5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Get a Maine Coon Cat

Published 2021-10-19
In this video, we will talk about 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Get a Maine Coon Cat.

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To Be Clear: The Maine Coon Cat is a big, lovable, and intelligent breed of cat that originates from the state of Maine in the United States. It is among one of the oldest breeds of cats to exist today. The origin of this cat is still not entirely clear; however, it is believed that this breed came from a natural mutation. They are massive cats with long, flowing fur similar to that of an Angora rabbit. They are also known to be friendly, with a sociable temperament and excellent hunting skills.
Maine Coons are intelligent cats that are very curious about the world around them. These felines are known for their patience with children, even though they can be a little bit aloof at times because they are so large. Maine Coon Cats are also characterized by their loud purring, which lets everyone know when they're happy! Even with all this, this cat breed is not for everyone.
In this video, we will talk about 5 reasons why you shouldn’t get a Maine Coon Cat, and why they may not be the right cat breed for you.

#mainecoon #mainecooncat

All Comments (21)
  • @ginnymurray1869
    It's too bad that some people take the video wrong. You are just giving a heads up on what might be a problem for some. Things that people may not be aware of. Better to know ahead of time then find out later and have to surrender the kitty. My MC found me. She was a tiny kitten that found shelter under a tarp in my back yard. We heard her little meows. I fell in love at first sight. We have 3 other adult rescues and a very small house but we manage and have lots of fun. Gracie Gray is my baby.
  • @KnitzyKitzy
    Once you have a Maine coon in your life you will never be able to imagine life without them. We have just brought home a Maine coon kitten after losing our boy at 13 to cancer 6 months ago. It broke our hearts as he was the most sweet, playful, affection and clever little man. Our kitten is now mending our hearts and is a member of our family already.
  • @lucyb7929
    Well, I DID get a Maine Coon cat and it was the smartest most wonderful cat I have ever had out of 15. Just beautiful and loving and high functioning. We still use her name for many remembrances just because we were so attached to her. She lived to be 23 years of age.
  • @alliet808
    I have a Maine coon and yes, they require attention every day, but it’s well worth it, he’s the most affectionate cat I have ever had, very intelligent and yes, a gentle giant ♥️
  • @leosunrising
    My gorgeous boy was a small fee at the shelter where I found him. I thank God everyday for putting us together. He is solid black and I was told probably not too adoptable. Oh sooo wrong! High maintenance, yes, but he is the highlight of my days and I’ve got the time to spoil him well. When we walk outside, people stop to take pictures! He is my best friend, weighs 23 lbs, and has many talents being so smart. He can be a handful but that’s my pride and joy ! Best decision EVER!
  • @joanbreva7251
    My Maine Coon was a rescue someone had tossed out. It took her a long time to "like" me, but I am so very happy to have this cat now. She likes kids, loves our backyard (and never leaves even without a fence all the way around) and is so affectionate. I would have another in a heartbeat.
  • @tanyachavis2578
    Maine Coon cats are the best in the world. Sure they need special care. ALL animals do. Don’t let this video stop you from caring for one. Jiff is my second one. My first one lived a long time. To me they’re the most affectionate, human like, lovable and easy to care for cats ever. They TELL you what they need. Most of all it’s love. If you can’t love any animal you shouldn’t have one.
  • I found my MC baby on the side of a busy road on a Friday afternoon around 5pm. Semis and cars were everywhere and a very sweet gentleman stopped to helped me grab her. Then we took her a block down the road to a vet. I got the wonderful news that she was healthy, 8 weeks and just what I had been wanting: an MC female kitten. It was the first time I have ever rescued an animal and I was over the moon. I named her Angel and she is everything to me. I love her so much. Oh, she's 4 1/2 yrs old now and floofy as ever.❤
  • @janebryant7970
    I can’t imagine life without Maine Coons in it! Mad, playful, affectionate and totally wonderful.
  • @paulawright3704
