What Liberals are saying after a shocking byelection loss in Toronto

Published 2024-06-25
Ottawa bureau chief Stuart Thomson talks to parliamentary reporter Catherine Levesque about a surprising Conservative victory in Monday's byelection in Toronto—St. Paul's.

All Comments (21)
  • @bigpicture3
    Do better??? He has had 8 years to "do better", but he never has. Narcissists never do, they feign and pretend about everything.
  • Canadians are sick of Trudeau!! Cant stand to hear his voice!
  • The Trudeau war on the middle class is finally getting push back.
  • @georgepye9861
    It is personal when the government is destroying the lives of hard working Canadians.
  • It's not a conservative win. It is a massive liberal loss the message even staunch liberals are sick of Trudeau.
  • @kluciano7259
    Weird, everyday Canadians thought he would win. It would be tight, but he would win. Canadians are sick of the Trudeau Liberals and all they have done to us, all they represent, the corruption, the abuse of power, the gaslighting. This is just a taste of the things to come. Bravo Toronto-St. Paul's. You did your country a solid, and are clearly paying attention.
  • @Gman44324
    What liberals are saying? I honestly don’t care. It’s because of them we are in this position.
  • @TheGruntski
    The message that has come back from Trudeau and Gould is that the Liberals are listening, but don't intend to change a single thing about their policies, while Freeland insulted voters for voting Conservative. Does that sound like the Liberals are listening to anybody but the funny little voices in their heads? It is to laugh.
  • Time to rid our dictator Crime Minister & his sidekick Singh for good.
  • @krisphigh5690
    Actually the vote was personal, and Trudeau is absolutely going somewhere..... Canadians are done with this guy
  • @davey7452
    The liberals have underestimated the anger Canadians have over that bozo Trudeau and his policies is screwing over them.
  • @lildragon6415
    Nobody wants Turdeau to "do better." Canadians want Turdeau to go away!
  • @lori5455
    Made my Day!! Thank you Toronto! And guess what, Liberals should have seen this coming.
  • This lady is delusional. Voters are "grumpy"... no we are pissed at the Liberals and the ridiculous policies. Time to go
  • @silverfox108
    Good bye woke government..... Time for a smaller government and out of our lives. Federal government is way to invasive in our daily lives. The way they handled c19 scared me because they did not follow the science at all.
  • @MarcelLauzon
    Interesting that nobody mentions how badly the NDP performed. Voters didn't just vote against Trudeau and the Liberals. They all went to the Conservatives which tells me that the Liberals and NDP are going down the sewer together.