While Writing Anti-Islam Book He Became Muslim! - The Story of Joram Van Klaveren

Published 2022-09-15
Today we shot a video with joram van klaveren. How did Joram Van Klaveren became a Muslim? He told us his journey of becoming muslim. How was his life in regards to faith? Joram van Klavaren got over 2000 death threats. He couldn't sleep for it for two days. Anti islamist politician became a muslim. Joram van klavaren anti islamist. Anti islamist politician converted to islam. Member of Freedom Party has became a Muslim. Joram van klavaren was wanted to write anti islam book. Interesting story of Joram van Klavaren becoming a Muslim. How did an anti-Islam politician become a Muslim? How is Islamophobia in Europe? Joram Van Klaveren shares his story of how he became Muslim. Dutch former politician converted to islam. Why people in europe becoming muslim? Reverting to islam. Muslim writer in europe is Islam. Muslims in europe. islamafobia. islamafobia in europe. Is islamafobia increasing in europe?

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00:00 Intro
01:42 How was your life in regards to faith? What did you believe in?
03:09 How and why did you decide to write an anti-Islamic book?
05:52 What resources did you use while doing your research?
09:33 What surprised you the most while doing your research?
10:46 Shahada moment
12:36 What was the reaction of the people around you? When you became muslim?
15:28 How did you feel when you made your first Salah?
15:52 What were the three biggest challenges you faced when you converted to Islam?
16:48 Are you raising your kids as muslim?
17:29 What was your heaviest and most regretful expression that you used for Islam?
18:42 How should people research about Islam?
19:42 What would you like to say as your final comments?

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All Comments (21)
  • I just converted from a Christian to a Muslim today! May Allah work in our hearts Edit: it’s been over a year since I made this comment and a lot of people have been asking me how I have been. Alhamdulillah I am still a Muslim, and I don’t plan on being anything else. I’m doing great right now and I have gained so much knowledge over the past year, and I’m becoming a better Muslim as the time goes by. May Allah bless you all
  • @gwen2335
    I reverted to Muslim Last 8 Months ago Alhamdullillah🥺My tears drops when he said about the Holy Quran Surah 22
  • @ny100302
    My sister converted to Islam and asked to to do Ramadan with her. And just by doinh ramadan I can already feel a change in my soul. Inshallah I will become Muslim one day.
  • @msweetestguy1900
    My almost 60 circle friends reverted from Hinduism to Islam. May Allah bless them with high ranks.
  • I was born and raised as a Muslim, but this man is a better Muslim than me. I feel ashamed and motivated at the same time, Alhamdulillah.
  • @stefka9156
    Tbh, I never hated Islam, but I must admit I knew nothing about it. And after reading and studying it, I saw in my heart that Islam has what I believed from forever. But knowing Muhammad life was a key change, and now I'm going towards my shahada
  • @KenAdams-sn8yd
    This video actually made me cry !!. Allah guided this person and I pray Allah to guide me and everyone. O Allah, forgive all our sins, Aameen
  • I grew up as an atheist and became a Muslima when i was about 19/20 years old. Now almost 20 years in Islam. Best time of my life❤
  • My search for islam started with me watching islamophobic content from Christian apologits like David wood, Nabeel Quareshi... when I was about 14-16....but when I got older and started questioning things, I started watching content from the other perspective and SubhanAllah it made so much sense. I took my Shahada in November 2022 and may Allah keep my heart firm on this Deen! I started off disliking Muslims, but little did I know the plan Allah had for me...Allah is the Best of Planners indeed. Sometimes I feel like crying...I don't who will read my comment but may Allah bless you my brothers and sisters and may we meet one day in Jannah InshaAllah!!!
  • @rgb9795
    no longer with us for a thousand years, yet still inspiring people, peace be upon him
  • @abdurrab2194
    I am a born muslim from Bangladesh. The more I hear or read the story of a reverted muslim the more I curse my self for not reading Quran and not practicing islam properly. The truth is, i am learning islam from reverted muslim brothers and sisters. Thank you all and Alhamdulillah...
  • @TomiTom1234
    I just cried hearing his story. I am born Muslim, but I can admit that people who revert to Islam taste its sweetness and beauty more than people who are born muslims, Subhanallah.
  • @_mani
    "It's not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts." mashaAllah
  • @saimaamin5212
    I'm a born Muslim and I weirdly feel so proud of all of the reverts. You guys should know that you all are inspiration to many including born Muslims like me. May Allah keep us all steadfast on this right path.
  • @ubedmirza3454
    "It is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts." (Quran, Surah Al-Hajj 22:46)
  • @Servant0002
    I reverted on 30th March 2023. My parents are against it but I’m trying to explain them. I feel lucky that Allah chose me. Alhamdulillah 🤲🏽
  • Subhanallah I just love reverts, they not only most interesting people but listening to their journey to Islam its just beautiful and inspiring, its eye opener to those seeking the truth.. alhamdulilah yarab❤❤❤❤❤❤