Democracy at Work: Curing Capitalism | Richard Wolff | Talks at Google

Published 2017-06-28
Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst where he taught economics from 1973 to 2008. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York City. He wrote Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism and founded, a non-profit advocacy organization of the same name that promotes democratic workplaces as a key path to a stronger, democratic economic system.

Professor Wolff discusses the economic dimensions of our lives, our jobs, our incomes, our debts, those of our children, and those looming down the road in his unique mixture of deep insight and dry humor. He presents current events and draws connections to the past to highlight the machinations of our global economy. He helps us to understand political and corporate policy, organization of labor, the distribution of goods and services, and challenges us to question some of the deepest foundations of our society. For more of his lectures, visit the Democracy at Work YouTube channel:

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All Comments (21)
  • @randomstuff911
    he's takin it right to the workers in one of the biggest monopolies. respect
  • @276226
    John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires!
  • @0leander410
    The fact that Google allowed this scares me as to how confident they are about unionization being impossible and the American working class being forever impotent and unable to exert the powers their numbers should reflect.
  • @SocialistGuyX
    Great and well needed lecture! Even in former Yugoslavia there was an economic system 1950-1992 called "the socialst workers' self management". That was 99 % same as today's Cooperatives. I lived and worked in that system and I can tell you first hand that we, the workers, were very, very happy with it. To those who will immediately say that Yugoslavia crashed because of it, I say that cannot be farther from truth. Yugoslavia crashed and ended because of aggressive nationalism and religious hatred between major ethnic groups, and that's completely different story.
  • @sail1999
    I worked at a shipyard that was bought by the employees. The employees used their 401K to buy shares in the employee owned company. It worked well.
  • @musicdev
    Criticism of Capitalism in one of the largest tech monopolies today? I dig it
  • @squiddy2688
    Never have I had such a clear explanation of the way capitalism works and I have never been able to envision another system. This was amazing.
  • @ButterBeanCW
    Mad respect for a man who can walk straight up to the beast and tell it like it is.
  • @jessewood3196
    This speech aged well. It will continue to age well.
  • Frederick Bastiat says: When plunder becomes the way of life for some people, after some time they will make rules to justify their actions and a moral code to glorify it.
  • Aside from his easy going teaching style and knowledge! The Man is one of the greatest speakers I've ever had the pleasure of listening to! Go Professor Wolff!
  • @copacelu93
    I'm fortunate to live in a city with plenty of cooperatives and even I didn't know what a cooperative was until, like, a year ago. I'm glad more people are speaking about this business model, it really feels like the next logical step for humanity. Not the last step, but the next step
  • @lmaobozo_
    I was a Republican 3 years ago and somehow I’m here and supporting everything he is saying
  • @MartinScreeton
    I've watched Wolff and read everything he has for 5 years... I never miss one of his economic updates... @ democracy at work
  • @amitavabose2414
    Thank you Professor Dr. Wolff for explaining the evolution of economics and the social imperatives for transforming classical capitalism in a lucid manner.
  • @scouserrr
    Richard Wolff, Michael Hudson, Noam Chomsky, and Bernie Sanders, thank you all for everything you've done and continue to do for us 🇺🇸
  • I am just dicovering these lectures and am learning a great deal. I always hated the world of work and am glad I am retired. I now realize better why I hated the world of work. Thank you for the knowledge.
  • This was a very good presentation by Dr. Richard Wolff. I'm sure it will be eye-opening and educational to many viewers. I truly hope many will watch and learn something from it.
  • I also went to school during the cold war which took up half my life or more. I studied Marx for the first time in elementary school using books I got from the university library where my uncle went to school. I wanted to know what I was supposed to be afraid of and was very surprised to discover it was only a different economic system. I went back and read those books again later with a better understanding. I've always tried to understand things beyond what we learned from our school books so that university library was highly important to me. History was another subject that obviously required a deeper understanding in order to make sense of the world.. The teachers stopped calling on me for answers because they got a lot more than they bargained for.