Hell in the form of audio

Published 2020-03-01
this is painful to watch and make penis music aka rubber band by jackal Queenston was made by a gay Nazi furry

All Comments (2)
  • Jackal/Renard Queenston is not a “Gay Nazi Furry” it’s an OC (original character) created by Emma Essex and 2 others. And yes, Jackal/Renard Queenston is mainly found wearing Nazi/German WW-II uniforms, and to my understanding Emma Essex isn’t a Nazi. (Even though their old OC was wearing their uniforms) It’s also good to think about the time all of that was created, it was a very “edgy” time and people wouldn’t really get called out for things like this as often as now. Sorry for the paragraph but I wanted to inform you about your “mistakes” and/or your assumptions.