Published 2024-06-09

All Comments (21)
  • @Shinji_Jun
    Dude he found the wrong person that donated him first it was a different guy with Valkyrie man I feel bad for him he deserve it
  • @ArchieOnRBLX
    Wsp project im just here to give the non stop support
  • @kingzai-zk6yo
    can you please go back to the old days please i miss them
  • @OgGiberish
    Why is project posting this a year after it was recorded
  • @benbama1
    Hey i think that its blured out bc they prob got banned
  • @That_1albino
    Hey project I know your not gonna see this but you inspired me to make a YouTube channel and donate 10k to my whole pls donate server you helped through hard times and every time I watched your videos you make me happy again you made me have the courage to help people so can’t buy or get robux and I dono them and thank you for everything you helped me through hopefully this reaches you on some way possible
  • @ImrozThesonic
    PT1: This image of a dog ran away from its owner and never came back after 5 years. The owners were really happy to see the dog but… they noticed something was off. Usually the dog is happy and really playful, but right now he’s not. So then they were like “Maybe hes cold or something” so then they give him a blanket and give him food. After that the dog wouldn’t eat the food, he was just staring at one of the owners(Ava). So then they all went to sleep. Ava woke up in the middle of the night and heard whispering, scratching, and crashing. Ava tried grabbing her phone but dropped it. Then everything went silent. Then Ava heard scratching and whispers coming from her door. Then 5 minutes later everything went silent again. Then she saw her dogs face at her window. No body just face. Then the owners door opened and the dog came in but it was different a tall black figure then it started coming towards her then she heard whispers and scratches. Then the black figure disappeared. But then she saw a hand and the hand pulled her and she was gone. PT2: The other owner (Max) heard all of the noises and went to check on Ava but he didn’t find Ava he saw blood on the walls, and floors. Then he saw writing on the wall and it said “your next” then he ran out the house and didn’t stop until he was about to pass out. Then he found a 711. So then he went inside and asked the cashier if he could sleep in the gas station. Luckily he said “yeah” So then he told him he could sleep behind the shelves in the back. So he did. Then when morning came he decided to go back to the house but he didn’t know which way to go. PT3: So then he went straight, then he got to this neighborhood and it was starting to get foggy and dark. Then he started asking anyone if he could sleep in their house. They all said no. Then he decided to sleep on the side walk. While he was half asleep he noticed something, something odd. He saw the shadow figure. Then it vanished. Then he saw Ava’s body, her body was torn half apart. Then he saw the dog. It was running towards him really fast. Then Max passed out. The next morning someone noticed him and called 911. He was brought to the hospital. Then he woke up. It was really late, all the lights were off. Then Max saw a black shadow figure again. Then the black shadow disappeared. Suddenly Max felt a pull on his foot. And he fell out of his bed. Then he got out of his room and screamed until someone could hear his voice. Then Max started hearing whispers behind his back. Then Max turned around and saw multiple hands coming for him. He ran away as fast as he could but then he saw a nurse. He told her about what just happened but she didn’t say anything. Then the nurse was getting tall then she grew long fingers and Max woke up then he saw that the lights were on and it was normal. Then he saw something smiling at him in a dark room. PT4: after that the nurses brought him to his room. Then he noticed something off with one of the nurses. The nurse had a demonic smile and looking a max. Then max pointed at the nurse, the other nurses looked back and saw that nurse. Then the demonic nurse started chasing and killing everyone in the hospital. Then max ran but the lights shut off and everyone was possessed. They were all chasing max. Then Max got cornered. Then everyone vanished and Max was the only one in the building. Then Max ran out the building and didn’t know where to go. So he decided to go to a forest and set up a campfire. Then he went to sleep. Then he woke up at 3AM and looked around and he saw all the animals in the forest looking at Max. with a demonic smile. Then They all ran at Max and tore his legs off. Then Max’s cousin(Monica) cat was acting weird. Not moving just staring at Monica’s mom. PT5: Then Monica’s parents went to bed and Monica couldn’t go to sleep. Then Monica went to bed. And the next morning came and Monica saw something horrifying Monica’s Mom had her head torn apart and her legs cut off. Then Monica’s dad was still asleep. So Monica went to go check on her dad but he was dead. All of his body parts were on the walls. Then Monica ran out the house and ran to a neighborhood. Then she saw a black figure and yelled “WHO ARE YOU”. Then the black figure transformed into Ava and started chasing Monica.PT6 LAST PART: Monica was screaming her lungs out then police heard her. Then the police started shooting at the skinwalker. Then the skinwalker started killing the police. Monica saw on of the police officers gun. She grabbed the gun, and fired at the skinwalker. The skinwalker turned into its final form. Ava as half of the body. Max’s head and the dogs stomach and head. The skinwalker started killing everyone in the neighborhood. Everyone got involved. Then the skinwalker jumped on Monica. Then a lady(Riley) jumped on the skinwalker and stabbed it 10-20 times. Then everyone was beating up the dog. Then the dog powered through it and jumped on a car then knocked the car over in which setting the car on fire. Then jumped on another car and exploded it. 2 houses go set on fire then the dog killed 10 people. Someone had a shotgun and shot at the dog and missed then the dog jumped on Riley and killed her. Then someone drove their car into the skinwalker, and killing it. After 2 days, everyone visited peoples graves and all thanked Riley for trying to help. And most importantly they thanked the person that killed the “dog”. THE END BONUS PART: after all that happened, they all heard whispers coming from the park and they saw the same exact black figure, floating. Then the black figure started making more black figures. Everyone started fighting them. Then the black figure started possessing everyone. Then people we’re trying to fight the black figure, but he Eventually stopped and faded away with the black figures.Everyone that was possessed, the thing got out of them. So now they just live life.