Confessions of an Alcoholic - My Sobriety Story

Published 2018-12-25
Confessions of an Alcoholic - My Sobriety Story

All Comments (21)
  • I really hear your experience… I’m a therapist and I have a handful of clients who has the similar struggles… your story really helps me to understand deeper on their lives
  • @kathleenmms
    Thank you so much for sharing this video with me and the rest of your viewers! It’s so tough to share these stories. I relate to a lot of the things you shared. The family issues, hiding alcohol, hospital visits, and going straight to the liquor store after work. That life was hell and I never want to go back to that. Once I realized that I had to drink half a bottle of hard liquor to get through the day that’s when I realized I was going to die from this disease if I didn’t get help. I think sharing these stories are invaluable because it gives other addicts hope. I guarantee you this video is going to help at least one person start fight this awful addiction. Thank you so much!
  • @belinda35_77
    Rob, I had a decades long addiction. I completely relate, and know how difficult it can be. So glad your still here and able to talk about it now. I'm in my mid 50s and clean since 96 (pot and caffeine only) I know if I go back out there it would kill me this time for sure. Oh, I can imagine some completely insane shit. When I lived in Phoenix Az (88-91) so strung out, heroin and cocaine, that's a "highlight" reel for sure!! Yeah, never feel like you're alone. Just hang in there and stay strong friend 💜
  • @ryanwoosley1518
    Wow man congrats, I've been clean off opiates for 3 years and now work in recovery. So proud of you for making this video and sharing your story with us. Not many people have the balls to do this and I hope an addict has watched this video and wants to get help, you may have saved lives and you should be very proud of yourself! If you ever need anyone to talk to when those nasty triggers come up I would be glad to help
  • @Coyote12101
    Thank you for sharing. I'm a recovering alcoholic myself who just reached 20 years of sobriety this past January. It's so hard to open up about our illness. The fear, shame and regret keep us trapped even in sobriety. I made a video myself about my story and even though I was scared of who would see it and who would judge me, it was one of the most freeing things I have done. I no longer have to hide in shame. Also, our experience can help other alcoholics because it shatters that loneliness that we all feel inside. There are others just like us and we are no longer alone. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and I promise you sobriety gets easier with time. The healing occurs without us even realizing it. I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Today, we are free.
  • @debstanbra369
    Thankyou so much for your honesty. I found this so insightful . Very brave of you
  • @jen-web
    Wow, what a candid & impressive story, Rob! We all have our vices/addictions & many of us can relate to using something to cope with or numb out our lives. Sobriety is an incredible feat & I hope all is going well with your struggle since you made this video. Thx for referencing this vid in your livestream last night. It gives much insight into why you want to continue sharing your love for tv/movies/comics in order to establish connections. Thx for sharing this!
  • @markdixon447
    Rob this is really amazing. I'm sober 29 years and I can tell you there is something special that people in sobriety carry/embody. I think that's why I was drawn into your reviews the way I did. Anyway my life just keep getting better even though at times it may not feel that way. I run in groups now where I'm sometimes the only one not drinking and it's OK. There's always the one guy that doesn't quite understand and I feel like I need to tell a story so he gets it, but now I just don't get into it. I'm probably not saving any lives but your doing this and with a following will most likely save lives but will certainly improve lives or give people a life to feel good about! There's a podcast WTF where you would be shocked to hear how many people who are in the public eye or rock stars that had to confront this thing honestly and got sober. I love how the host Marc Maron will get there stories out and he really knows (and hears) that lives are changing and being saved. There was a surprise in all this for me that I got introduced into a greater reality, a spiritual reality that has nothing to do with organized religion. I didn't see that coming but it was a great gift and has really given me a high at times like the ones I chased with drugs and alcohol. Oh yea you said the time you wasted, well now time is a gift and we can begin every day to design a new way of life based on honesty and true connection. Thx Rob... Oh btw, the thought of another white Russian doesn't really go away even after lots of time. Stay connected! It's a brother thing bro. Life to you and again thanks for this and rock on.
  • @jbug1979
    hey Rob. i know you've been through a lot and i know how much it hurts. i'm not sure whether or not it helps for you to know this, but i'm going through the same thing as you at this very moment. not with alcohol but something equally as awful. and you sharing your story brought out so much emotion in me. just knowing you're out there makes me feel so much less alone.. so thank you brother. i look forward to every video you upload. take care and have a great new year!!
  • Bro you should make more videos! I just quit drinking. Your story reminds me of me so much. Post some stories it’s so many people that a love your videos
  • @BD-yd5dl
    Merry Christmas to you. I think you did a great thing by sharing your story. There is another youtuber that does reviews and openly talks about a past with drug addiction. He is doing great now. Anyway, I wish you and your channel the best in 2019. I don't know anything about running a channel, but if you're looking to catch a little more fire with subscribers, I think a little bit of branding would do the trick.
  • Totally get you man. "Got a little bit back and lost it " Everytime. Hitting some new kind of low for me right now. So glad this came up on my feed. You really express it very well. What a weird thing to go through huh? Peace Love Light
  • @juandesalgado
    Hey, IMHO a year and a half clean is a much better goal achieved than 500 subscribers (and you got 95% of that one, so not bad either). I always thought from your videos that there was a kind of wisdom of life in them, and now I can see why - that's no guarantee, but it has to help a lot. Best wishes for the new year!
  • @bensigud2440
    Hopefully your life will go up from here. Good to see you doing better.
  • Hope your life has continued to improve and that you have found peace and happiness
  • You have a way of helping us who need to hear your life story! May I suggest you seek out AA. You will find your real friends and a new family. My bro learned this when he quit drinking 37 yrs ago. God bless you. ☝️💙
  • @menohrndz8846
    Thank you for sharing this man . Truly. If it’s not too much to ask can you message me? I just need someone to talk to that understands . I grew up in the same religion and I’m going thru similar problems at the moment. Thank you 🙏🏽
  • Depression loneliness and hopelessness for me. Gave up drinking finally. Never even had a girlfriend. Aged 37. I quit. No more alcohol. Maybe ille be single for the rest of my luge but from aged 37 ille be able to say, it wasn't because of alcohol. I also drove drink and had many close shaves. I have been beaten uo three times last year. Finally had enoug of hell. Two weeks sober and I feel so good. I look healthy again. If in doubt just QUIT