You're Eating Too Much Sugar! - You May Never Eat It Again After Watching This | Dr. Robert Lustig

Published 2022-03-11
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My guest on this week’s Feel Better Live More podcast is Dr Robert Lustig, Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of California. He’s a leading public health expert who has long been exposing the myths of modern medicine and the food industry. His passion is communicating how sugar and ultra-processed food is fuelling the chronic disease epidemic that we are all facing today.


Dr Lustig's BRAND NEW book:
Metabolical: The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet

Connect with Dr Lustig:
YouTube @RobertLustigMD

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All Comments (21)
    When I started cutting sugar and processed foods from my diet, friends and relatives made fun of me and some said I was becoming anorexic. Nowadays people look at me and say “you are so lucky, look at you, you have great genetics”. And it was SO VERY HARD to cut sugar and processed foods from my diet but I believe anyone can do it. Thanks to Dr. Robert, Dr. Rangan and many others, the truth about sugar and processed foods is getting out. 😀
  • I was raised as oldest child of seven and my dad would not let us eat candy or drink cokes. We raised chickens & rabbits for the table. We always had a garden and a milk cow. We usually raised a hog every year. The foods we purchased was pinto beans and potatoes. I thank god for my dad. Many of our neighbors thought my dad was mean because he did not buy candy or sweet drinks for his kids. This was in the early 50s and 60s
  • Week three of cutting processed sugar. It has been worth it but the first two weeks were very difficult. The hunger I experienced was insatiable no matter how much I ate. My stomach rumbled constantly and it wasn't just cravings to eat sugary things; I would have eaten anything, a bowl of raw broccoli even if it would get it to stop, but nothing helped. This was also accompanied by fatigue and constant peeing through the night which kept me awake. I was exhausted and miserable. I see how people fall off the wagon and are locked into the cycle of sugar addiction, not necessarily consuming it to make them feel good, but to keep the horrible withdrawals away. I gritted my teeth and persevered and I'm out on the other side now. It is week three and I've lost 5 1/2 lbs. My skin is clearing up. My mood has lifted. My sense of taste has improved and changed. I've been preparing all of my meals from scratch and have saved money doing so. Food companies are using sugar to hijack our biology and psychology and are raking in profits at the expense of our health; the drug companies benefit from this as well. They are disgusting.
  • @ambition112
    0:30: ⚠ Consuming sugar is like poisoning your mitochondria, inhibiting energy production and contributing to chronic diseases. 10:07: 🍬 Excessive sugar consumption, similar to alcohol, can lead to chronic metabolic diseases. 18:54: 🤔 Insulin resistance plays a primary role in weight gain and obesity, contradicting the traditional belief that weight gain is solely a result of overeating and lack of exercise. 28:54: 🍺 Sugar and alcohol are metabolized virtually identically and both contribute to type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease. 37:33: 🔑 Modern medicine treats symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of chronic diseases. 46:08: 🍔 Highly processed food is the root cause of many chronic diseases and is linked to high mortality rates in developed countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. 55:28: 🍎 Real food is food that came out of the ground or animals that ate the food that came out of the ground, and it is minimally processed. 1:04:49: 🍎 Protect the liver and feed the gut by consuming fiber-rich foods to promote microbial diversity and improve overall health. 1:21:30: 🥤 Soft drinks, including diet drinks, are detrimental to health and can lead to overeating and increased insulin production. 1:24:00: 🍬 Diet sweeteners may not help with weight loss and can contribute to metabolic dysfunction. 1:36:07: 📚 Robert Lustig discusses the impact of sugar on health, particularly liver fat accumulation, and the need to rethink healthcare and diet. 1:42:39: 🍏 Eating specific foods can prevent the growth of tumors and keep cancers harmless. Recap
  • @Rebecca-je6qf
    I have been sugar free, real food for a year. At 60, this was my first winter without illness, or depression!
  • @tuibeth
    I removed sugar from my diet 4 weeks ago. I’ve lost 8lbs and feel much better, more energy and clearer thinking. I saw my oncologist for a review and he said after looking at my blood results ‘whatever you’re doing, keep doing it’. Tumour markers reduced, liver function improved and cholesterol back in the good range and that’s after only 4 weeks. I’m delighted. So glad I gave this a try and will definitely be continuing.
  • @itsnlee
    I watched this 6 months ago and have since made changes to my diet. I started working out on a fasted state around 2-3 times a week, stopped consuming processed food (which included store bread), sugars and ate whole foods like avocado, oily fish, eggs etc. The change is immediately noticeable and I agree with everything said in this video. I suffer from eczema on my hands and for nearly 10 years no prescribed creams worked, but the improvement from cutting down sugar gradually couldn't be a coincidence. When I did consume again, it comes back and my skin becomes irritated. There's less brain fog, more clarity , better appearance and decent weight. I used to eat a croissant every single day, cereals or maybe even a crepe or two for breakfast. It's horrifying looking back now what I used to eat. I now have no such cravings for them, stopped using white sugar and flour in baking to find healthier alternatives, but do indulge in 70% dark chocolate occasionally. It was hard at the start to make the change but it gets easier. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge.
  • @mari3602
    The two choices we have in life: Discipline or Regret.
  • @jerricaher
    I'm 100% addicted to sugar! When I eat anything with sugar in it I cant stop and will crave sugar for days. Since I went sugar free I feel much better and im at a healthy weight. My co workers laugh at me when I tell them I have a sugar addiction but admitting I have a problem is the first start, they are all in denial with their sugar addiction.
  • I’m healthy at 77. I eat this way. I lost 20 lbs. 4.5 yrs. ago. It’s not a matter of death - it’s about healthy aging.
