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Make That Change Life Coaching

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Make That Change Life Coachingの説明

A Christian Ministry offering an encouraging word to build up the body of Christ, YOU. Jesus said that each Christian has value in God's eyes, so much value that each of us is likened to a beautiful gem, Living Stones, each of us beautiful and unique, offering a distinct quality to build each other up. This channel will focus on building up and offering refreshment through God's word, as we celebrate and focus on the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, who gives life to all who believe upon him. We are LIVING Stones because of Christ, we gain life through him. Jesus said those who believe upon him, their JOY would be full. You are welcome to come rejoice with us while we discover the beautiful gems in God's word, gems of truth revealing the marvelous value in discovering the message in God's word. He loves us, he VALUES us and he finds us worthy. Amen.

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