Life is strange Video time lapes

Published 2016-01-19

All Comments (21)
  • @alexlam96008
    Well, not to brag or anything but I can draw stick figures with fully straight lines.
  • @lucstockdale
  • @gem9608
    oh my god, you're the one that drew this? I loved this picture when I came across it, and now I've found a speed paint of it. It's incredible how you notice every single detail that was put into it when you watch the process.
  • Max's face just touched my heart so hard, it makes me cry, Idk why I'm getting emotionally involved. But that's a wonderful piece of art you have there :D
  • @dogedays6799
    God I wish this game could have had an ending where everyone lived and Max and Chloe could be friends without something constantly going wrong :(
  • @nuggy-cho3268
    you have no idea how much I loved this game... and now, having an artist I really like doing something about this wonderful game is just.... amazing ;u;
  • @CytheriaXylia
    This is just so beautiful. It's always so awesome to see the process you go through while painting, like how you gradually change things from the initial sketch to improve the whole entire piece. Like when you were painting Chloe's face, and at first it looked a little odd and then you switched the direction she was facing slightly and just made it look so perfect. I love your speed paint videos so much (>y<)
  • @clementine-png
    Dear perfect artists, Please give the rest of us a chance. Your talent is too much for us to try and achieve. Sincerely, The people on this planet who wish they could draw like you but can't seem to meet your level of awesomeness.
  • @bubzzydraws
    Thank you for showing the whole video!! I love watching speed painting videos! Hope you'll upload more!!
  • @YoowlOwl
    This piece is so beautiful. I love the expression in their faces.
  • Wow... This is just fascinating! The effort! The detail! The emotion... It's brilliant.
  • It's crazy how quickly a painting can already look amazing. Like just when you did the rough sketch and colored the background I was already so impressed by how it looked.
  • I love the emotion portrayed in this picture and this is the best art video done by sakimichan so far! I love it 😍⭐
  • @jlb4470
    She uses the selection tool to give a sharp look to the shadows and highlights when needed. Also she uses a minimal amount of layers and her process can vary from work to work. Like in this one, she added the base colors and over painted it and added detail that way.
  • @gurikawaii7837
    This is truly amazing, we need art like this these days, idk how you don't have a million subscribers already.<3
  • @jlb4470
    I love studying her art. I am going to start doing it more, so many tricks to when you are stuck in your art work.