Was Mario Wonder As Great As We Thought?


コメント (21)
  • Complains about the game not being challenging. Complains when the game adds challenges. You can’t win
  • "This game sucks, but it also doesn't." -every Super Mario Bros. Wonder review ever
  • Still love the game, but I'm still baffled by the decision to make YOSHI, a main character, easy mode.
  • Nitpicks a lot of small things but forgetting one big one personally for me and a lot of other people. The bosses suck in this game. It's the most uncreative part of the game by a mile. Older 2D mario games had so much more variety with koopa kids and most final bowser fights being this grand spectacle that is much better than auto scroller music jumping to the beat boss battle.
  • @lPsychoMax
    If some reason, Mario's design in Mario Wonder reminds me of Super Mario Land 2 for the Gameboy. No idea why, I just keep thinking of those sprites more than anything else!
  • WE RAGE BAITING WITH THIS ONE!!!!! 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 🗣️🔥🔥🔥 🗣️🔥🔥🔥
  • my biggest pet peeve with this game is that they removed the controls: x for dash and y for jump, wich would be fine because the other games are meant to be played with y for dash and b for jump. except that theres NO WAY TO TURN IT BACK. in fact, they barely give you any control options at all, its either y/dash and b/jump or b/dash and a/jump. and thats IT. we should have the system where you scroll down the list of actions paired with buttons. press confirm on the button/action (for example b/dash) then press the button you WANT it to be, like x. and its now (x/dash) :)
  • @AndrewJcf
    As someone who has played though half of the game, only on coop I find the most annoying thing to be the crown which is completely fine when I’m playing with my brother because of how we play being so similar but the minute you add other people who play the game differently it changes, lots of deaths due to the crown player being behind everyone else or them being way to ahead. I also don’t like how it changes depending on who did something for example get a wonder seed or get the highest on the flag, and this making them basically player 1 in a sense meaning the host losing control over dialogue and the world to play in, because of this I prefer how the older new Mario bros games did it where is was the person furthest was the one it would follow.
  • There are things we take for granted like player collision or the koopalings. "No one likes bumping into each other." "The koopalings are used too much." Nintendo: We hear you all. We will get rid of all these problems. We now have a locked camera with no player collision and all the bosses are now Bowser. Jr. Why couldn't they take notes from the FIRST GAME? Every castle boss was original and appropriately themed to that specific world.
  • @Moonlow.
    You forgot to mention that the bosses in the game suck.
  • @Bradyy.
    What sucks is that I can tell Nintendo actually put a lot of care into this game and actually truly wanted us to enjoy it insted of making another cash grab and it fell short. I really hope they dont stray from that path and im confident that the next game can be truly great.
  • The opening.... It's been a very long time since you've posted anything at all 😂 Don't get it wrong, we're happy to hear that familiar voice again.
  • @MinerMario
    No offense, but I could feel myself tensing up and getting madder as this video went on. The title is click-bait and almost none of the points feel really valid to me. I respect your opinions, but this one really rubbed me the wrong way.
  • I always felt like the player collision in the new soup games was annoying more than anything
  • Wait, so do you like the game? Do you think it’s bad? I’m just confused
  • @ayyLumao
    I think that the reason player collision and stuff like that was removed it's because lots of people complained about it in the New Super games. Same goes for a lot of other features, people really didn't care much for those games so I think that Nintendo just wanted to make sure this game didn't feel like an NSMB game lol!!
  • @ivoryvt
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the co-op. One of my biggest gripes is the way the person with the crown calls the shots, with no options to turn that off. When I signed up to be player 3 in my younger sister's co-op session, I fully expected to be following her lead, as with any co-op 2D platformer. I'm usually player 1 in Kirby sessions for example, and I'm usually player 2 in Donkey Kong. As someone who enjoys co-op games, it's pretty much ingrained in my psyche that player 1 calls the shots. Instead, the game kept tossing the crown over into someone else's direction and so we would be on the map wondering why Florian's dialogue hasn't progressed and it turns out "oh yeah I have the crown whoops". I liked the crown in 3D World because it was just a stupid object that measured your skill, and it was funny to beat each other up over it. This is intrusive and makes the co-op not as fun when we constantly have to keep track of who's in control, and so I intentionally avoid doing stuff that would earn me more points just so it wouldn't switch.
  • 10:40 FYI The "top-of-the-flag" thing was also in 3D World and was required for world Crown
  • @isaiah4820
    The worst part about this game is that I often forget it even exists. There just wasn’t much that stuck out to me. It seemed like another NSMB game with some new gimmicks and power ups.