Luke's Order Terrified the Original Jedi

Published 2024-05-29

All Comments (21)
  • @LightningNC
    "Jedi shouldn't be allowed to get married. Back in my day, it was forbidden." "Yes, but have you considered that women are cute and soft and they smell nice?"
  • @Brandon-yy5cc
    This is the New Jedi Order I wanted in the Sequel Trilogy.
  • One of the interesting things that strikes me, learning about how legends handled the gulf between the Old and New Jedi orders, is how much Timothy Zahn was almost prophetic in the first chapter of Heir to the Empire, when Luke has his last conversation with Obi-Wan's Ghost. They have a great exchange where Luke calls himself something along the lines of "The Last of the Jedi of Old" and Obi-Wan directly contradicts him "Not the last of the old- the first if the new." Like, that captures the divide so beautifully and with the full blessing of the main symbol of the Jedi of old throught the OT no less- in a short chapter that's really just setup for Luke spending the trilogy feeling inadequate to found a new Jedi Order and learning that he needs to make it anyways, and possibly flirt with that cute red-headed ex-assassin.
  • The idea and the problem of Jedi Dynasties amassing power within the Republic is a fun one, because its in a way a human problem with our own lifespan. Because if some generations of human Jedi-Dynasties are a problem, what about species like Yoda who can live several hundred years and amass that same power within the same person? Yoda, in a strange way and not by his own choice, had what Palpatine always wanted and that seems not to be seen as a problem for people like Vergere.
  • @Theology.101
    Luke be like: “Hmm, you have all this advice about how to be a jedi. I’m going to ignore that and no one is alive to tell me no” “I can save every sith!”
  • Jedi having families and forming dynasties still seems to me less immoral than telling families to give up Force sensitive kids.
  • Thank you for clarifying Vergere's original intention! It drives me bonkers when fans can only see the retcon, and fail to understand the original concept of the character... she was intended to be an old republic era Jedi who simply missed out on the Clone Wars. Even when you point out to them that even Troy Denning himself admitted he had to research and write why he could do that retcon to her character to have Lucasfilm editorial approve it. There are just some fans who fail to listen and will actively attack you for not saying she was a secret Sith the entire time and that was always the plan. Stories and fictional franchise are, well, works in progress. If you can only see the in universe conclusion, you fail to understand writers implications along the way... you only get the final writers take on events, often not the characters creators
  • @TheEdog37
    The no attachments rule directly led to the downfall of the Jedi since they didn’t evolve. Why would Luke perpetuate that mistake when forming his new order? The old order fell, proving the no attachment rule was wrong. Luke righted it.
  • @michaelman957
    George: "No attachment." Other writers: "... @#$%."
  • @jayburn00
    So i guess vader's family did end up ruling the galaxy....
  • Congratulations for the 50k! 🎉 TBH I am not sure if Jedi dynasties don't also show up in some way without bloodlines. I am not sure where I first saw it mentioned, but many of the members of the Jedi Council during the Prequel era are former padawans of other Jedi Council members: Tyvokka -> Plo Koon Yaddle -> Oppo Rancisis Omo Bouri -> Saesee Tiin Mace Windu -> Depa Billaba Yoda -> Ki Adi Mundi Yoda -> (Dooku -> Qui-Gon-Jin (who could potentially have been on the council if he clashed less)) -> Obi-Wan -> (technically) Anakin Yoda (according to Wook) -> Kit Fisto Stass Allie, while not directly her padawan, is related to Adi Gallia That's most of the Jedi Council members that have established masters as far as I am aware.
  • @RevanX77
    The question of Jedi Dynasties is kind of a non-starter in the greater context of the universe. The Republic allowed hereditary monarchies to be represented in the Republic, and had countless other forms of heritable power like noble houses and political dynasties right up to the top of the structure, like the Organa's and Valorum's. And I mean, just look at Yoda. Here we are talking about a few generations of Skywalkers, when we have a single person leading the Jedi as Grandmaster for like 800 years. At least in their case it's successive individuals with different experiences and perspectives.
  • @davidb9639
    Let's not forget that Master Ikrit, who was trained by Yoda, lived and worked at Luke's Praxeum for 4 years, and so far as we know, never had any objections to the way Luke was running things. Yes, the fact most of his appearances pre-date the Prequels, but in universe, that's an interesting fact to consider.
  • Surprised and disappointed these Old Jedi Order folks didn't just leave, make their own splinter cell, and prepare themselves for a civil war scenario post-Yuuzhan Vong War. Would have made a better, if still divisive conflict than what we got on the Denning-verse. Well timed with similar works like Justice League Unlimited and its CADMUS arc, even. 1:17: An Elseworlds doesn't count. Not canon to Legends or the Alt-universe anymore due to obvious reasons. Congrats on 50K, Corey! Will admit that Vergere is no Sith in my mind, but I am into the possibility that she's the Traya reincarnation of the Skywalker era. There always has to be a Traya in the galaxy, when they're needed. 6:04: Helps that they don't know everything that really happened during the Clone Wars in-universe. They're still finding out the facts, and I bet they finally knew at least most of the truth during the Legacy era. 6:46: Actually sounds a grand idea. Would even make a fine modus operandi for how exactly occasional Jedi Knights-turned Multiversal operatives work in the field... one can easily imagine a happy dagashi store owner in a Japanese boondocks just being an undercover Kyle Katarn-esque operative keeping tabs on, hmm, magical girls that may become prospective new members for their benevolent organization. Never understood the hate on the Jedi dynasties though. They're kinda like the bloodline of Elessar/Aragorn the Second in Middle-earth lore for me. Wish Jacen became the Grandmaster though. Stupid Troy Denning.
  • @TimberWolf99
    I'm still of the opinion that Alana either never assumed the Hapan throne, or something terrible happened to her that led to Ania living as as nobody vagabond. Otherwise we have a situation where a branch of the Skywalker-Solo family tree decided to abandon the rest of it and isolate the Hapes Consortium from the rest of the galaxy. As well, pointing to the Skywalkers' roles as Grand Masters of the Order can feel just a bit disingenuous. While yes Luke (of course) and, several centuries later, Kol served in that capacity, we only have assumptions that Ben will take that position while Cade, Kol's son, isn't even a proper member of the Order at least for a good chunk of Legacy. Meantime there are multiple other Jedi who take up the role of Grand Master even while Luke is still alive, with K'Kruhk having that position at the end of Legacy, and no confirmation (far as I've seen) that Kol's father was Grand Master at any point. So yes, while the Skywalkers are closely linked with the Order (which is honestly to be expected), there's nothing to indicate they absolutely dominate it or automatically inherit the position of Grand Master.
  • @CD-Freedom
    I know that the release of the Phantom Menace heavily affected the new Jedi Order series going forward. But in what ways did the release of Attack of the Clones influence the series further?
  • @kaynawests262
    The old jedi carried robes and holocrons. The new jedi carried blasters and condems