, it was no surprise to me that things were going to work out between them.
  • @cashmerenerd
    colin calling portia out for caring about social standards is lovely, but also incredibly shortsighted and privileged and clueless. colin is the third son of the richest family around, even with losing tjeir father, they never had to worry about anyone’s future and they never will. the featheringtons are at the bottom of the totem pole, even when lord featherington was alive, portia had to constantly worry about her daughters future. colin being all high and mighty about social standing is just like portia with her daughters: good intentions, ridiculously misguided approach
  • @nikkislav
    A weird take, maybe, but Portia is actually my favourite character. She's no angel and for sure is flawed but who isn't? And she TRIES to be better. She recognizes her wrongdoings and tries really hard to be better. She should have done that earlier, before her daughter got marreid but to be honest there is so many parents that never do acknowledge their mistakes, so beter late then never. And also, in her crooked way, all she's done, she's done for her family. She's trying to change the way she shows love and that's really admirable.
  • My favorite part of the season was Featherington's storyline. I loved that her family (the Featheringtons) helped and supported her when she revealed herself as Lady Whistledown. When people started murmuring her sister used the butterflies as a distraction and her brother-in-law started clapping. The Bridgerton's really didn't do much to support her.
  • @ViktorijaSarac
    It's unfair to judge mothers in this time period on modern standards. When in past it was looked down upon aristocrats who raised they children.
  • @teacup3650
    The thing is, it’s harsh to judge Portia by modern parenting standards. In the regency era, Portia would be acting how a mother would be expected to act regarding her daughters. While the show loves to emphasise the importance of love matches, in reality they were quite rare especially among the elite where titles, wealth and land were considered far more valuable assets than the potential of love. Portia was doing well by her daughter to encourage her to marry Lord Debling who had all three of these things which would also ultimately protect Penelope as the Featheringtons risked being turned out of their own home. Lord Debling, despite his eccentries, was young, attractive and honourable which would have made him an ideal match for any young woman, especially in a time where women were often forced to marry men much more older than them, like with Cressida. Portia thought she was doing right by her daughter and in the time period, she was. This doesn’t mean Portia didn’t make any mistakes and that she didn’t emotionally hurt Penelope, because she did and this is something Portia learns and grows from.
  • @paolachavez5714
    I always got the feeling that Portia had a difficult life just watching her marriage and that she was desperate to get her daughters out of society, so now realizing how Penelope broke the mold and made something for herself was so sweet. some mothers do not know how to communicate so it was nice to see her soport her during this time, great character develoment, hope we can see her more in the next season
  • @kseniavarna9131
    When Portia found out about Lady Whistledown’s identity I was eager for her and Penelope to start scheming together how to bring down Cressida, Portia is so good with schemes and plans 😅 instead Colin went ahead and made things worse and then Penelope had to sort everything herself 😂
  • @chocobxl
    So refreshing to hear a mature take on child-parent dynamics.
  • @LauraAura977
    I love the scene where they are playing Charades and Portia is getting answers right too, shows her and Penelope are both clever in ways many others aren’t.
  • @SpringSun-ll5bm
    Portia is one of my favorite characters. She is VERY smart and knows how to play the system. A subtle player in the game and that makes her one of the best. Plus she LOVES her daughters very much and all of them are happily married, she gave them what she couldn’t have
  • @StevieNettles
    Portia is the best character imo. She’s the most complex and I would argue the best mother on the show.
  • @AllmostLucy
    Honestly, Penelope is Portias daughter. Portia is smart and Penelope is smart too. They are so similar in many ways.
  • @jenittasabu4062
    I really did like how it developed honestly . Portia and Pen found they have lot in common, and Portia was proud of Pen for right reasons this time ❤
  • @aoife08619
    Portia was the only character this season that got the correct amount of screentime, i would have even been happy with more. Mainly because she is actually important to the main couple, who did not even get a feaction of the screentime they needed. The writers did everybody else dirty.
  • I don't think people are talking enough about their scenes and relationship this season. I was absolutely enthralled by the two of them and the growth of their relationship this season
  • @yaya_97
    The moment when Portia held Penelope’s hand when the queen came was a small moment that touched me. It felt like she was in a tiny way supporting and backing her daughter, and I loved it. 😭💗I didn’t expect this, but the featheringtons, all of them, were one of the best parts of the season for me.
  • my turning point with Portia was at the end of season 2 when she stood up to cousin jack and sent him packing. I would love to see her get the Queen Charlotte treatment, maybe as the B plot if there is a sequel to that.
  • @helleray4685
    It was interesting to see the family dynamics develop of the featheringtons vs the cowpers too. I hoped that Cressida would find a way out but the fact that she couldn’t was also brilliant and sort of sad.