Freespace 2 Mod: Derelict [4K]

Published 2021-09-14
Derelict is a FS2 mod that continues the story 5 years after the Capella Supernova.
It was some time since i last played so im a little rusty, specially at the start.

Five years have passed since the jump node to the Capella system was collapsed, sealing off a massive wave of Shivan Juggernaughts from pushing further into GTVA space. The supernova and subsequent nebula hang like a growing scar throughout the GTVA as light from that event continues to spread across our worlds.

The loss of Capella created serious economic hardship throughout the Alliance, a new Great Depression is upon us. The complete loss of the planetary resources and economic foundation of a rich world was devastating in its own right, but that is not all. Two hundred million refugees continue to walk the stars, seeking a new home. Some have settled, while others have been forced to move from place to place, hoping that the next place may welcome them with open arms.

While the Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance continues to hold, the current depression has given way to political instability. Local governments rise and fall as often lunar tides, organized crime and piracy have prospered in a black market environment. It seems no one is immune. Radical voices are raising echoes not heard since the blood cries of the Neo-Terran Front. The Ghosts of the past are catching up with us.

Since collapsing the Capella Jump Node, the recovering GTVA Fleet has spent much of its time and resources in police actions. Our own resources are taxed to the limit, and yet still we have the challenge to live up to our calling. Even so, it is alarming that there are those who are starting to take matters into their own hands.

What happens in the political arena is not our concern today. As part of the GTVA forces, ours is to keep space safe for our citizens

You are to take a new tour of duty with the 212th Silver Scythes squadron in the Tau Sigma cluster, a remote group of systems beyond the Altair Jump Node. These are mining colonies, and while the GTVA presence is small, it is nontheless important.

This is not an easy assignment, pilot. You will often be working in less-than-ideal conditions, but we trust that your skill will help to bring some much needed relief to this region.

