Daily Videos Start Now!

Welcome to a new idea! A new style and a new place to get lifted up. Thank you for subscring and coming along. Lets get it.

コメント (21)
  • @john2k22
    Call it the “Shine More” car wash in the same design as smile more!
  • lets get it! I will be hyper focused on getting you up and ready to rock in life. See you tomorrow.
  • I actually really like how you're focusing more on the teaching side now. Many of us, including me, have watched you since elementary school and that was a time of entertainment that we wanted. Now, many of us are graduating college now and getting into the real world, and instead of giving us what we want, you are giving us what we need, which is knowledge and advice to do well in the real world. And for many, they are struggling to find jobs etc. So this concept of education is really wonderful and I appreciate it!
  • As someone who watched the old channel and vlogs religiously, I love this. I’m 23 now and I wanna kick life’s butt. The old vlogs were inspiring me as a kid to go outside and have fun and I’m excited for this channel to motivate me as an adult. Atwood’s never fail to impress. God Bless
  • Keep the classic outro PLEASE!! It’s the little pieces of nostalgia that bring us back here to watch every new video.
  • Please call it “SHINE MORE” ❤ Congratulations guys!! Been watching since the very beginning. This is truly amazing!!!!!
  • Awesome new channel. What gets me up is I'm a single father to a amazing daughter and I love making her lunch to take to school, love when she comes home, loves watching anime with her when we're having dinner, and I love doing our secret handshake before I put her to bed. I live off that. Without her I'd be nothing. She's my life.,✌️
  • Keep the outro. It’s you. It’s who you are. Giving. Motivating. Encouraging the smile
  • @WoodyH.
    My faith, building a career, and mastering self. How can I be the best version of myself today? Better than yesterday. I’d love to have a loving wife and family like yours one day.
  • I have been watching for 8 years, and this man has an awesome testimony, and he looks great . Every time i hear smiles more, it makes me smile... He has done so much food things and help so many people to smile and feel better, and now he is continuing..roman is definitely one of a kind
  • Let the outro be the old one! Don’t change it.. it’s the 1 comforting thing to everyday challenges & changes! You’ve perfected an entire TED TALK in those 2 lines!
  • I’ve been watching you for 10 years and I’m very happy with this new beginning! For me, your day to day vlogs are the videos that I like the most! Thank you for all the support and all the smiles that you put in my face throughout these 10 years, even in tough times!
  • Roman, I just discovered you on TikTok at my lowest, dealing with the health care of my terminally ill father that is losing his battle to lung cancer. I’m losing my purpose in life. I’m a single mother of two God fearing son’s that serve the Lord every day. They flew the coop many years ago to start their own families and lives. My life was to always be the best daughter and mother I could possibly be. It seems it’s all coming to an end with my daddy’s days numbered here on earth. I’m a Christian but I feel like I’m losing my faith the closer to the end he gets. I don’t know what I need but prayer helps. I find it hard to pray for myself these days. Please help the Lord intervene in my life gratefully. 😢😢🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • We’re so back baby!!! Roman’s daily vlogs were my everything growing up!
  • Can i be honest here...? I'm a 31 year old stroke survivor, and your videos have inspired me. Even if to just get up in the morning. I'm excited for your new journey. Love and blessings to you and your family. Thank you for everything.
  • I absolutely love the aspect of this channel and the helping people focus on themselves. Once again, thank you Roman!
  • Always watching you and your family means joy and fun and Inspiration.' Thank You for letting us share your journey.#smilemore♥♥♥