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Dino Dave

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Dino Daveの説明

Dino Dave has a passion for the God of creation and enjoys researching the evidence of dinosaurs living with man. Dave is a published author and serves as President of Genesis Park, where it is his goal to reclaim the terrible lizards to the glory of our awesome Creator. He believes that our natural fascination with the dinosaurian creatures should cause us to reflect on the power of our great God (Job 41:10). Dave travels around the world, presenting a seminar called The Creation Investigation. This seminar is a series of exciting, fast-paced presentations regarding the origins debate, Biblical apologetics, and the dinosaurs. While the different topics can stand alone, the series is designed to cover material in a logical fashion, starting with the broad concepts of theism and truth, discussing both the creation and evolution models, and ending with the compelling evidence that the Bible is indeed God’s inspired Word.

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