Why Steamboat Willie Should Be Left Alone

Published 2024-01-26

All Comments (18)
  • Note: I'm NOT saying you can't do whatever you want with Steamboat Willie. I'm just saying that the new horror movie is gonna suck because Hollywood and Disney have both gone down the drain in terms of originality and decent storytelling. This is the only version of Mickey I've really kinda liked, lol. One of my favorite horror games was Treasure Island, so...
  • @Randumo
    The public domain movies are just cash grabs. I’m not entirely against public domain movies, but they should just add quality to it or maybe do something good with the character for once. People have to stop seeing the public domain as a quick and easy free way to get money.
  • I agree with you about the state of Disney these days. I don't know if you were around during the 90s but it was the decade of my childhood. Back then Disney was the undisputed king of entertainment, the best quality children's films in the world! One iconic hit after another, each a true work of art, great cartoons, mind blowing stage shows and (I don't care if it is a standing joke) Euro Disneyland was great! But then came all the slapdash direct to video sequels, and then they bought Pixar so they could make movies for them, then new Star Wars which made the fans want to go back to the prequels, then all the live-action remakes we never asked for, and sequels to films made decades ago that just made us weep for our childhood. Recycling their classics in game and things like Disney channel movies. And all the time, if Disney did managed to get a hit, they were all to quick with sequels, merchandise, video games, media tie-ins and to re-use the formula. Not to mention thinking changing every other character to a black person is correcting racial problems instead of pandering to today's overly politically correct trends. And ironically Steamboat Willie is an example of Disney's determination for profits. The cartoon was supposed to enter into the public domain decades ago. But Disney had congress extend the time it take to enter public domain, sabotaging the entire domain for everything in America for generations. See for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiEXgpp37No&t=4s
  • I fully agree. I hate this whole “innocent character becomes evil” horror movie thing. It’s absolutely unoriginal, and all those directors care about is money. To quote that song that Dead Meat (the kill count YouTube channel) made as a YouTube short parodying Blood and Honey to the tune of “I’m Just a Little Black Rain Cloud” from Winnie the Pooh, it can be summed up in this: “I’m just a quick little cashgrab. Profiting off public IP. I’m just a quick little cash…GRAB! Giving the finger to Disney. Everyone knows that a cashgrab…doesn’t have to be good, just made quick. I’m bloody, and mean! But never obscene! Except for when I randomly show t*ts!”
  • @Xylospring
    I want Pardoies of Mickey just suddenly beciming worried, wondering every single day if he left the oven on. Why? Because I'm evil.
  • @annien.1727
    It really saddens me that Disney is getting a bad rep nowadays. And I also hate that they'd use Walt Disney's masterpiece as a horror movie. Walt clearly never meant his precious creation to be used in such a manner. However, as Disney's lifelong fan, I'm not going to lose hope for Disney. Once I get a job there as a story artist, I'm going to help Disney regain its good reputation and help it get back on top. That's my 2024 goal.
  • @Jeff-gj7ko
    If I live to see the Moomins get a horror game when they enter public domain, I'm going to start an angry mob.
  • I don't approve of films like Blood and Honey. But I think there's something about taking something sweet and inoffensive and putting it in a horror setting that amplifies the horror. Maybe it's because it's inappropriate that people think it's fun to do this sort of thing.
  • @taha_boy
    I don't agree. Make whatever you want. Steamboat Willie started in 1928 he isn't really a part of someone's childhood. Cheap and bad remakes are just a teething issue. More films will come that will be better but it has to start with letting this remakes happen so we can firmly establish these characters as outside copyright control for mainstream audiences.
  • @PyroManiac64
    well there were already mickey mouse horror games before steamboat willie became public domain so posting a video saying "WAHHH WAHH LEAVE STEAMBOAT WILLIE ALONE" won't change anything, so they're not gonna stop anytime soon after another character enters the public domain, and then another one, and then another one, and then another one, and the cycle keeps repeating They're still gonna do what they wanna do, just saying I mean you can't really stop them from doing it soooo again, just saying :P
  • @ThetreeDraggon
    i agree if you make a horror version of steamboat willie or of anything from our childhoods in that matter just dont do it so much so that it ruins our childhoods like that stupid rich british kid purposely did with blood and honey and make it actually good and creative. like that shouldn't be to much to ask for.
  • @ThetreeDraggon
    like did any of you seen paul vids thomas the tank engine shed 17 or project g1? even that didn't ruin my childhood as much as blood and honey did and i thought those where like the scariest piece of thomas the tank engine fan theory animation videos at the time like that ruin my childhood. 😂