EFAP TV: Reacting to The Acolyte S01E04 - Day

Published 2024-06-21
So like, the character need to walk around for a bit and chat about some things here and there. Things happen in the sense that change occurs but nothing happens.

Edited by

MauLer: Start - 27:09
Fringy: 27:09 - End

All Comments (21)
  • @nont18411
    “Mundi kinda forgot that he knew about the Sith before the Phantom Menace but the Sith certainly haven’t forgotten about him.”
  • I was not expecting to add "Character assasinating Mundi" to my bingo list, but hey, here we are.
  • It’s kind of funny that slashes from lightsabers kill people, but not stab wounds
  • I will comment this now, If the fake smile-o Ren happen to be one of the mother and she utter "I am your mother" like vader did, there will be CHAOS
  • Top Picks for the Identity of Smilo Ren: 1. Jedi Master Trinity (she obviously faked her death) 2. Master Sol's evil twin brother 3. Teenage Chewbacca 4. Yoda on Stilts (trolling everyone) 5. Time travelling Darth Maul 6. Agatha Harkness 7. John Kramer
  • “Oh come on, do you REALLY care that much about a character who got two seconds of screen time in TPM???” Someone did. Someone making this show thought it necessary to make Ki-Adi-Mundi 40 years older and include him in these events, when they could have had another original character standing there, with no difference made since Mundi doesn’t say anything any other original character couldn’t have said. But come on. The one character who explicitly said the Sith hadn’t been seen for a millenium? Out of ALL the characters you could have picked, you chose THAT one to be the one standing around during the events of 100 years prior when a not-Sith was killing Jedi? Nah, they knew exactly what they were doing. I’m not gonna be gaslit into thinking this doesn’t matter when clearly they had to go out of their way to make this happen, so butchering his character clearly mattered to someone.
  • @samgilley3160
    What's crazy is that the internet firestorm has basically peaked. We have accusations of death threats, disstracks from the actors, ists and phobes are flying around everywhere...and we're only halfway through the show lol This is going to get so spicy when its revealed that the Jedi intentionally covered up the return of the sith.
  • @Theendman42
    The reason why Smilo Ren could force push all those Jedi was because Smilo Ren was all the Sith, but they were not all the Jedi. See? Logic. Wahbam!
  • @h.a.9880
    So Osha, who failed the Jedi training, manages to sense the living being clinging to the tree... yet the dozen or so actual Jedi can't?
  • Leslye Headland: We have Trinity and a Wookie Jedi! Also Leslye Headland: Oh, but they die after 2 minutes
  • The only thing that happens in this episode is learning that Mundi has dementia during the prequel era.
  • Plot twist: Occupational and Safety Hazzard Association is the chosen one who impregnated Anakins mom
  • @androidd4478
    The reason there’s a sink in the opening is because the CGI/visual effects team are trying to tell us that they too believe that Star Wars has gone down the drain. They just can’t say it openly, otherwise the almighty god of Star Wars Kathleen Kennedy will banish them to the Disney dungeons to work on another live action Disney remake.
  • For anyone who doesnt know, in DISNEY Canon, let alone real canon, Yoda is GRAND MASTER of the High Council presently for 200 years and running, essentially the boss of all the jedi. There's NO way you dont tell him bout this/hes not all over it
  • @Grrk_Jr
    I can’t fucking believe Leslye Headland made it so that Reva doesn’t have the most unbelievable 180 in Star Wars
  • @Sphoonx
    The sink: legend says that during the making of ROTS' opening space battle, the artists were told to throw everything into it, "everything except the kitchen sink". The story goes that they disobeyed these orders and actually did throw in a kitchen sink: at the very start when Obi-Wan and Anakin's fighters are flying through the battle in the one-take, there is this one bit where one of the republic ships shoots a big blue laser from its hangar. the debris that is ejected from the explosion and that the camera briefly follows is supposed to be this legendary sink.
  • @Orkillester1
    I can't believe the action centerpiece got cut to focus on unloading the ship extremely inefficiently
  • @fellfraid
    The sink is in the intro because someone didn't understand that "kitchen sink" is just an idiom.
  • This show was budgeted ten thousand dollars a second, and a Wookiee fight scene would have been too expensive?