Chaos Space Marines: "What Broke The Fans?"

Published 2016-09-11
Macca takes his promised look at the Chaos Codex, with the benefit of their new rules. Be prepared for a history lesson and surprisingly little rage.

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All Comments (21)
  • @mrt181
    I like the approach CorvusBelli has for Infinity. If a unit does sell well because people like it (not broken, overpowered, to cheap) then resculpting it is low priority. They instead priorities on not well selling units, either by fixing their rules if broken, underpowered, to expensive and/or resculpting them. Keeps most people happy and the whole range fresh
  • @Agamemnon2
    In a nutshell: Chaos Space Marines - from parity to parody.
  • @malicant123
    The 3.5 codex was, in my opinion, the best codex ever released by GW.
  • also, I played Chaos before these updates, and this is shocking. Whenever I played against a Space Marine army, they were in fear of my chaos powers, like it should be.
  • @giglepiezon0323
    I love you. You understand how much chaos means to me. I will never play any other army than chaos. Long live chaos.
  • i totally agree with the comment about demons and CSM belonging together , i never understood why they branched off , since the hersey CSM have worked alongside demons or tried to thin the veil so they can come through and kick ass.... sweet video by the way
  • @Kharmazov
    One of the reasons I am moving to horus heresy. 40K rules were always shit in contrast to specialists games.
  • @TheOuterCircle
    Wondering if people would like to see a video about Nids.... or Sisters.
  • Ah the 3.5 Chaos Marine codex. The best and most lore friendly codex ever written
  • @LeviathanOmega
    This has always been my stance on forums (DarkStarSabre on DakkaDakka btw). CSM are the only army that essentially has to lug around £200 worth of books at the moment to be 'viable'. Not good. Viable. You literally choice-pick formations from supplements and FW books and dataslates and end up with an army that has absolutely minimal CSM in it (literally, you're taking Be'lakor, Cultists, Heldrakes and Lost and the Damned with maybe a few formations). No other army has a £200 investment to be remotely viable. The closest you get is around the £60 mark (assuming you're Blood Angels and having to prop yourself on Shield of Baal). Furthermore, GW dropped the fucking ball here. They had a chance to do a Tau-style rules tweak in Traitor's Hate. You know, a page of bullet points dropping unit X to Y points and whatever but instead chose to give us copy paste rules from SM (Squadrons and Psychic powers), copy paste rules from other supplements/games (Renegade Knight) and to top it off...a fucking copy-paste from our own damn book to show off a new model. (Kharn). Notice with almost every other supplement GW have released an updated digital codex incorporating the new rules - Tau, Space Wolves, Daemons and Blood Angels all get this treatment. CSM didn't. Blatantly so, Chaos didn't get an updated digital book at all whereas the fucking Blood Angels are. Our units are overpointed because of that Boon table (we're paying for what we might possibly get instead of what we actually get), our options are all gone and condensed into that table (notice SM can take artificer armour, iron halos, digi weapons, master crafting etc whereas CSM have to HOPE we roll that after meeting a statutory condition), our army is horrendously monobuild due to this - made even worse by Traitor's Hate - the formations only exacerbate the monobuild by buffing it. And our range is...fucking confused. Our whole aesthetic, in the book, in the models, in the art - is fucking confused. Are we Renegades? Legions? Lost and the Damned? Dark Mechanicus? We have elements of all of these. We are literally trying to be 4 things at once cause GW are afraid to just give us 4 or 5 fleshed out sub-faction books. I mean, holy shit GW if you can crap out 6 core SM codexes (SM, GK, SW, BA, DA, DW), 2 supplement SM codexes, supplemental rules in every fucking campaign supplement so far for SM armies and nearly the same amount of other Imperial books - why the hell are you afraid to give the Chaos faction more than 2 books? Give us Legions. Give us Renegades. Give us Dark Mechanicus. Give us Lost and the Damned. Add those to Daemons. Produce supplements for your 'Core' Legions or Warbands or whatever. Just stop basically passing us SM hand me downs with none of the nice shiny bonuses they get.
  • @worldeater89
    Good video man and I feel ya brother. Started in 4th edition with Tyranids and Worldeaters and have watched both of those army’s fall to shit ever since. i miss the good old days when the only random bull shit you had to worry about was how many berserkers was Kharn going to eat up, and that’s always a good time anyway.
  • @eisenhorn5494
    I've been reading the lore for about two years and just got into collecting. Your insight is greatly appreciated. Subbed.
  • This is one of my favorite videos on this channel looking forward for new videos keep up the good work 😉😉😉
  • @lukedeakin7124
    No one attack me but I feel like a similar thing happened to Orks, they have no invuln saves except for 1 character and 1 upgrade that is not usable for most of the army
  • @maxbrandt6
    So things were right where they needed to be for Chaos Marines at 3rd edition and GW took it all away, that really and truly sucks! I'm glad I clicked on and watched this video, I've recently made a conversion to the new Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer, swapped the head for a better looking one and changed the sword to a staff. I'm painting him up to a decent level and I'd like to sell the mini to any Chaos Marine player but now I wonder if that could even happen. And what's this, no more Alpha Legion?
  • Oh let's give chaos legion rules... 3 months before we make them redundant.
  • As a Night Lord player who has invested in Forgeworld and 3rd party heads and pauldrons, and lbs of Greenstuff, because I refuse to just accept the “cookie cutter CSM with a different color scheme” standard, I appreciate this video.