All Comments (21)
  • @procdrone725
    Absolutely Amazing. Derelict, one of the epic "vanilla" campaigns. I remember playing the old version of it, without the MediaVPs and voice acting.
  • Hell yeah boi! I was hoping to find a Derelict playthrough without the player talking over it the whole time, thank you for scratching that itch.
  • 3:04: Guess you're back as another Alpha 1 again. 5:45: Finally, some action. 10:45: Another success for the GTVA ranks, even if they're irregulars. Deep Patrol duty next. Should be a bit hard. Another wrong jump? 16:52: Interesting news tidbit. Explains quite a bit too. Athanas Incident? Isn't that... nevermind. That was a nice breather mission complete with backstory on what's to come. Will expect the extreme moments to follow... oh, boy, another DS run. 21:16: Hold the phone, we got a derelict. Scanning... alright, will keep watch for the retrieval. 23:23: And it gets really interesting... heh, the Marie Celeste incident has become a legend in these times? Quaint. 25:14: Oh, dear God, no. And The Wizard of Oz is still memorable even after all these years... right, following this anomaly. 27:54: SATHANAS!!! Was that even a... it doesn't seem like it! Guard duty and asteroid interception while armed for DS duty? This is not going to end well. Huh, another unavoidable casualties mission. Can't say I'm surprised. Ah, Destroy the Pirates mission. Good, that'll rack up the score. What the hell? They aren't pirates?! What are we even doing here?! 44:38: OK, what did GTVI do this time? Escort mission to save face? Fitting. Now this is just a load of bull... drones?! When will these thieving punks ever stop? Hmm, this Long John Wing is going to be a treatful challenge. Ah, a subspace intercept. Never seen these since the pursuit of the Shivan Lucifer. Hmm, was that wingmate's grandpa the first game's Alpha One by any chance? 1:09:30: That was exhilar... wait, a pirate AWACs? Oh stars, did they say LUCIFER-CONFIGURATION?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, you designated that thing as "Nyarlathotep"? Why?! Transferred to a Vasudan group and being assigned for cover for an up-and-coming refugee fleet. Pray no one messes around this time... And so the pirates have returned... and are surprisingly heavily armed. Still, good thing the GTVI was there to... help out covertly with their Cypher. Wonder if that has a sister ship with a similar name? Good, another mission to take out that Ithaca pirate ship. Here's hoping for a grand outcome... Ugh, BETAC again? Seriously, we really shouldn't give these scum those rights. Things have gone wrong once more... and it looks like there's a third party involved. Rescue mission alongside an asteroid interception, pirate pacification, and whatever those odd fluctuations mean. This should be very interesting yet aggravating indeed. Gotta love those minefield traps. Reminds me of the ones from the Star Wars: X-Wing series of games. Amazing, you got a recommendation from Special Operations Command. Join them, you shall. [End of Act One]
  • Wow that was a cool campaign, never knew. I actually enjoyed this storyline so much more than Blue Planet.
  • 1:58:26: Deep-cover run on identifying who's responsible for cohorting with the pirates. Should prove useful when it comes to future ops. Successful SOC mission right then and there. As expected, a ruse op follows suit. Hope there are no leakers and traitors around. Despite the sudden appearance of civilians to protect and scavengers to fend off, another success... and we got confirmation that this GTFF Cypher is actually a GTVI pet project based on Aken Bosch's Iceni design... wait, does that mean... Escorting a transport to a refugee ship with help from these mysterious mercs. This should be the time where things go all too wrong, I assume. So the pirate attacks are actually diversions for the mercs and their employer. Any contingencies against this? Still, surprisingly relieved that nothing irredeemably wrong happened. Uh-oh, a scanning mission behind GTVA lines for that dratted Nyarlathotep. Not good. ...Shoot, it's the Vasudans and the Qualhotep. What do we... sorry, sorry, sorry... thank stars for the Escher to be here... this is most likely bad. What in the, those are the derelict's science vessels, what the heck... happened to them?! Wait, we're not gonna fight Shivans, are w... hostile Erinyes and other GTVA craft! Well, goodbye, undercover Shadow merc days. Hello again, Alpha GTVA days. Hope to see you again, Lt. Faulkner. 2:45:30: And Act Two begins with Revelations from the Bible. Cryptic yet fitting. So Tau Sigma Station, our very own former homeship the GTC Lonewolf, and Capellan refugees are protesting GTVA inaction, while the derelict Lucifer-class Randall Fl... I mean, Nyarlathotep needs to be moved away. Readying for launch and the inevitable chaos then. 2:50:00: ...Oh dear no, that means there'll be witnesses... you said it, Alpha 2. Can't believe I'm saying this, but... protect the Lucifer-class! Shoot! Quell the riot and pacify the pirates and traitors! Um, thanks, Nyarlathotep. Well, that wasn't pleasant... alright, now to recapture the Lonewolf. 3:05:10: eye-twitching MORE PIRATES?!? Easy win. Nah, no need for a cold one. Taking escort duty for additional science vessels while flying with recently graduated rookies. Would hate to see a lot of casualties, even if it's just one ship. Not fantastic work, I admit. Lost some ships, and some crew and researchers from there jumped to the escape pods on time, yet no rookie was lost. Oh, and all pirate scum encountered will never see the light of day again. Good. Those pirates better have a taste of their own disgusting medicine... would rather be a "butcher", though. Those "civvies" better pay a price for their damning treachery and support for piracy. Now, to take out their leadership. What the... they're dust now? Well, congrats, I guess, whoever done this. Oh, nice, leftovers. Pacifying them now. That's done and over with. Wait, those mercs named their station "Event Horizon"?! Fine, assisting now, but will expect a trap or something equally bad. ...Morgan Technologies has been doing wrong this entire time?! What's going on here, really? sighs Another civil war scenario. What fun. 3:56:38: Oh no, not an excerpt from The Call of Cthulhu. Alright, preparing escort duty for MT personnel, and hope they get what they deserve. And what just started as escort mission for captured MT personnel ends up wItH a third Shivan incursion. Well, ending all these logs.
  • @_Feyd-Rautha
    This is amazing! How did I not know about this?! Great work
  • @nagygabor6300
    Imagine if only one Sathanas could make it through, what a stress it could be. Another thing to mention: According to the story, all Sathanas stucked in the Capella system, however in the last scenario when the Supernova was channeled, many Sathanas departed. Did they stay somehow in the Capella system at the end of Freespace 2? Anyway: Derelict should make Volition or others realize that Freespace is still very much alive and would need a continuation.
  • Ah, FS2's fanmade answer to the first game's Silent Threat: Reborn. This should be good. Anyways, 0:00 begins Act One. SOC Loop 1 begins at 1:56:17. 2:45:22 is the beginning of Act Two. 6:19:16 is the beginning of SOC Loop 2... heh, talk about a palindrome. 7:21:32 is the beginning of Act 3... it's about to be over.
  • @ReaVen443
    The thing that makes the Shivans so great as an advesarry is, their really "alien" nature, we dont understand them, they are seemingly endless, we cant communicate with them (minus Bosch and E-ak)... even if we are victorious against them it feels hollow.
  • Well, if anyone is curious in case the ending ends very differently, please note the existence of a certain eldritch deity known as Yog-Sothoth.
  • @Madness1382
    Неплохо, но у сюжета есть несколько больших минусов: 1) Кто были те загадочные Васудане, что влезли в бой в одной из миссий? Ответа так и не было получено... 2) Внезапное "ой, мы решили, что не будем гоняться за МТД "Аурига". Ну просто "потому что", ага? 3) ГТВА то еле-еле сражаются, то легко разносят меньшими силами шиванский разрушитель, 2 корвета и 6 крейсеров - чпок-чпок и нет шиван... 4) Самый лютый минус - ой, "Ньярлахотеп" хочет открыть варп в Капеллу, ужос-ужос. И не беда, что в Капелле уже 37 лет(по сюжету) нет ничего, кроме остатка сверхновой - да-да, жители Капеллы свалили не потому что Шиване раздолбали им планету. Шиване там ЗВЕЗДУ ВЗОРВАЛИ и смылись(а кто не смылся - погибли, пруф в эндинге FS2). И - конечно же - шиване такие тупни, что у них нашлось больше сотни кораблей класса "Сатана", но почему-то не нашлось ещё одного "Люцифера", чтобы стабилизировать портал. Ну и тот факт, что шиване легко используют и НЕСТАБИЛЬНЫЕ(по мнению людей и васудан) ВАРПЫ - это тоже не беда для сюжета. Короче, оно вроде и неплохо, но минусы сильно режут глаз...
  • Now that you're also doing Just Another Day, any plans to do Wings of Dawn, not to mention Shrouding the Light?
  • @maxpayne930
    So it,s average Joe Smoe adventure awesome :trophy-yellow-smiling::elbowcough:
  • Man, when's Blackwater Operations going to release? The Enigma and Auriga should be apprehended, if not utterly destroyed so to tie up loose ends.