    I'm on my second Maine Coon. Both were adult rescues and absolutely delightful! Never had a problem with either of them. They are fun and funny and affectionate ... more like a dog, but without daily walks! And when I brought home an older calico rescue, he was immediately protective of her, almost as if he could sense that she was very sad and needed a friend.
  • We recently acquired a main coon cross breed. He just showed up in our yard one day and decided to stay. Yes we did look for an owner. Though he clearly was not used to people, he really wanted attention. At the moment he is sleeping at the end of the bed having decided living in a warm house is kind of nice. He must be about 15 months old, and after we started feeding him, he doubled in size. Everything mentioned in this video sounds exactly like our boy. I think he must weigh closer to 25 lbs and eats a lot, he’s not fat. Just a really big guy. Excellent mouser. We adore him.
  • Our boy Freeway lived to be 17. He played with us all the way to his sad goodbye. Sweetest boy ever and truly missed.
  • @janicem4382
    I had a Maine coon who was my very best animal friend. His love and protection of our family brought me to tears on more than one occasion. He would come when called, he came to me when he was upset or hurt. He was an amazing cat in so many ways. He would not let me groom his belly and I had to take him to the vet, who has use anesthesia which got more dangerous as he aged. He was huge and when I held him up to my face his tail touched the ground. I am only 4’10. He died about 20 years ago and I still miss him often.
  • @lisagulick4144
    The initial cost of a Maine Coon can be offset by getting one from a breed-specific rescue organization. Also, the "small space" and "needs activities" problems can be solved by providing vertical spaces for them, such as ramps, carpeted shelves, and floor-to-ceiling cat trees (yes, trees plural). This also allows the cat to have some private space even while being in the same room with you. And while they do need frequent grooming, their fur doesn't mat up nearly as badly as a Persian or Angora's fur does, because MC's have more of a smooth outer coat than those other long-haired breeds. But daily brushing is the best way to prevent hairballs! My guy is a mix that I rescued as a kitten. He's 12 now, and I couldn't ask for a better companion. He's so smart that he's more like a room mate than a pet!
  • @kcvail7409
    I have had two, both rescues and absolutely wonderful. I would another in a heart beat
  • @miloislame
    Mine is a very independent sweetheart. He loves the whole family unconditionally. He’s very good at grooming himself and leaves minimal work for me in that department. He also knows our schedule, so he is very good at asking for his fill of attention when we’re available to do so. He also does his best to get along with every animal in the house. We have no issue giving him attention because he’s literally the sweetest thing ever. I would not trade my baby for the world. Anyone watching this video, please take it with a grain of salt. Getting our Maine cook was the best thing my family has done
  • It's not true I had a Beautyful Maine coon and for us there is no better cat than the Maine coon, they deserves all you're love and care, the Maine coon is the most gorgeous and beautyful cat with an golden character
  • @robinfox3320
    Totally worth it for me. Not aloof like most cat breeds, loves to be around people and other animals; plays constantly with my big collies. I bathe her myself every couple months, brush just once a week, and her long fur is totally fine. Daily brushing is an overstatement. Yep, expensive, paid $2,500 and she eats A LOT. But simply the BEST CAT EVAH!
  • @Y_.R
    I had my beautiful MC for 19 wonderful years. Smart doesn’t begin to describe how intelligent these cats are. Though it made her really fun to play with, it was a double-edged sword. On weekends when I would try to sleep in, she’d sit on my dresser and knock something off. I’d open my eyes and tell her to let me sleep. While keeping eye contact, she’d knock something else off. Never breaking her stare she’d walk to the next item and knock things off one at a time until I got up. The flip side? On weekdays when I had to go to work leaving her alone in the apartment, she’d turn off the snooze alarm. She could figure out every new clock in under a week. No kidding. Through much trial and error, I finally made a cage for the alarm clock that I could stick a finger in to hit the snooze button, but she couldn’t get her paw in. She was such a loving cat! But be prepared if you are going to get one. They demand your attention....and they won’t stop until they get it!