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FuFu Lu

5 subscribers

About FuFu Lu

Just a mom who loves the 1940s style, houses, clothes, gardens and lifestyle. I'm a wanna-be time warp housewife who can sew, knit, garden just as well as they did. I strive to learn from all their knowledge, grit and ingenuity. I'm obsessed with 1940s wedding items, houses, household items, clothing, purses, sewing patterns, knitting, laundry, make-do-and-mend, Victory gardens and the makeup. I love Ladies' diaries from the Homefront and hope to find zillions more! I also love Van Heflin and have a room dedicated to him. I love my postcards and all these topics will be here on my channel through a variety of videos. I will also talk about asthma a little and my need for unscented items in my life. I hope some 1940s fans will find and enjoy my little videos. Have fun and take care, Fran PS (I have a link here to a video I made for my Godfather-how to make Beaten Biscuits on my vintage machine).

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