Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade op.35 - Leif Segerstam - Sinfónica de Galicia

Published 2015-05-26
Scheherazade, op. 35

Introducción. El mar. El barco de Simbad (00:05)
La historia del príncipe Kalender (12:03)
El joven príncipe y la princesa (25:10)
Fiesta en Bagdad. El mar. El barco de Simbad naufraga al chocar contra una roca en cuya cima se halla un herrero de bronce (37:18)

Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia
Leif Segerstam, director
Slava Chestiglazov, concertino


Grabación realizada en el Palacio de la Ópera de A Coruña, el 15 de mayo de 2015

Realización de Antonio Cid/RDC Producciones
Ingeniero de sonido: Pablo Barreiro (CRTVG)

All Comments (21)
  • @joannemiele3153
    I m 70 yrs old doing my bucket list. Reading the comments I don't feel so all alone. Thank you
  • never thought i'd see a conductor start yelling during a concert. this was absolutely epic.
  • @navjor439
    Hermosisima obra . Tan bien interpretada por la Sinfónica de Galicia. Me gusta ver el detalle de cámaras que enfocan a cada instrumento o grupo de instrumentos el el momento que intervienen. Todo es armonioso por aquí. Agradecido disfruto mucho ver esta obra . Esta en mi lista de favoritas.
  • @fdevalois1
    "Scheherazade" is a symphonic suite composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1888. It is based on the story of "One Thousand and One Nights," also known as "Arabian Nights," which tells the story of the Persian queen Scheherazade, who tells her husband, the Sultan, a new tale every night to delay her execution. The suite is divided into four movements: The Sea and Sinbad's Ship: This movement starts with a solo violin representing the character of Scheherazade, and it continues with a depiction of the sea and the ship of the legendary sailor Sinbad. The movement features many solos and duets for various instruments, including clarinet, bassoon, and horn. The Story of the Kalendar Prince: This movement tells the story of a prince who falls in love with a princess, but she is under a curse that causes her to change into a bird every morning. The prince eventually breaks the curse, and they live happily ever after. The Young Prince and the Young Princess: This movement features a beautiful love duet between two solo instruments, the violin and the clarinet, representing the two lovers. Festival at Baghdad - The Sea - The Ship Breaks against a Cliff Surmounted by a Bronze Horseman: The final movement is the most dramatic and exciting of the four. It depicts a great festival in Baghdad, with a procession of people, camels, and elephants, and concludes with the ship of Sinbad crashing against a cliff with a statue of a bronze horseman on top. "Scheherazade" is one of Rimsky-Korsakov's most famous and enduring works and is known for its lush orchestration, vivid storytelling, and evocative melodies. It is considered a masterpiece of Russian Romantic music and is still regularly performed and recorded today.
  • @sydchaden
    Listening to Scheherazade is one of the most beautiful experiences of my 90 years.
  • @peppapig9987
    When ever I feel suicidal I listen to this piece and remember the reason I am still living. This performance got me back into music, I'm now playing piano again, and I'm starting to learn Liszt! Edit: 26/12/23 I'm still alive. It's gotten better in the past 18 months. Dont stoo fighting. Use this music to keep yourself sain. It's never too late to get pulled back. Keep fighting my friends.
  • I have lost count how many times I come here to listen to this beautiful perfect performance. Everytime my lovely black cat sits on me and listens with pleasure to every note. My 6 parrots go quiet and listen intently with their eyes flaring with excitement. ❤ You can see the emotion it creates for them.
  • Mit diesem Werk ist Rimsky Korsakov ein ganz besonderes Meisterwerk gelungen. Die Grundidee ist einfach. Die Variationen hingegen sind äußerst kreativ, impulsiv und ausgwogen. Ich hab noch nie ein klassisches Stück wie "Scherazeade" gehört, das dermaßen die Phantasie beflügelt, und das Blut bei Zeiten gleichermaßen in Wallung bringt. Um gleich darauf zu zeigen wie sensibel und sparsam er das Ganze zur Ruhe bringen kann. Ich kann mich an einige Filme erinnern, in denen diese Musik pefekt zum großen Kino-Genuß geführt hat. Das Orchester hat mit einer grandiosen Leistung zum Genuß des Stückes beigetragen. Die Aufnahme ist in einer außerordentlich guten Qualität. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass dieses Musikstück schon viele zu Vans der klassischen Musik gemacht hat.
  • @johig4378
    I came to see a genius who attended Juilliard for his graduate degree, a man who mastered 3 musical instruments, who did not let a spinal injury or cancer deter him from what he loves most, a man who has conducted 12 opera orchestras and who has written 327 symphonies, 18 of them in one year to keep his mind away from his health challenges. In addition, I was rewarded by an engrossingly brilliant display of visual artistry, a conductor waving his arms dramatically in what mimics a Rembrandt painting with chiaroscuro embellishments. Truly a memorable trip.
  • @yahyamurat7307
    1980’li yılların başlarında yaşadığım köyde hiç kimsede televizyon yok iken, her cuma sabah 7-7:30 arası radyoda bir masal programı olurdu. Program, birinci bölüm solo keman ile başlar ve devamında üç dakika devam ederdi. 11 yaşında bir çocuk olarak o solo keman ve devamındaki kısa bölümde efsunlu bir kapı açılır içeri dalardım veya masal diyarı kaf dağının arkasına uçup gelirdim. Bu eserlere aşık oluşum işte o radyo programı ile başladı. Bu eserin bestecisine ve o masal programını yapanlara çok müteşekkirim.
  • @gegessen159
    So this is what Santa does the remaining year? Honestly this is the finest piece of classic here on Youtube. I came back once a week for a year now!
  • @windstorm1000
    Russian composition, Finnish conductor, Spanish orchestra, Persian folk tale inspiration--welcome to the wonderful peaceful world of music!--I wish governments worked in harmony like this--there'd be no wars--just joy and harmony.
  • @alrichmond4341
    How the orchestra did not end up drenched in sea water they conjured up is beyond me. Perfection.
  • @ninabonheur2983
    Fantastique interprétation ! Tout est excellent , le chef d orchestre, les musiciens, un pur chef d œuvre. Merci ❤
  • @oscarlfem
  • @tragikk03
    Thank you for not ruining the piece with ads
  • The brass sound this group puts off is literally to die for
  • ...Gracias de nuevo! Es una de las Melodías más hermosas en La Música Clásica...y no me canso de oírla...❤
  • @user-zf7hk1gl9r
    Bravo!!!❤ БРАВО!!!❤ Колоссальное удовольствие и радость доставили, оркестр великолепен, дирижёр бесподобен!!! Спасибо!!!❤❤❤