  • chronically ill with sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis at 40! I am detoxing and quitting sugar today!
  • I’ve worked in an NHS mental health hospital for several years now and it never ceases to amaze me the appalling lack of knowledge and awareness medical professionals such as doctors and nurses have when it comes to the link between nutrition and health. The dementia and neuropsychiatry wards are particularly bad where patients who have fasting bloods of 7- 8, and after eating 12-13 is seen as normal and of no concern. I find it ironic that diabetic patients (which there are many) are not allowed to have sugar in their drinks but yet are permitted to eat as much toast, beans, potato, cereal, pasta, rice as they like. I once voiced my concerns about this with a senior nurse, who simply shrugged her shoulders whilst telling me there’s very little sugar in bread, rice or pasta so it was fine. I couldn’t believe this highly experienced nurse didn’t have a clue how carbs are processed in the body. For a second, I was tempted to inform her that these carbs are converted into glucose by the liver causing huge blood sugar and insulin spikes. I thought better of it. My words would’ve almost certainly fallen on deaf ears. Just the other week I witnessed a nurse encouraging a diabetic patient to eat some toast before they go to bed as their bloods were too low 5.8. I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. After the toast her bloods shot up to 12! The nurse was happy with this and allowed her to go to bed. Many patients are encouraged to eat three meals per day plus snacks and supper which include pudding after every meal (usually cake and custard). toast, and copious amounts of biscuits. Many patients who’s bloods are too low (5-6 range) for their insulin shots are encouraged to eat several biscuits so they can get their shot. Patients who refuse meals as they’re simply NOT HUNGRY are regularly bullied into submission and virtually force fed. Nurses and staff go into a blind panic thinking that missing a meal or two will somehow have a detrimental effect. For those who don’t cave into the pressure it’s not long before the Ensures (full of sugar) are being pushed upon them. It’s a farce. As a result of this appalling lack of understanding around nutrition many patients pile on the weight, and their condition deteriorates rapidly. Many patients are on a whole cocktail of drugs which seem to have very little positive effect whatsoever. In fact, I’m convinced many suffer detrimental side effects as a result. This is an NHS hospital where patients are supposed to come to get better. It’ a sad state of affairs! What the heck is going on!?
  • About 8 years ago I learned that sugar feeds cancer cells. Wow! My sugar consumption came to a halt. And I don't miss it at all.
  • Years ago I ate a “ meal “ from a fast food restaurant but my body didn’t respond like I had eaten. It’s hard to describe how I felt. It was like still being hungry even though my stomach was full. It made me think my body didn’t get nutrients from what I ate or couldn’t process what I ate. I joked to my family that these processed meals are like play-do. It looks like food, but isn’t. Now, I’m thinking I was on to something.
  • This video changed my life. After discovering this video in March 2023 I decided to give quitting sugar a try and lo and behold, my depression and brain fog lifted within a week. It sent me on a path to realize what being healthy really means, and it starts with cutting sugar and processed food. I'm only 26 but I gained all the energy back and more that I had when I was in high school. The two teaspoons of sugar I was putting in my coffee was all it took to perpetuate my problems, which I am guessing was a fatty liver and systemic inflammation, and the general metabolic syndrome. Given that I'm not obese, I would have had a harder time realizing - they always associate disease with obesity. Rob Lustig is the first one to dissociate them and describe fructose as a toxin all by itself, regardless of "calories".
  • @taurus7228
    Hi. Thank you. I am a doctor myself. I have always been damn so sure that hypertension is the symptom of something bigger. And of course it is frustrating when we keep treating symptoms rather than the cause and not even truly knowing it. Same with so many other diseases. Thank you 🙏
  • @brdfleetwood
    I’ve had gout since I was 28 years old and have listened to doctors and cut meat and alcohol from my diet. So what did I eat…carbs and sugar, bread, vegetables, fruit, and dairy. 3 month ago I watched a few doctors on line talking about this subject and it has changed my life. I have been on a very low carb diet + intermittent fasting and have never felt better. I’m down 35 lbs and my gout attacks have slowed down and have become less severe too. My joint still hurt from 25 years of severe gout attacks but they are starting to feel better. I wasn’t even able to walk 4 city blocks without being in pain. Now I can be on my feet all day without severe pain. I’m so excited to see how I feel in another 3 months. I’ll never eat sugar or processed foods again if I can avoid it. With the intermittent fasting it has allowed me to skip meals if there wasn’t anything healthy for me to eat and I would just eat double at me next meal. I still can’t believe how great I feel now. I thank all of these doctors and professional for getting this information out to the masses.
  • Attempting to avoid sugar in your diet makes you realise how much is added to things. I had stopped eating sugar (or so I thought) the past 3 days, cookies, chocolate, ice cream etc. I'd been able to do it, despite other people around me eating it. But then yesterday I realised it's in the bread I was halfway through. I then realised mid way through cooking a stir fry it's in the chili sauce I usually add. I had a few crisps ( potato chips) then realised they also have it in. So while I had been good to avoid the usual biscuits, ice creams that I usually might consume. I was still consuming sugar. To think how much sugar some people must be consuming daily, without people realising is truely scary. You might think you've quit, but then there's this background level of hidden sugar waiting there for you. It's shocking when you consider what this is potentially doing to people's health.
  • Since I started to cut out as much sugar as possible and processed food my asthma attacks praticlly went away...🤯 I'm still shocked about it...
  • @janetmiller7159
    From right now i am no longer eating sugar or drinking alcohol thank you Robert